Everything posted by Mr. Cube
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Blazej_Holen: Yeah, that would be nice...and then some extra wave with battle-packs of each faction :)
- Middle-Earth Madness - Rohan Battle Pack vs Mount Doom [Week 3]
Which is Your Favorite Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Set?
Well, I think that the best looking set is Lake-town Chase, it has the atmosphere like in the film, nice new minifigures, molds and new prints (Thorin). But I bought Dol Guldur Ambush, just for the orcs with the headpiece. I would like to buy another (or a couple of DGA sets), but what will I do with multiple Beorns? Same story is the MEA and Thranduil, DGB has great minifigures, but the design of the set is not "must buy" at all. So I vote for Lake-town Chase, even when I didn´t buy that set yet.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
According to those are the Hobbit sets. But the missing 79016 is interesting.
Future The Hobbit Sets? There are 3 sets for 2014.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
What? This is NOT crappy design...this is IMHO the only way how TLG could create Minas Tirith. BTW do you like LEGO Helms Deep? Because you could say that that version of Helms Deep makes the actual Helms Deep a huge shame...but those are LEGO sets..not realistic models from the films...
- Kingdoms Joust Day
What's your latest acquisition?
I ordered 40 Uruk-hai for my army and some LOTR/Hobbit minifigs for my collection via BL.
Review: 79012 Mirkwood Elf Army
Great review! And about that european price, in Czech Republic it costs about € 29, if somebody´s interested.
Mirkwood Elf Army - price difference
Hahah, I would like to live in Europe and have US prices of LEGO and gas ))) Years ago, I was playing and collecting Magic: The Gathering trading card game, and there were the same differences in US and Europe (especially Czech) prices. But as Deathleech said, some things are much more expensive in US.
- Middle-Earth Madness - Rohan Battle Pack vs The Green Dragon [Week 1]
Nominate Dream LotR Sets for the Midearth Madness Tournament
Bridge of Khazad-Dum (Balrog, Gandalf, 2 Moria Orcs) Mirror of Galadriel (Frodo, Galadriel) Witch King Battle (Éowyn, Théoden, Merry, Witch King + Fell Beast) The End of All Things (Sam, Frodo, Gollum + part of Mount Doom) Battle at Pellenor Fields UCS Minas Tirith Isengard battle pack Mordor battle pack Rohan battle pack Gondor battle pack
What's your latest acquisition?
Well, I bought ONE Dol Guldur Ambush :))
LEGO LotR - general discussion
About that Treebeard...that is LEGO VIDEOGAME TREEBEARD. We also have videogame Moria Orcs and in reality we get them without armor and helmets and shield...I know that the Orthanc Ent is named just as Ent, bud I think it´s Treebeard.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Deathleech: I have an idea for action Mirror of Galadriel set. Light brick (blue) under the transparent mirror + mechanism like that one in 79006 Council of Elrond set.
- Deep in the dark of Mirkwood...
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Future The Hobbit Sets?
That orc looks like Fester from Addams Family.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Polybag with old Bilbo and his writer´s corner in LotR 3rd wave would be nice. And Sauron fig (with Woodys legs) only as a limited promo. In physical form, he appeared only in the prologue, so some exklusive polybag with Sauron (like Elrond) would be accurate. But there is no need to get a set with Sauron, IMO.
LOTR- Fangorn Forest
Nice MOC. I think that white or some one-color background would be better in this case.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
A bit more of Toberg
That corner technique is great + I like the floor.
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