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Everything posted by mortesv

  1. A great setup! I wish I could display my fleet in the middle of a room like that every day :) By the way I do not think there were any A or B-wings in ESB, but I'll let it slide :) I'll see what I can do with the corvette, but right now my son is taking up most of my spare time - and I also have a Home One to finish ;)
  2. Seems your case did a good job! Let us know how it goes! And please give this thread a shout out if anyone is interested in building their own :) I wish all the Neb/Rebel fleet builders here could meet at a con and display one humongous fleet with 15 frigates 40 transports and a thousand fighters - and maybe two dozen Corvettes ;)
  3. Can't wait to see pictures of your set-up :) Have you built the smaller ships as well, Falcon, Shuttle, Slave 1? Which reminds me, maybe I should make a Slave 1 ldd :)
  4. That is a great looking case Scott, you are quite the craftsman! Will you bring your transports and a few fighters? A squadron of fighters really helps set the scale :)
  5. But in Return of the Jedi, Home One WAS present in the Rebel Fleet... Are you suggesting this should become a RotJ Rebel fleet? LDD is already running on my PC ;)
  6. Thank you - engines are the best part of any ship! :) Thank you, that is the goal. To hit a style, scale and a level of detail, that makes each model look natural next to the other, no matter their size difference. That is also why it can be hard to stop tweaking the "older" models each time a new is introduced :)
  7. Building as many ships as possible in the same scale is the best! Now I just need to construct the 3,8km Home One. It will be 15,2 meters long! ;)
  8. My new version uses 31 pieces instead of 40 - better shaping and better proportions without losing detail :) The old version was inspired by Tim Goddard's micro Y-wing. His version was scaled a bit larger so when modified it began to look a it blocky. The new version is much better for this scale. Thanks for the inspiration for a curved sloped cockpit echo :) I have also modified the A.wing a bit but not much.
  9. I made a new y-wing prototype inspired by ecmo's sloped cockpit design and some other changes I wanted to make: [ This version retains the length of my old version, but everything is also slimmed down. This is a prototype, the finished fighters will have a bit more yellow around the cockpit area :)
  10. Thanks for the pictures Scott! I am considering modifying the Y-wings cockpit - doing some test but not 100% sure. Will try to see if I can make a curved cockpit, but still in the same size as the old one :)
  11. Good looking fighters ecmo :) Yes, they are a bit too big - especially the X-wing, but they still look fine :) Is it possible to take pictures of the Y-wing and A-wing more disassembled, so we can see how they are put together?
  12. Thank you! I would like to speak french, it is such a cool sounding language :)
  13. Thank you! It was the most simple to desing and build by far. When designing it in ldd, it almost built itself. At this size finding the right bricks with the right curves came naturally :) If you are looking for a large scale version, you should check out Cavegod's Transport :) I think all the ships looks really well together :) My favourite alway changes to the ship I built last, so right now it is the entire fleet ;)
  14. Thank you, I am blushing :) Thanks! In a global way - I like that expression, thank you! Well, Star Wars is beautiful! :) Thank you! Reading all these post is part of joy building a moc :)
  15. What do you mean by flawed proportions? Since this rendition, I have tweaked a few things ever so slightly, but everything is based on the studio model for the films.
  16. How do I report?
  17. Yeah - and it might be 15 meter if the largest estimates are to be believed :P But without a definitive size, I am not sure it will ever happen. It is not very fun to have everything to scale, but you are not sure if the largest piece of the puzzle should be larger or smaller :/
  18. Well I began with just one Transport, but it did not look like a fleet - and more are seen in the scene. After I had built the second I was pretty satisfied, but I still had more shelf space so I built one more. I was also pretty fun making each of them a bit different :D I am considering building a Home One in Scale. I just need to get a definitive size for it - oh and new house to make room for it :)
  19. Thanks Bob, and thank you for the front page feature! :D Home (one) - I get it. It will be my next project, I just need to decide the scale. Official sources are not exactly agreeing on the matter - anything from 1200 - 3800 meters. Meaning anywhere from a 5m to a 15m ship to keep the scale :D
  20. Just to clarify, there is a world of difference between discussing, say, hasbro bricks and Lepin. Lepin is a criminal company and any purchase of their product is a criminal offense. IMO people who want to talk about other brands should do so in other non-lego forums. Lepin should be discussed nowhere.
  21. This is an excellent creation, and in my opnion what a modern USC should look like. You should not worry that the official model is a bit longer, bacause the proportions of that model is way off. I am a big fan of the official model, but as with the UCS Blockade Runner, time has taken its toll. Your techniques are inspired and the detailing, size and proportions more than makes this creation UCS worthy!
  22. The problem is that cjd223 can't make instructions without a ldd and I do not have a finished ldd, since I designed a substantial part of the model directly in bricks. I have tried to finish the ldd, but in several places it is not possible. Maybe I could stich something together with floating bricks in a few places - but I am not sure how popular I would get sharing something half finished :)
  23. Yup, I fed the baby while pictures were taken :) Yeah, there are some smaller ships, but as I mention, there is no size reference for them. Which is too bad :/ Thank, you :) But shouldn't the reference be "most impressive"? ;)
  24. Oh, that sounds brutal. Crutches are a bane. My worst injury was falling and crushing a bottle through my hand. I still don't have proper sensation in my left hand - which leads to some nasty model drops from time to time. But I digress, the frigate will be a nice build to start up building again :)
  25. Thanks for the comments guys! :) Someone sent me this: This reminds me of final most shot of ESB, if anyone feels like it, please make more of these :)
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