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Logan McOwen

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  1. Builder's note The idea behind Gadu here was to use more classic-styled G1 elements then I'd usually be comfortable doing, while still maintaining a cohesive design language throughout - not the repeating details throughout the classic pieces I chose, such as corrugated tubing, oblong notches and round shapes. I also wanted to dabble with moving away from the usual structure for the TW2 gearbox, ending up with a twisting abdominal region rather than a twisting waist.
  2. It would be about three/four times more expensive It's more complicated and ergo would be frustrating for some kids to build, especially considering constraction's young target audience Due its complexity it'd likely be too delicate for a constraction set What Onepu said Constraction sets are likely never going to be on-par with MOCs like this.
  3. I use BlueRender 0003 (later versions add a horrible grain effect to metallic pieces, so I've foregone them) and I am getting pretty sick and tired of how awfully it handles translucent colours. It makes them dark and fairly indiscernible. This internet consipirator-esque infographic shows what I mean. What can I alter in the scene file to rectify this?
  4. Some fantastic recolours in these. Shame they still rely on that godawful prefab torso frame though, a locked gearbox build would've looked a lot better on these guys, and would've been significantly more interesting to build.
  5. I don't know if this has been brought up yet (or what you guys make of 4chan rumours), but... ...an anon posted this the weekend before last. Take it with a huge grain of salt. Larger image if needed
  6. Nada. They mostly just talked about how the design process worked.
  7. Constraction still is an offshoot of Technic though
  8. Ikir was my last G2 purchase too. He's currently poised on a stand atop my wardrobe, as if he's swooping down towards my JtO Makuta cross the room. He's a fantastic figure.
  9. Good grief that's cool. The lower legs are a bit janky, but everything else is wonderful. I love the functionality of the lower arms, and the elemental pieces surrounding the masks.
  10. I wonder if something will fill the void Mixels will be leaving...
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