Everything posted by whitew0lf
- Expand the Winter Village Contest VI - Voting
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Okay everybody. Since I have a lot of work to do in my workplace, I have less time to render LEGO models, and adjust POV-Ray settings,so I will now post my render settings that I used. Use it, adjust it, enjoy it :) PS: I usually copy these lines after camera settings, replace the original lights created by Ldraw. I rendered the model in 3200x2400 and then resize it with Photoshop bicubic option to 1600x1200. //Radiosity global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.4 max_trace_level 10 radiosity { pretrace_start 0.08 pretrace_end 0.005 count 800 nearest_count 1 error_bound 0.02 recursion_limit 1 low_error_factor 0.2 gray_threshold 0 minimum_reuse 0.015 brightness 1.0 adc_bailout 0.01/2 } } //Light light_source { <1.5*LDXRadius,-2*LDXRadius,-1.5*LDXRadius> + LDXCenter color rgb .4 area_light 200, 200, 10, 10 adaptive 1 jitter circular orient } //HDRI lighting sphere { <0,0,0>,10000 pigment { image_map { hdr "rnl_probe.hdr" once interpolate 2 map_type 7 } } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } hollow }
- [KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
Attempting photorealistic rendering
Did you try using radiosity in POV-Ray? It increases the quality of the rendering. If you like you could send me your model or POV-ray file and I make you a render with settings I use.
VOTING: To sail the Technic sea
whitew0lf replied to Siegfried's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling2) 1 point 6) 1 point 8) 1 point 9) 1 point 10) 2 points 12) 1 point
VOTING: Architecture Building Contest
2) 1 vote 10) 1 vote 13) 1 vote 24) 1 vote 29) 1 vote 31) 1 vote 43) 1 vote
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
I think there are several different files, because of using different POV-Ray settings renders different colours. Here is what I've done: There is a site with offcial LEGO colours LUGNET color reference(unfortunatelly right now the server is down)and it has some .inc files. The problem is that these colors are the old ones (i.e. no light-bluish grey color) so I used the offical colours for the old ones and tried to figure out the new colours. Here is the result: Again, it is not 100% the official colors, but close to them.
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Here is a good guide how to use radiosity: How to use radiosity or if you don't want to get too deep into technical things you can try Fast rad
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Okay I looked through the whole POV-Ray file, but did not find anything. So I uninstalled and re-installed LDView, and now it is okay. Thanks for the help!
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Actually SR3D shows some part of the hose (nearly the same as in the render). Here is the LSynth version of the building floor: LDR If you change it to the official "Technic Flex-system hose 9L 76324.dat" it is the same. I looked into the model file but only the Lsynth waypoints are hidden.
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Hello again! I hava a problem, maybe someone here can help me. When I insert a TECHNIC flex system hose into my model (from part file or with LSynth) both ends disappear when I render it. In LDView, and in MLCad it looks complete and good, but in SR3D and when rendering the hose both ends disappear. Like here at the drain pipe:
- [KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
- [KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
If POV-RAy do not recognize LGEO parts probably it is not defined in it's master ini file. To do so in POV-RAy go to 'tools', edit master POVRAY.INI and in the end where is something like this Library_Path="C:\Windows\Fonts" add these lines: Library_Path="C:\LDraw\LGEO" Library_Path="C:\LDraw\LGEO\lg" Library_Path="C:\LDraw\LGEO\ar" (of course the path depends on where the LGEO files are) I hope this helps.
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Unfortunately it increases rendering time heavily.
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
If anyone knows how to do the last step in the Koyan guide (resize image w bicubic antialiasing) please let me know.
Expand the Winter Village II - Voting Thread
4. Dix - 2 6. Darkblane - 1 19. Farrant - 1 27. dede_le_fee - 1
- [KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
[Guide] Rendering LDraw models using POV-Ray
Hello everyone! I'm glad that this guide is here, and it is important to discuss rendering techniques. Right now I'm using this guide with a little modification: Here are the main steps I follow (very similar to the guide above): 1. Make the model using SR3D and MLCad 2. Using LDView to set the right position of the model, and export the model file to .pov extension using LGEO parts and color. 3. Modify the pov file a) replace colors with colors from this site: b) replace the existing lights with radiosity, HDRI and area light (it's the same as in the brickshelf guide) 4. Render the image with POV-Ray 3.7RC without AA :) 5. Wait (this is the longest part) 6. Resize with bicubic antialiasing In the end you end up with an image like this: It is not perfect, but it is a good start. So briefly this is how I do my renders.
- [KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
- [KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
[KEY TOPIC] Official Lego sets made in LDraw
Hello Everybody! Recently I've started to model and render some SW Mini official models. Here are two sample pictures and the ldr files. Enjoy it! 4491 - MTT ldr 4492 - Star Destroyer ldr I have nearly all the models from SW Mini series, so if someone interested in it, I'll render and upload it here. ww
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