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Everything posted by JaHawk2009

  1. Decided to splash out on the Centurion edition and trade the game back in, got to my local store, and they've sold out of Silver Centurion bundles. Guess I'm not meant to have this variant.
  2. Gonna give the Avenjet a miss for now, maybe pick it up later in the year, but definitely want the Panther and Airport sets. And that Bridge is a day one purchase when it comes out - no doubt
  3. Fellow UK member here, and March works for me - lets me get London Comic Con out the way, and get a couple more paydays squared away so I can hopefully pick up the airport set. And I suppose the appeal of a Goblin from the Mighty Micros is diminished, knowing that the Bridge is coming.
  4. That thought makes me hope for a Civil War poly at some point, with either Panther or Spidey - but super detailed. I've just realised that the Mighty Micros are due out pretty soon - are the Civil War sets out at the same time as the Micros?
  5. Well, I'm gonna just hope for Bruised up Tony. And Spidey. But I'm getting off point -- if anyone has a spare Silver Centurion lying around? Fling it my way ;) haha
  6. Only bundled, only in GAME stores, which is our GameStop equivalent (right down to the crappy trade-in prices). It's very frustrating.
  7. It matters in the UK, as the minifig is bundled with the disc, and I already paid for a digital copy. Somewhat tempted to pick up the bundle copy tomorrow and trade the disc straight back in, but feels like a lot to throw down on a minifig when I'm not too much of an Iron Man collector - it's just a really sweet fig
  8. Dammit. Definitely gonna have to pick one up in that case.
  9. Is the black eye exclusive to this minifig, or is it gonna be in the Civil War sets at all?
  10. Silver Centurion is the first time since Xbox One came out that I have truly regretted being a purely digital gamer. Really hope it drops to a more reasonable price soon - that Tony face is incredible.
  11. So, could a purist custom of Stacy be created already? Does he have any new printing or anything to him
  12. Anybody know when the Mighty Micros are actually out?
  13. Well.... It is literally a LIST of characters that you WISH you could own. Soooo... Wishlist.
  14. So they are! Thanks - and having seen them I have a desire to own all 3. So damn. There goes my wallet. How much are $79.99 sets in GBP usually?
  15. Does anyone know where I can find pictures of the Civil War sets? In all the excitement for these, realised I haven't seen Civil War sets yet.
  16. Kamala Khan Ms Marvel is all I want and need in my life nowadays.
  17. I think it looks great - definitely considering picking it up
  18. Silk would be pretty cool in my opinion - she was overshadowed by Spider-Gwen when she could have been great on her own, so it would be cool to see her get some recognition.
  19. No Dimensions were on display at Toy Fair at all, a Dimensions announcement will likely come at E3 in Summer or via an issue of GameInformer or similar prior to May, when the final wave comes out. WB Games don't want to cannibalise sales of their final 2 waves for Phase 1 by announcing Phase 2, just in case people think "Oh, I won't pick up Aquaman or Bane, I'd rather wait and get Raven" etc
  20. This is probably our last year for comics-based superheroes for a little while. 2017 is the year of the film - Lego Batman Movie, Wonder Woman, Justice League. Those will eat up our set count. So enjoy the obscure characters whilst you can
  21. Well, darn - if it IS Spider-Gwen this might be the first Marvel set I buy in a few years.
  22. Sets sound awesome - minifigs sounds even MORE awesome. Really hope for another set to be announced with Batman, Damian, Talia and Ra's.
  23. I'm very excited for this set. Probably unnecessarily.
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