I'm under the assumption that with a new Jabba mold, that it will appear in another set...ideally the sail barge. Even with two exclusive molds, aren't the two figures in the Fury Class limited to that set? I don't follow TOR, so I'm not sure if either one can be re-used.
Jabbas Palace has 717 pieces at is supposed to retail at 119.99? In comparison, the Fury Class Interceptor has 748 and is supposed to retail for 89.99.
Is it just me or did LEGO go overboard on the price for Jabba's Palace? 30 dollars more for 7 figs that can appear in other sets..on top of 31 less parts.
New Polybag - Anakin's Pod (30057) is on TRU.com
(apparently I can't post URLs yet...so you need to copy and paste the link)
For those in the states, TRU has put up the new sets for pre-order. The Y-Wing is the "exclusive" set for the store it seems. Tie Figther and Y Wing are 59.99 and the X Wing is 69.99. Hopefully those are the inflated TRU prices and not retail. :-\