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  1. I would like sum1 to play through coop of Portal 2 with. I have plenty of experience (I've beaten Portal and campaign mode of 2). I'm availible most weekend (Sunday) afternoons. I have pc version so I can only ply with other pcs and ps3s. my Steam username is kblupino. Cya there! gosh, there are a LOT of bugs&insects in my room right now. I'm gonna check if a wiindow is open.
  2. A while ago I was surfing the web and came across a list of "late 2011" POTC sets. I believe it was on Brickipedia (which isn't that trustworthy). Thing is, the names and (some of) the prices were different from the spring sets, yet they sounded like basically the same sets i.e. "Ship's cabin", "Mermaid attacks". the article may have been written by some ignorant guy who had only seen pics of the sets, but didn't know the names, idk. Also, on the same site, I found a flying dutchman article (not Spongebob), which didn't have any pics, but had a list of minifigs. Some of the figs made it sound like it would be from AWE, like captain Elizabeth Swann. There sounded like there would also be a TON of Davy Jones' crewmen. But don't get your hopes up. Remember, Brickipedia is NOT very reliable. Just thought I'd throw my research in, I'm logging off now. Cya.
  3. What's cool about the LOTR sets is that they are so detailed and come with so many minifigs. For instance, the Helm's Deep set comes with 4 Uruk-Hai! If it went by TLG's normal standards, it would come with only 2 or so. The downside? The price. I hope they make another set with some Nazgul, because Weathertop is wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy overpriced. "Hard to resist..." I'm not even going to try to resist!
  4. I noticed that lego has made lot of conflict-based themes lately. What's up with that?
  5. Man, I wonder what the Gollum/Smeagol fig will look like... Does any1 know? I'm getting Shelob attacks for sure.
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