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Eurobricks Vassals
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About toxicbananna

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  1. Can you PM me the link?
  2. wow! where did you get this?
  3. great looking train! you just made it more exciting!
  4. great job! was wondering where have you been. looking forward to your next video!
  5. I would like to request to join this academy, sets are particular on modulars, trains and amusement parks!
  6. as usual, never fail to amuse me with your crashes and automated layout.. *thumbsup*
  7. Woah! great collection bro. I too have a full set of santa fe with only 1 B unit, total of 7 cars. Just a question, I'm attached motors on my locomotive with one 9v motor and one pf motor pulling 6 cars behind and it seems to struggle around the curves after a while. How many motors have you attached on you santa fe?
  8. seems like set 60097 tram has been motorised by 9v train motor
  9. here the video guys, it is massive!!
  10. Placed a FPV camera inside a Lego 60051 train, stream directly to a 5.8ghz receiver and boy am I in for a treat!
  11. Same here, I'm still waiting for all of his video to understand more about Arduino programming before jumping into it!
  12. now you need Santa fe full set!! it is one of the best looking train from Lego
  13. del
  14. I do know that using 20v to run my motor will kill it eventually. I'll not pump to my layout at 20v all the way, just only on some section of my track layout.. Do you happen to have the circuity of the regulator so that I could change the chip to increase my output of 20v? I do know that 9v train are pretty fast on the full turn, just that i have a couple of long straights which would like to increase it speed. I do not have a 12v lego transformer, does the output of the transformer similar to the 9v ones? Thanks for the info, I would like to use the original 9v controller rather than after market controllers.
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