Everything posted by gherkin
REVIEW: 4433 Dirt Bike Transporter
I did think about doing it just on its own but went with that direction, however will do that next time. Hopefully next time my camera will be up and running. Doing on my phone was a right royal pain in the backside. Thank you for the comments and i'll try and get it right for the next one ;)
REVIEW: 4433 Dirt Bike Transporter
Apologies for that Rick, all done now :)
REVIEW: 4433 Dirt Bike Transporter
Fancied treating myself today, so went out and brought the new Dirt Bike Transporter (4433) and Octan Fuel Tanker (3180). As a I couldn't find a review on the Dirt Bike Transporter I thought I would give it ago. Its my first one and quite annoyingly I dropped my proper camera which turns out to now be broken, so unfortunately had to use my camera phone. Anyhow here goes: Dirt Bike Transporter Set 4433 Release year: 2012 RRP: GBP 14.99 / USD 19.99 # of parts: 201 # of figures: 2 Links Brickset Lego Shop Promotional Image Lego Shop Summary: The Box The size of the box in comparison to what was inside was that bad for Lego standards. Front Back Side The Contents Upon opening the box there were 2 standard bags (including 2 bags for the little pieces - 1 in each), 2 instruction manuals and a sticker sheet (mine was somewhat curled up) Random pages from Instruction Manuals Contents of Bag 1 A Few Stages of the vehicle build Completed Vehicle The build wasn't too bad, quite straight forward, however there were a fair few little bits that needed sorting out. There were a couple of bits I hadn't seen before such as the motorcycle spare wheel (i hadn't done the bikes so the spare was a first). The smooth lights, I don't know why they don't include those as standard lights on vehicles, makes it look so more pleasing to look at IMO. Another thing that I find strange is the random placement of brick colours. For example there were two green bricks (although hidden) and the colour of the vehicle is grey, black and red. Disappointed there were no doors included. Contents of Bag 2 Again fair few bits in this bag including the second mini figure. This one is wearing glasses (not sure if they are sun glasses or not). The black circular thing contains the tools - an oil can, spanner, screwdriver, hammer, drill and wrench. A nice touch with these is that the white square things are drawers and the tools fit into them, except the oil can which doesn't really have a place to go except in the back of the vehicle when everything is being transported. Another nice touch is the lights on the ramps so that when they are in the up position the stop lights and indicators can be seen. Anyhow a couple of pics (got a bit carried away with this part and didn't take as many): Final Product Thought I would take a final couple of pictures with the rest of my City team: Conclusion I found this a quite enjoyable build and was quite surprised on how some pieces worked within the kit. Worked out to be 7.45p per piece, however due to my limited purchasing experience in Lego I couldn't tell you whether that is expensive or not. The two mini figures weren't anything two special - if you have the power boat transporter, they are the same torsos but the faces a slightly different. The helmet visors I haven't seen before and quite liked those and the tool drawers were just ace. Design - 9/10, very well designed IMO with some very nice touches Playability - 9/10, you get a jeep, a trailer and two off road motorbikes (plus 2 mini figs) so from a childs point of view I would say they could have a good time with this kit Build - 7/10, wasn't too technical however there were alot of little bits Parts - 5/10, a couple of bits I haven't seen before (although you guys might so this could be different for other people) Price - 9/10, I didn't think it was to unreasonable for effectively 3 vehicles and 2 mini figs Overall 39/50 Hope the above wasn't too bad and apologies for the quality of photographs.
[MOC] Warehouse for Lego City
Morning all, finally worked out how to upload lxf files (i think!!). This is a work in progress so any tips/hints/criticism welcome. The big forklift isn't completed inside trying to think of something for that. Image .lxf file
Fork lift truck
Having just built the recycling set one (couldn't get the wheels to fit using LDD for the 7733 fork lift)that appears to have more height on it which is whats required. However due to the spacing between the racking I need to modifiy it so that the forks are at 90 degrees to the lifting section. Will keep my brain ticking over this evening after a mind numbing day at work!!
Fork lift truck
Ah yes the recyclining set, that one may be more appropriate :) thank you
Fork lift truck
Thanks guys, I'll build the top one first then have a look at the train set. Have to admit in not planning on doing the warehouse but once I competed the loading bay, it was like well where would the goods go!! It's sort of based on a warehouse I worked in years ago, the racking is about 4 mini figs high at the moment, not going any higher as I've got to put a roof on yet!!
Fork lift truck
Evening guys Quick question. Can't seem to find an answer at the moment, but was basically wondering if TLG have produced a Fork Lift truck of some description. only ask as I'm in the process of constructing a warehouse (well it started off as a loading bay now it has grown, currently on 3 48x48 baseplates) and require something to lift 'pallets'. Or is it a case of I need to construct it from scratch Thanks in advance
Roller/Shutter Doors
Thanks very much AndyC :)
Roller/Shutter Doors
Hi Guys First post (other than in the introduce section ;)) so be gentle. I've been lurking now for a couple of months and eventually came across LDD. Basically I'm trying to build a loading dock for the lorries from the City theme. I've made the base section up but need some doors. I'm after the ones that are found on the fire station which roll up into the roof. Are they with in the LDD or are they another item that users are waiting for? Many thanks for your help
Another Newbie getting back into Lego
Hi guys Just getting back into Lego after 25 odd years!! Really liking the City/Town themes. Already got some new bits.....the missus will kill me when she finds out ;)
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