2008 Picture thread
have you noticed that the RGS and the AT-TE both have to regular EPII clones not including rex and cody *sweet* *sweet* *sweet* ;-)
Help choose a Lego Star Wars 10th annaversiry set (2009)
how about a AAT with 15 droids including pilot and comander in same set as fighter tank tx with 10 clones including pilot and cmanser
2008 Picture thread
ill want to put bubble turrets on my rgs where can i buy the single pieces? ALL of the new set ill get apart from the V-19 we seem to get new pics every 3days
2008 Picture thread
if you look on the siloetts of the super battle droids it says magna droid p.s. someone how do you add pics to your post
2008 Picture thread
I stil would prefer more cones with the RGS, as not many were made, but that is just me being fussy. :-P Hopefully their will be many clones with the new Clone war sets. I have not watched the clone war cartoons before, I think I am going to have too! personally i think noone wants CONES we want clones yuoore right i need to watch the cartoon if you look at the rgs by the cargo bay to the left theres a piece that looks like a hatch that opens might the bubble turrets be i there?
2008 Picture thread
if you look near the cargo are to the left theres panels that look like they move might the bubble gun turrets be behind here? sorry theres nopic to show where i mean i dont no how to put it on
2008 Picture thread
its got virtually nothing to do with this topic but if anyone here collects warhammer dont you think it would be cool if they did star wars warhammer *y*
2008 Picture thread
- 2008 Picture thread
Btw, if anyone could tell me where to find the V-Wing, please tell me! ;-) the best ship in star wars and you dont no where it is X-O end of ep3 guiding emporer palp's shuttle :-D apparently the new gunship has 10 clonies not sure if they're all the same though *y* :-D X-D ;-) :-)- 2008 Picture thread
yeah the windshield is ****- 2008 Picture thread
This AT-TE features less stickers and and the TECNIC look of the legs suggests an improved walking mechanism! the at te has a motor that will dissapoint people i dont mind ill get it anyway *sad* - 2008 Picture thread
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