Wow scary thought for lego fans and the Lego n Lucas Arts accountants alike.
Both Lego and Lucas arts are rolling in some good coin with the SW line but it all boils down to the almighty dollar figure each side wants when 2011 hits.
They have a massive universe of resources since they started tapping into the stories outside the movies so it soundn't be a case of lack of material but at the same time...
really my interest is in recreating a few of the scenes from the movies. Not saying that the odd new comic book etc based set wont make it into my collection but my purchace volume will sluff. Plus it adds up to be a big price tag when they redesign them and re-release them over and over. For example the New MTT in '07 cost me around $160 CAN w/ tax from TRU, way better than the previous version but I will not be swapping them out again. Same goes for an army of AT-ST's
With the sweet '08 line I will be very close to owning all the cool vehicles I want from the movies, plus the major minifigs have been released already so the I got the ones I want, so my buying rate should slip. It helps that I let clones double as stormtroopers and vice versa.
Part of me actually wouldn't be too heart broken, it would free up $ I used to spend on basic bricks for MOCs I now end up spending on SW sets. Plus I doubt it would be dropped for too long, Lucas Arts loves to celebrate the Anniversaries of SW so it would likely opt to hit up a fresh batch of AFOLs when the market unsaturates.
LOL - this is a real head spinner topic but very possible as nothing is forever so a person can not really take for granted that SW lego will always be around....