Everything posted by Mr. Cube
[CUUSOO] The Infinitely Modular Classical Temple Building Set
Great thread, but the cyclops should be brick-builded (or molded) giant, not a a small minifigure, imo.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
That orange color may be caused just by the camera color settings, the light and/or editing the photo in computer. I like the design of new Gundabad orcs and I´m looking forward to the new Hobbit sets. What I don´t like about the LOTR waves is that they used Uruk-hai shields for Moria orcs and Uruk-hai helmets for Mordor orcs. My dream is to have Moria orcs with helmets and armor from videogame , Mordor/Morannon orcs with their own helmets and shields and Isengard Uruk-hai with more types of helmets for sappers, general, berserkers (not just printed helmet on the head).´s just a dream.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Troll Town [photos re-uploaded 04/07/2020]
Great idea and concept! I like it!
- Uruk-Hai Training
- Uruk-Hai Training
Uruk-hai Army - project
These swordsmen look same as you get them from the official sets because I think they are good like that. I don´t see what I could improve on them (exept the arms, maybe, because they are not armored - so maybe I´ll replace them with the grey ones). For the other uruk types, I will be swapping original LEGO weapons, heads and I plan some custom helmets, becouse in official sets there is only one uruk-hai helmet type (and for the berserker they just only printed the helmet on a head! ).
Uruk-hai Army - project´s the same thing as the Izmael10´s project with his Gondorian army. Me, Izmael10 and other guy (who is building the army of Rohan) know each other from the Czech forum The concept is to build an army of different units as they appeared in the movies (for Uruk-hai - the scouts, pikemen, swordsmen, sappers etc.). As I wrote before, I´m now waiting for some pieces to complete the other units, so I posted just the first - the swordsmen. And I would like to have all the units in my thread (ease to display - easy to find), I think that moving the pictures to the army thread (did you mean this one - "Show your LOTR pictures and armies"?) is not good idea, because in next weeks I´ll post other units and the concept could be too fragmented. But when the army will be finished, I could post the photo of the whole army to that thread. I hope you will understand my English and my opinions. :)
(LCC) The Purge Conclusion.
Uruk-hai Army - project
Hello! I would like to present you my uruk-hai army. I plan to build an army of 100 uruk-hai, divided into different units like swordsmen, pikemen, crossbow-men, sappers, berserkers, captains, standard-bearers and general. First unit is "Uruk-hai Swordsmen". I have 10 figs now, the planned number of swordsmen is 25. I´m still waiting for the pieces from one BL store, so please, be patient, until I´ll show you the next unit (or should I use the "troop"? :)).
Mordor orcs army
Thx for all replies! Missing Brick: I don´t have photo like that yet, but when the army will be growing, I´ll take some photos ;) Hrw-Amen: I got only these six orcs of Mordor, my Isengard army is slightly bigger (18 uruks). Now I´m focused on building my uruk-hai army (but I´ll post some photos later, when I´ll finish the designing of all units - scouts, pikemen, swordsmen, sappers, crossbow-men and others). I hope the TLC will release that UCS(?) Orthank set. :)
General Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Questions
I don´t get why TLC used Isengard´s Uruk-hai shields in Mines of Moria set and Isengard´s Uruk-hai helmet in Battle at the Black Gate. Was this in movies? No.
- Mordor orcs army
- Mordor orcs army
The Lunchtime
[pid][/pid]202B Hi! I´d like to show you my first pirates/islanders MOC. The islanders have just catched one of the pirates and they´re preparing the lunch for their king. The main ingredient is our poor pirate, of course. I hope you´ll enjoy it.
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