Everything posted by Napoleon53
- Lagoon Outpost
- Lagoon Outpost
- Lagoon Outpost
- Lagoon Outpost
Lagoon Outpost
My first MOC I've been able to post online in almost a year, not to mention I built this months ago and just didn't have a camera to take a picture of it. I have a large collection, but not anywhere close to ones lots of you guys have, so I have to use my bricks wisely, such as skimping on the water; I didn't even intend it to have water to begin with, and if I had, I could have built sideways with blue bricks to do studless water. So yeah, the water looks crappy, and I meant to replace the white tiles near the front before I took the pictures, but forgot. :/ I looked at the EB "Build a Medieval Village" guide to do the millhouse (I'm sorry, but I can't remember who wrote the guide, but credit's due to them). And if anyone is curious, the flag draped on the tower wall is hand-drawn and colored by me, based on the old Pirates Imperial Trading Post. :) Anyway, I hope you like my little MOC here. Leave a comment if you can! Here is the full set on Flickr (with some more descriptions):
Nuclear power plant opens
Yes, I just figured that out right before you posted. Problem solved.
Nuclear power plant opens
Well, done, Mr. Serengeti! I actually read about this on the Minifig Times first, as I've been a big fan for years.
Space Marines!
I don't know how to get across the extent of my love for this theme. You could become the next Greg Farshtey.
MOC: LEGO Mini Fig Scale Worl War 2 German Schnellboot
Beautiful. I agree with soccerkid said. Fantastic ship. What's not to like?
LEGO Napoleonic Wars
Kids'd hate that. To get the treasure, there MUST be conflict, and when there's conflict, at least in the minds of kids, there's a bad guy. So, as I and others said, there must be bad guys.
LEGO Napoleonic Wars
Very pretty picture indeed; it was drawn by my friend Hound Knight, the same guy who did my avatar. Lol, yeah, new sets could feature a new kind of fig similar to the basketball and light-up lightsaber ones: New LEGO Napoleonic Wars. Now with head-popping action!" Yep, I kind of picked up that the Black Falcons were neutral-bad guys in CC, but that may just be me. And yep, if Bluecoats were presented as bad, people with French heritage and French people themselves would be outraged. I would, too. If the Redcoats were presented as bad, it'd be even worse, with Britain's legacy still quite popular. So yeah, they would really have to fantasy it up to make it workable.
LEGO Napoleonic Wars
Why did you have caps on? On the internet, caps means shouting...
LEGO Napoleonic Wars
Yeah, through Cuusoo, but it'd have to be REALLY well-presented to get votes, otherwise people would think it was just castle with gunpowder and funny outfits.
I'm interested to see how this turns out. I see someone else is hoarding CMF Bearskins. One thing: you should change your Napoleon and Wellington heads, as neither of them had facial hair at any time.
2012 Pirates?
Sorry, I can't understand you very well, but are you saying you'll post a 2013 thread anyway? Or are you saying you'll post a thread in July? Even then that's still far too early, IMO. In the past, I've seen next year stuff mainly popping up late in the year. At least that's what I recall, if I'm correct.
LEGO Napoleonic Wars
Sacre bleu! Zo many posts while I try to type moi own! To ze guillotine with you! Actually, Musketeers were late 1600's, during the reign of Louis the Sun King, fully a hundred years before I, Corsican Ogre, raged and raped Europe. The CMF Musketeers are more Renaissance-y. *crosses fingers* Yes, please! I totally agree. I didn't know when Napoleon lived till late in elementary school, and my homeschool company went to world history faster (learned about WWI in detail in 2nd Grade) than public school books usually do, so that says something. This theme idea could work, as long as the soldiers look somewhat accurate, like the old pirates troops. Napoleonic Ninjago? Uh, no thanks, monsieur.
LEGO Store "Build a Minifigure"
Yes, I know; very sorry. I wasn't around on here to debate it originally. Dropping.
Doctor Who - Area 52
Though I get tired of Dr. Who because I know nothing about it ( ), this is excellent. I, too, adore that "sun" picture. Amazing shot.
Custom Figures
Thank you. I fear you are right; I always forget about the non-administrative/theme forums.
LEGO Store "Build a Minifigure"
Lol, no, fortunately. I meant the BAM CMF arms and hands, and board game and battlepack ones, are loose when you swap them with normal torsos, thus ruining compatibility. Chinese parts are also translucent when light hits them, and the colors aren't close to being as bright. The BAM and CMF figs yellow heads themselves are a different shade from regular figs. Look closely at yours and you'll see what I mean. It's an old argument, but scary nonetheless. I don't want to see my favorite hobby destroyed by cheap plastic. A pair of my plain black CMF legs looked almost pearl black it was so different from Europe's black. As for posting a picture: my cavewoman's legs brown stitch printing looked okay, but the tan was basically yellow, making her look like she was wearing brown rope instead of a skirt.
Space Adventures
Woah! My mouse glitched! That's embarrassing. Please delete. Very sorry about that.
Space Adventures
I've long been divided between pirates and space as my favorite theme, and I tried to create The Lego Pirate Chronicles in the pirate forum, but I've realized I just don't have enough pirates to do a good job illustrating it (for instance, I can't do really nice ship battles--I can do a good-looking ship, but not another one after that), and I realize for a lot of people, it needs to be illustrated. I do have a LOT of Space and Space-related stuff, and I'm about to make a Bricklink order for some of the SPIII sets I missed out on, plus I consider myself much better at space vehicles than pirates. So, I was wondering if people would follow along with a space story, and possibly even help me out with MOC scenes I might not be able to make or just for the heck of it. I worked for quite a while on a space story with some friends, and have written/am writing several popular (online)sci-fi novels. I think I could pull it off. If so, what would you guys, the Uber Space Fans, like to see? I want to keep the cartoony film noir/Bogart feel of the Space Police III movies, and make it... ?mildly-darkly? funny, as I think a story revolving around yellow plastic figures should be. But aside from that, I'm open to anything. Should I include the Pre-Classic Space factions? (gotta love the Eastern Block) What would the universe be like? What would different types of aliens be called? Etc. How could I incorporate favorite sets? Does anyone know of any planet/city names LEGO has officially used? Input is appreciated. EDIT: As the Joker would say, "Here's my card." *hands you the following script* Alexander Zywise flipped down the visor on his standard-issue Space Police helmet. Through the translucent red screen, he looked at his orders from the Chief-- all those who lay in the path of the armored hover truck were violating the curfew laid down on the truck's route to its destination and were to be terminated immediately. Private Zywise fingered his Selios Weapon Foundries 5-62 blaster shotgun. He checked to make sure the plasma ammunition canister was firmly in place above the barrel and then looked back to his visor-monitor. In the left corner was a cycling number of views from outside the truck, thanks to its armored cameras. Nothing appeared unusual. Not a soul was stirring on the hover highway. Floating signs usually lit up for traffic were shut down, giving an eerie shadowy appearance to the road leading to the capital of a system. Figopolis City had good reason to be concerned about money and technology transport; twenty years prior, the Blacktron Crime Syndicate had begun here. Sure, Blacktron had been defeated in the Great Crackdown, when System-Marshal Andreck Bayzr had given the Space Police free-reign and marshal law, but that didn't mean holdouts didn't exist of the once-dreaded syndicate. Plus, you could never tell when low-life gutter-scum independent gangs would try something stupid. Alexander didn't think any of them would, but it paid to be alert, literally. Suddenly, just as Alexander was thinking about where he'd spend his next paycheck, something blinked on the camera. He focused intently. "Hey, Sarge, think we might have something here," he said nervously to the truck's driver. Sarge nodded and looked carefully at their surroundings through the laser-proof windshield. Again, something blinked. The sergeant clicked a button on his helmet to talk to the escort vehicles. "Squad Cars 1, 2, 3, and 4, stay alert. We think something might be tailing us." A voice answered, "Roger that, Sergeant, we'll keep- Argh! Mayday, Squad Car 2 is down! Repeat: Squad Car 2 is down! Hostiles present! We are under attack." Another static-garbled Space Police officer's voice came on, panic-stricken. "Gods help us, 4 is down! Repeat: Squad Car 4 has been blown to Hells and gone." Sarge frowned a great big frown. "Roger that, 3, executing evasive maneuvers." Just then, someone hacked into the Police Caravan's frequency. "Hello, copper boys, P-Squiddy here to let you know we are experiencing technical difficulties; expect a brief pitstop... while we loot your bodies and take your precious cargo! Hahaha!" laughed the voice of the infamous Squidman gangster. Alexander readied his shotgun. He wasn't getting paid enough for this.
Watching Forums/Threads
Yus! Thanks, Doctor. I very much appreciate it.
Watching Forums/Threads
If there's a thread for this, sorry, I didn't see it. I don't like email notifications, as I don't even use my email (I use Facebook). So, I chose the no email choice. It mentions the Subscriptions Panel; where is that? Every forum I've ever been on has had a Sub Panel. Not finding it makes me very, very angry and I think I'll leave Eurobricks. Just kidding. Thanks for any answers! It's much appreciated.
Custom Figures
Okee-day, I'm not sure I'm posting these images correctly, but they are the right size. All of these decals were made by Hound Knight except one or two, who very generously allowed me to use them. Neo Lieutenant de Martinet: Care for a cup of brown joy? One the more unpopular members of the crew: The only quaker minifigure I believe that has ever been made. This is one of my favorites, and it proves Angelica's hairpiece can be used for something else. Bluecoat Elite: U.S. Marine of the Barbary Wars. Another favorite. Redcoats. Note the one just to the left of the center; an Opium War trooper. Urah! For Alexander! A real metal sword, made from a broken basketball air pump needle. I'll paint this one soon. Crissy Columby. Examples of my custom Greencoat faction. I drew the flag. And my tribute to the mighty Hound Knight, himself, in sig-fig form.
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