Everything posted by Mr. Cube
The Watcher in the Water
When THIS will be in stores? This is great MOC.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
What's your latest acquisition?
roccom22, Deathleech, Hammerhand: Thx for your advices, OK, I´ll buy Helm´s Deep. Hammerhand:I bought the Mines and Weathertop (like new) from one AFOL for 2000 CZK (99 USD) and Attack of the Wargs (MISB) from one e-shop for 41 USD (discount). That AFOL offered me also Helm´s Deep for about 108 USD (like new). That´s why I was asking about buying Helm´s Deep x Tower of Orthanc (about 265 USD in CZE).
- Middle-Earth Madness - Lothlórien vs Prancing Pony [Week 5]
- [MOC] Lady of Lórien
LEGO LotR - general discussion
All I want is Witch King, Balrog and Gondorians...+ some exklusive figs...other things can be done as MOCs.
What's your latest acquisition?
1x Mines of Moria + 1x Attack of the Wargs + 1x Attack on Weathertop, total price 140 USD. + one question: What do you recommend me to buy next? Helms Deep or Orthanc? Both are nice sets, but Helms Deep is older one and maybe in future it will not be available (or it will be, but for much higher price)...but on the other side, there must be much more Helms Deep sets at the market than exklusive black tower...maybe I´ll pick up Orthanc until it dissapears.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
OK. I would not say that they hate the rest of the world...I just don´t understand their sales policy :)
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Hepitos: There is 1 Gandalf polybag at the moment for 149 CZK (about 5 EUR) on Aukro, and seller´s shipping internationally, if u are interested. As I said before, in CZ were polybags available online, but I´m surprised that I didn´t see any Hobbit 2nd wave polys yet. It would be nice if the LotR and Hobbit polybags were everywhere like CMF...
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Hepitos: It´s interesting that no other polybags were available in Austria, as you wrote. Because in Czech Republic, there were Frodo, Gandalf, Uruk-hai, Mirkwood Elf, Elrond polybags available. I never saw them in shops or e-shops, but they were available on the online auctions (similar to eBay). But I guess those polybags were bought abroad.
Future The Hobbit Sets?
Lego-Freak: Beorn in his bear form might be easily reusable in other a bear. :)
Post Your Castle Army Here!
jeroenaa: Thanks. Well, my plans are to build an army of differents units - pikemen (36), swordsmen (32), crossbow-men(16), berserkers (8), banner-bearers(4), and special units like sappers and scouts (this unit is complete - those 10 uruks in the right corner), captains (4) and one general. Total number of uruks is 101 (but it would be nice to have an army of 1000 uruks :)). Now I´m on 77 uruks. The size of units is based on battle formations, which I want to make with them. I´m planning to buy Helms Deep, so maybe then I´ll make some battle scenery.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Deathleech has really nice collection. In comparison, there is mine: 2x Uruk-hai Army 2x The Orc Forge 1x Dol Guldur Ambush 1x Mines of Moria 1x Attack on Weathertop 1x Uruk-hai polybag 2x Gandalf polybag 2x Frodo polybag 1x Elrond polybag + Uruk-hai and other minifigures from BL and e-shops + I want to buy Helms Deep and Orthanc.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Aah...Austria...greetings from the Czech Republic :)
LDD MOC - Minas Tirith set
"that it would consume thousands of bricks"..not if the panels (for walls, for rocks) would be used.
LDD MOC - Minas Tirith set
Nice idea, great set. But I think that "Minas Tirith Gate" set would be better name.
(MOC) X-mas in Isengard
Thank you for all replies, especially for "taking the hobbits to Isengard" one :D I know that song, but I haven´t heard it in long time.
Future Castle sets - put your hopes and ideas here
I want return of the Black Falcons (you know...why they put that new Black Falcon only into Kingdoms Joust set?)...return of the Blak Falcons,Forestmen, Wolfpack + maybe another castle faction.
- Sauron - MELO round 2
Future The Hobbit Sets?
"Ya, no fighting actually happens in Erebor, at least not in the book."...oh yeah...and we don´t know what PJ did with this scene(s)... :)
- Middle-Earth Madness - Mount Doom vs Lothlórien [Week 4]
Toothless from "How to Train Your Dragon"
That´s very nice, just like from the movie.
(MOC) X-mas in Isengard
Hi! I would like to show you my new vignette - X-mas in Isengard.
- Narsil in Rivendell
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