Vote for your favourite Category B entries
My votes go to: 20) Cheerleader & Surfer Entry (Build by mookage) 1 vote 12) Diver & Surfer Entry (Build by squiz) 1 vote 8) Robot & Jungle Explorer Entry (Build by lisqr) 1 vote Good luck everyone!
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
My votes: 6) DJ Entry (Build by Duke) 1 vote 11) Jungle Explorer Entry (Build by Diidy) 1 vote 15) Traffic Cop Entry (Build by Profound Whatever) 1 vote Good luck everyone!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I have a quick question, has this magnet set already been on the online Lego shop? I don't seem to find it there, and I'm hoping that it's not because it's already sold out.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I'm hoping that the starfighter will include both a damaged and a repaired version of General Grievous. I think there's a possibility for this since the set seems to include the "operation" table and the medical droid, and Lego did this before, with the Anakin/Darth Vader set.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Here's a link to some low quality prelim pics of the sets. Also included, prelim pics for Ayla Secura, Cad Bane, etc.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I've seen a prelim picture of the General Grievous Starfighter, and it seems that we'll be getting a new mold (or atleast a colored one) for General Grievous. The inclusion of a named character (Zev) in the battle pack seems weird to me too, although it could just be that by now the Star Wars EU has named almost every rebel pilot on Hoth, and this left Lego with no other choice. More likely is that they just included Zev in the BP because he was going to be in the Wampa set, and by using this guy twice they do save a bit of money in production I guess.
Prince of Persia 2010
Nice find, those wolverine claws, the thing on Dastan's back to carry two swords, and the minifigs themselves really make Desert Attack a great set, although the skeleton could've been replaced by a third villain. The other sets look nice too, but we've seen clear pics of those before.
LEGO Star Wars Expanded Universe Subtheme Thread
I wonder if Lego will make sets for "The Old Republic", the game LucasArts and BioWare are creating, after all, they did make a set for "The Force Unleashed".
The most "wanted" LEGO Star Wars villain
A few more villains from the expanded universe would be nice, who wouldn't like to see one of the following: - Thrawn - Yuuzhan Vong wariors (Although those skelletons from Castle make good Vong as well) - Darth Krayt and more of the One Sith - Imperial Knights (although they're not really bad guys) - Joruus C'baoth -...
Prince of Persia 2010
I don't know if this has been posted already, but I found a pic of the box of the Hassasins Hide Out set, or better, I think I have found it. The Dutch name for it is "Woestijnaanval", which would translate into "Desert Attack" If this is the Hide Out set, then it seems the first post needs an update. This set only contains two Hassansins, Dastan and a skeleton. Edit: Sorry, didn't see that prelim thingy at first. I have deleted the link to the image.
LEGO Collectible Minfigures Series 1 Poll
My vote went to 13, the hair piece seems really nice. But honestly, it was a hard choice. I really like 1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 16.
Future Star Wars Sets
What I wold like to see is: - Palpatine's arrest (Palpatines office, with Palpatine/Lord Sidious, Mace Windo, Kit Fisto and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader) - Operation Knightfall I (Anakin/Darth Vader, 1 or 2 clone troopers (with blue markings), Cin Drallig (a Jedi) and one or two younglings) - Operation Knightfall II (Bail Organa and his speeder, Zett Jukassa (that Jedi kid) and some clone troopers (blue markings) - Tusken Village (Basicly one or two huts, 4-5 tuskens (two males, two females and one kid), Anakin and Shmi Skywalker) Just some ideas...
Future Star Wars Sets
There really are some great ideas in there. But I think TLC would raise the prices a bit, escpecially for the ones with jedi in it. The Order 66 line would be a fun one to have, maybe we could even see a set of Anakin's invasion of the Jedi Temple, including Anakin, some blue clone troopers (the 501st), some random Jedi and of course, the younglings.
Future Star Wars Sets
What I would like to see is the "Palpatine's arrest" set, with 4 jedi masters, Palpatina (2 faces) and Anakin Skywalker. Also, some furniture and the windows. Another idea, the execution in the Geonosis arena, with Anakin, Obi Wan, Padme, the beasts and some geonosians. Maybe even some droids and jedi.
2008 Picture thread
I really like the two new battle packs. The other sets look okay as well. I just can't figure out what Mace Windu is laughing about... As things might still change in some of these sets I hope that they will develop a more serious head for Mace. I'm actually surprised that they have not given him one of those weird heads based on the new series.
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