Everything posted by mortesv
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Thank you! The fun part of building more than one is all the little variations you can make in terms of colours, container configuration etc.. Happy building!
- [MOC] UCS CR-90 Corellian Corvette – Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Thank you! I think I know what you mean :) Actually my philosophy when building the Medical Frigate which was the first ship in my fleet was to build as big and detailed as possible while getting the maximum potential out of the bricks. The scale I found was 1 : 250 - making that ship 120 cm long. When building the rest of the fleet I naturally wanted to keep that scale and to my luck everything just clicked - both with the Blockade Runner and the Transport, and even with the smaller ships. Building at this scale many of the solutions come very naturally and the amount of detail possible is crazy :)
[MOC] The Rebel Fleet Grows! – Corellian Engineering UB-820 Heavy Tanker
Romulan Ale perhaps? No wait, wrong universe :) I have been looking at the various film model forums amd there are no known pictures of the model - or event the parts it is made of. I have a feeling there is an old ashtray in there though :) My thoughts exactly! At first glance I thought was bigger as well - being a bit behind the frigate. But after a few playbacks I could see it is under the frigate, looking comparable to the Falcon.
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Thank you - and good luck with the Neb! By the way - all my ships can be swooshed - if the don't mind a few greebles fying off in the process ;)
[MOC] The Rebel Fleet Grows! – Corellian Engineering UB-820 Heavy Tanker
The fleet is "done", but I just can’t stop building. So I found this little ship that didn't make the cut last time around :) The ship is seen a few seconds at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. The ship has no official designation, but I “think” it is a Corellian Engineering UB-820 Heavy Tanker. Sketching it up. I wanted to have the ship in my Rebel fleet (1 : 250), but there is no official record of the ship’s size – or even pictures of the model. The only thing I had to go by is what is seen in the movie. So before I could begin building the ship I had to determine its size. In the clip where the ship is seen there is a camera pan. By watching this continuously I got a sense of its size. I ended up with a ship slightly longer then the Millennium Falcon and I made a sketch in LDD. The Heavy Tanker. The sketch seen above went to a few a few revisions until I ended up with this model. The Heavy Tanker can transport most known materials in either solid, liquid or gas form. The 800 series can even transport plasma and antimatter thanks to their powerful magnetic containment fields. Overview. The two large tanks in front house the cargo. A pipe system can be seen transporting cargo from one tank to the other should it prove necessary. Behind each tank is a large blowout valve where the cargo can be jettisoned in an emergency. The two-person cockpit is placed between the tanks and on the side of the ship are the multi-substance engines. These engines enable the ship to move trough a number of different liquids and gasses and should the material retrieval require it. The end of the ship houses normal hyperdrive engines. Belly of the Beast. Underneath the ship we find the vacuum intakes for the storage tanks. The intakes can work under most conditions and can also perform refuelling duties for other ships. Flying Away. From this angle we can see the Tanker’s hyperdrive exhaust. Finally the Tanker found the fleet :) This was a fun quick little build - please comment :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Well, I am not sure I 100% approve - I just wanted to see what you did :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Great! Can you show me how the tube is attached to the Falcon, please? :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Btw, if you can figure out how to mount the falcon through the middle vent (in a reasonable way) I'll be very happy, because so far I haven't found a solution. Rigth now it is designed to mount on the top turret as you have also done, but it is not 100% correct.
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
That is great to hear :) I will consider removing the little extra leg now :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Congratulations Azriel! Looks superb on a dark background! Does it hold without support under the "sword"?
Good idea. I do have two colors of Y-wings gold and even more gold. But more colors could be fun ;) I have also tried to make subtle differences between the different between all figters, swapping colors of a few bricks on many of them :) A starfield would be nice! :)
- [MOC] NEW UCS Nebulon B - Medical Frigate 'Redemption'
- [MOD/WIP] 10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner refresh
Update - many more fighters! Overview The fleet is made up of the following ships (Updated): - 15 T65A X-Wings (Up from 8) - 16 BLT Y-Wings (Up from 6) - 5 A/SF B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighters (Up from 2) - 6 RZ-1 A-Wings (Up from 2) - 2 TIE/LN Starfighters - 1 Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle (Tyderium) - 1 heavily modified YT-1300 Light Freighter (The Millennium Falcon) aka. a piece of junk. - 3 GR-75 Medium Transports - 1 CR-90 Corellian Corvette (the Tantive IV) aka. A Blockade Runner - 1 EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate with medical retrofit (The Redemption) And… - 1 heavily modified Firespray-31-class Patrol and Attack Craft (Slave 1)
UPDATE Now the fleet has MANY more fighters :) (This video has also been inserted to the main post) Updated Overview The fleet is made up of the following ships: - 15 T65A X-Wings (up from 8) - 16 BLT Y-Wings (up from 6) - 5 A/SF B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighters (up from 2) - 6 RZ-1 A-Wings (up from 2) - 2 TIE/LN Starfighters - 1 Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle (Tyderium) - 1 heavily modified YT-1300 Light Freighter (The Millennium Falcon) aka. a piece of junk. - 3 GR-75 Medium Transports - 1 CR-90 Corellian Corvette (the Tantive IV) aka. A Blockade Runner - 1 EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate with medical retrofit (The Redemption) - 1 heavily modified Firespray-31-class Patrol and Attack Craft (Slave 1)
[MOD/WIP] 10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner refresh
Yeah, a lot of the schematics made after the movies are improvised. Many Star Destroyer schematics are for example wildly disproportionate compared to the movie models. I had the same problem with the medical frigate - the most common schematics had little to do with the model used in the movies. When predating the prequels, the schematic could in theory have been the inspiration for the CR-60 Corvette concept, but I don't know :) But it is interesting to note that the 10019 is much closer to this schematic than it is to the studio model.
[MOD/WIP] 10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner refresh
These schematics are not based on the CR-90 studio model - but maybe the CR-60 from EP III. It could seem that lego made their Corvette using the CR-60 design - which is shorter and has a much more blocky engine section. When building my moc I found many pictures of the studio model used for ANH and a schematic based on the same model (CR-90). If you are curious go to and search for Blockade Runner studio model.
- [MOD/WIP] 10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner refresh
[MOD/WIP] 10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner refresh
Also bear in mind that only TWO of the engines have red rings. Even if you want to stick to the original design - getting this details correct - and saving rare parts should be a win-win :) When looking at the engine section from behind it should be the upper left and the lower right engines - see here:
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Congratulations with the fleet :) I am bit surprised that the GR-75 proved to be a nightmare - I mean compared to the Frigate :) I do remember I kept bumping the bottom greeblies off when putting the two halves together though :)
- [MOD/WIP] 10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner refresh
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Way to go Hunter! I have a very similar setup with the UCS falcon on a table below the the shelf :)
AT-AT MOC (plus-sized -- but not super big)
If lego made this I would have to buy another AT-AT - well done Rasko! I am a big fan of the cockpit - housing both an officer and two pilots - movie accurate as always :) The feet however, seem a tad too small - Is there a way to enlarge them (and the toes) slightly, without composing shape/stability? You probably have had these considerations already, I am just curious :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
You are welcome! :) Well the Corvette is a beauty :) Right now I get about 1-2 hours sleep each night - the little devil is keeping us awake. This mean no time for ldd, but I have ordered bricks to build more fighters for the fleet - building the little ships has great meditative qualities :)
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