Everything posted by Xin
Medieval Market Village EOL?
this set is gonna be gone soon...
Are you sick of Star Wars?
SW has to find something else to keep the franchise fresh and wealthy. How does Lego continue with SW if there's only OT and PT? Re-re-re-release of X Wings & MF every year? CW adds a new look to SW. CW are targeted to the next generation just like how OT appeals to the older generation when they are kids. I'm not sure if the current generation will watch OT and find it cool. OT wasnt as epic in terms of the battles compared to PT and CW. Times has changed and several X Wings, B Wings, Y Wings and A Wings attacking a Death Star might seen epic in the 70s but in all honestly, it pales in comparison in current standards (Battle of Hoth is still cool though.. :p). Kids like epic battles, and numerous clones and driods appeal to them. They appeals to me as an adult too!! LOL... CW sets has their hits and misses. But they keep the SW world alive by creating new starships, worlds and characters. If SW dont continue to evolve, somebody else will comes in and fill that gap. It might be a good thing after all since most people here still stuck in the OT era.
Review: 8095 General Grievous' Starfighter
Great review! This set is my favourite among all the 2010 Star wars release. GG minifig is one of the best so far.
MOC: Airbus A380
35k pieces!! Insane but brillant interior.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
2010 looks like a good year for SW. And expensive for my wallets too! Need to get that night job pretty soon.
POTC or Classic pirates in 2011
Either one will be good. But a POTC ship will be so much more costly!
PETITION to keep the Pirates theme beyond 2010
Signed. I beginning to feel Lego is going the licensed theme route. Toy Story, Prince of Persia, Ben 10, POTC??? They have no more creativity to churn out sets anymore? They have to look at other people's idea to copy and repackage it as Lego??? Damn.. I'm pissed!!
MAJOR reasons why Pirates WILL return in 2010!
If the Pirates are continuing in 2010, why no news or pics when every other theme has been identifeld and named? We seen the list/pics for Toy Story, Prince of Persia, Atlantis, SW, City, etc but not a single thing for Pirates. Its a pity if pirates was a 1 time release. It has so much potential. Maybe it wasnt selling well?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Nice sets for next year. I miss out on the first Clone Turbo tank. I assume this will be the Clone War series version? Good that Hoth will be getting an additional set in the Wampa attack. Only thing is that it will be Luke and Han again.
Now taking YOUR ideas for the future of LEGO Pirates theme
1) I support the idea of a large ship with interior, in terms of size and design build similar to the Cafe Corner, Green Grocer. 2) Small sets of Modular buildings like Tavern, Forges, Gunsmiths, Merchant House, etc to form a town or port. 3) Merchants ships with Civillians minifigs. 4) BlueCoats!! 5) More vessels from all fractions. 6) Land based stuff like Wagons, Horses, Carts, Carriage, etc.
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
I really hope Lego will continue the Pirates theme. Its nearer to the end of the year and still no news of 2010 sets.
Star Wars sets anyone?
Yup. 7681 is still available at TRU as far as i know. Its the only place to get it in Singapore as its a TRU limited editions. Brickworlds and other specialties stores do not sell this set. Its available for SG$59.90. It was SG$49.90 for several months during their promo. Not all TRUs in Singapore stock this set though, best get your dad to call TRU SG first to check which store has it.
Review: Indiana Jones Classic - 7683 Fight on the Flying Wing
Hey Mech, nice review! Hope you can do similar reviews for SW and Pirates.
Mystery FREE Raffle!
COunt me in!! tHANKS!!
New 2009 Pirates Sets - NEW closeups of the wench & mermaid added
Hey Big T, My uncle stays in Tasmania, i think its Long - something. Cant really remember the name.
Warhammer 40k
Hey guys, nice warhammer thread. My other hobby beside SW lego is miniatures, mainly Warhammer and 40K. I collect mainly GW limited edition minis from Games day, Army boxes, special promotions and events. I've a small Cadian and Blood Angel force. The Chaos dread lego moc looks good too!
7681 Review: Separatist Spider Droid
Hey Valentin and White Fang! Glad to see fellow SGs here! More reviews pls....
- Photos of your Pirate LEGO Collection
New SW minifigs
Very cool new minifigs! When is the release dates for these sets?
A poll to decide a star wars set for february 2009
I choose number 3. Choice 1 is only minifigs. Cool minifigs no doubt. Choice 2 is BORING. Why another slave 1? Choice 3 has more playability factors. A Wing, hanger, minifigs. I believe choice 1 will win seeing so many voted for it.
Coast Guard sets at TRU
Where's the reviews?
Hong Kong does have her charms. Shopping and lotsa of good food! :-D My SW lego list so far: 4479 Tie Bomber MISB 4500 Rebel Snowspeeder MISB 7250 Clone Scout Walker MISB 7263 TIE Fighter MISB 7264 Imperial Inspection MISB 7655 Clone Troopers Battle pack MISB 7657 AT ST BUILT 7659 Imperial Landing Craft BUILT 7663 Sith Infiltrator MISB 7665 Republic Crusier MISB 7666 Hoth Rebel Base MISB (I've a few of these)
Hey all, Thanks for the welcome! Helo Legobear! *Gaginang* is a local slang. LOL.
Hello all, Newbie to this forum here. Been reading at the forum but didnt register until now. I'm from Singapore and collect mainly Lego Star Wars. Just started my collection this year and its pretty modest at the moment. Pretty excited by the new AT-TE and RGS for 2008. Hope to have more good sets from Lego for 2008!
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