Everything posted by Mr. Cube
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I don't understand why every criticism must be labelled as "hate" these days. Sometimes I feel like I just have to love or hate something, no other options. While that older head works better for Infinity War/Endgame Wong, it still looks more like Wong than that new one to me. New head looks more like Luis from Ant-Man than Wong. I would not call that "fu manchu" (which seems to be more longer) and Wong undoubtedly had this style of beard for some time.
Eurobricks' Licensed Dynamic Action Contest - Entry Topic
Here is my entry for the contest: Theme: The Lord of the Rings Name: "But the power of the Ring could not be undone."
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
As a minifigure collector, who owns all Iron Man variants (OK, except that 2012 Toy Fair one ), I have mixed feelings about this. New helmet mold looks great and fits better with the later MCU suits and it's definitely better than that one-piece printed helmet, which I really don't like. But they used it also for MK 3, so I'm afraid that they will use only this new mold in future sets for all Iron Man minifigures. The set itself looks cool, but it's a little bit strange that they changed design of the displays. And that price is...a little bit overpriced.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Every time i look at LEGO stormies, I just think "Why don’t the LEGO stormies and clones have printed waists?" Every new version of trooper has it (FO Stormtrooper/Snow/Flame, Death Trooper, Howertank Pilot, Shoretroopers, Patrol, Mimban, Range....), but, for some reason, stormies (including Sandtroopers) and clones still have plain black or white waists. They did it in in 2005 (7264) and then never again. I just don’t get it.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Where is the roof? Will there be some add-on like in last years Harry Potter modular wave? The set feels incomplete without the roof. From this point of view, the 2012 set looks much better. And Boba's helmet has still the wrong color. But I like the inclusion of quarren and BIG Fortuna.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
As a Iron Man minifigures collector, I hope that it will be Bruce. :D
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
They already did 2 waves of HP minifigures, DC, now Marvel....and I don't think that it had an impact on HP, DC, Marvel sets sales. It always depends on the minifigure list choice. They could easily prevent product cannibalization by choosing different characters (or variants) for CMF and sets from the actual wave/s.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I would like to see some cool BP based on The Bad Batch, including 1x Regular Phase II Clone Trooper, 1x Clone Commando Trooper, 1x Phase 0 TK Stormtrooper, 1x Elite Squad Trooper.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I will try to put them on my Iron Man MK41 "Bones" suit. I think that they could look nice.
10291 Queer Eye Apartment Set
I had an information about this set from the same person who told me about that Sakaarian Iron Man, which turned out to be true. So I don't have any doubts about that.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
At least, if they didn’t want to produce Mandalorian helmet in new color, they could give him green helmet + new print, because they produced that helmet in green for Mandalorian battle pack. And green would work better for repainted Boba than sand green, IMO.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I like the most of this wave, my only complaint is that they used the old Boba Fetts' helmet instead of making new color + print. He has that beautiful new torso with detailed arm printing but uses old helmet, a bit odd.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion my source was right :) What I don't like about the Sanctuary II set is that we get Thanos as a minifigure. That set is from the same wave, it has the same box design and everything, but in one case we get bigfig and in another case a minifig. I would prefer bigger Sanctuary II in "UCS style" and smaller Benatar, or different figures design (Thanos as a micro-fig and other characters as nano-figs). But I's a toy. :)
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Why I didn't know that earlier?! I just bought infinity gauntlet with all stones.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I trust that source. But I was very surprised by that too.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
That was me. I had an information from reliable source. I decided to delete that post, because all comments were like "you're lying!".
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
As an Iron Man minifigs collector, I am happy with that, because if they would update it, then there would be 2 versions of MK 85 and it would be a little odd. For a new minifig I would prefer battle damaged version over updated armor.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I know it is pointless, because LEGO will not change it. But I am afraid that "make it shorter" advice will not work here, because the proportions of helmet and arc reactor are really giant. But I will try.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm disappointed by the size of the Iron Monger. The model itself will be cool as a stand alone model of Iron Monger, but the scale looks wrong to me. Iron Man looks soooo small next to this Iron Monger.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Yes, that was basically the point of my previous post.
Marvel Superheroes 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
To me, it is the new helmet which feels over-sized. Yes, the old one is maybe a little big (fortunatelly not as Kylo Ren's) , but the whole shape is more accurate (I'm not saying perfect) to the MCU source. The visor print on the new helmet is smaller, but the whole piece is bulky and I can't unsee it and focus just on the print. I don't like that the new mould is too wide in the neck area and the details are just printed instead of shaped, although I think that new helmet works well for the Rescue suit from the Endgame. I replaced all new helmets with the first War Machine helmets (or War Machine/Iron Legion combo) and I think that it looks better, but I can understand that someone prefers the new version.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That Vader helmet looks much like the original one-piece LEGO minifig Vader helmet. Very similar expression.
Updating Your Minifigs
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Well, some could say that "inappropriate" is very nice euphemism. She was not trivialising the Holocaust, her post was about spreading hate. She was not comparing Republicans to Jews during WW2, she was comparing spreading hate towards Jews (the thing that started long before the WW2 and Holocaust) with spreading hate towards Republicans or people with conservative political opinions, supported by far leftists and progressivists. We could argue that those are not comparable things, but on the other hand I don´t think she should be fired for this. I´m not defending other stuff that she wrote (like some anti-mask or vote fraud nonsense), but I don´t like nowadays simplifications like "she is trivialising the Holocaust" or "she is comparing Republicans to Jews in WW2!". Sorry for the OT. BTW I agree with that Darktrooper.
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