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Eurobricks Vassals
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    80's goth, dance music, art, LEGO, lovecraft, comic books, music making.


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    United States

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  1. My list I UPDATED MY LIST!!!
  2. I was wondering that same thing. Especially after reading his topic with the whole monster theme portfolio snip-its.
  3. Yeah, I've been scanning em. Unfortunately its still 34. I found the knight bus for $25 a few weeks ago. and I'm really kicking myself for not getting it at the time. =(
  4. How much is it there?
  5. It's not even a cane, its a crowbar, isn't it?
  6. I am looking into getting some custom decals made, and printed. There would be about 6 figures and a few small part decals based off of real people but done in a Lego style. The pieces would be a cassette tape decal to be printed on a 1x1 tile and the band logo to be printed on a 2x2 round tile. The figures would be based off of various pictures. I can send more details to anyone interested. I just want to get a pricing first. PM me if your interested and let me know what you want for it. thanx. -Ayden
  7. So at my local walmart the only HP Legos on sale are the dobbys release set, and Hogwarts castle. Everything else is in the regular Lego isle, and some extremely pointless "Unbeatable" isle, which is a bunch of random crap thrown into and isle at regular price. Anyways, my question is, Does anyone know when the rest of the previous years Legos tend to go on sale? I really wanna buy the knight bus and a few others, but not for full price.
  8. How many Bids? I think I need to run back to walmart...
  9. This made me giggle. I have to agree with you though. I agree with you here. The parts themselves don't bother me, but the parts in THIS genre do. I can maybe see the arm on the lumberjack working, kind of Ash Williams Chainsaw arm style? Though it doesn't really fit with the rest figures.
  10. I would love to have 4 Hogwarts...
  11. I realized that after I made the post. I was hoping it would slide...>.>
  12. That would be disappointing, though I'm sure they just haven't shown all the figures yet. We're still waiting for images of the ghosts, zombies and the swamp monster! I'm sure we'll get more teasers soon. =)
  13. My only disappointment here is that I was hoping they would bring back the light up lego figs so Gandalfs staff would glow. =(
  14. Besides all the mechanical limbs, I am LOVING these figures. Especially the one in the derby!
  15. Ah, thank you for that. ^-^ Too bad I haven't seen the quiditch set around for a few weeks.
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