Everything posted by Mr. Cube
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Deathleech: I didn´t say that those two hair pieces were included with the Mordor orcs. I just posted that picture to show that is relatively easy to create an orc army from existing pieces. And Thorin´s hair piece looks good on uruks and orcs, imo. In the movies there vere orcs with the hair like that and uruks had hair a bit like dreadlocks, and Thorin´s hair piece looks to me like that. I agree with you about the torsos.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Deathleech: I agree that goblins' skull cap doesn't fit right on the Mordor Orc face, but I can live with that. If you mix these parts together in all possible combinations, you´ll get 144 unique orcs. Yes, it would be great to get another Mordor Orc face or torso...but we can get the large variety of bad guys this way. But there is no way of getting Gondor soldiers, RotK Witch King...etc etc (except making customs or using Aragorn´s torso from the Black Gate) . * pictures are from
LEGO Hobbit 2014
"only give 2 different Orcs for BOTH LOTR and the Hobbit..." Well, we have: moria orc head (olive green, 2 prints) + hairpiece goblin head (dark tan, 2 prints) + hairpiece mordor/hunter orc (dark tan, 1 print) + hairpiece gundabad orc (medium dark flash, 1 print) + hairpiece hunter orc - new (dark tan, 1 print) gundabad orc - new (medium dark flash, 1 print) + new "dreadlocks" hairpiece, "dumbledore" hairpiece, "thorin" hairpiece... that´s a ton of possible variations (and in addition you can use Kithaba´s, Yeoman Zombie´s or Weequay Skiff Guard´s head...)
- [MOC] Old Man Willow
[MOC] Old Man Willow
Hello! This is my new MOC - Old Man Willow. It doesn´t fit to any of the MEC categories, so I decided to post it there (and I will have another entry for MEC). It shows a scene from the Fellowship of the Ring (book), when hobbits are attacked by Old Man Willow in the Old Forrest, but fortunately they are saved by Tom Bombadil. Hope you like it!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I think that good indicator that Alcarin is right are plenty of Council of Elrond sets on the shelves in shops (and auction portals), while MEA and UHA (especially) dissapeared from the stores quickly. I like Council of Elrond set and I agree that it´s good to have some peaceful set, while the other ones are about conflicts. But I think that nobody would complain, if there were Council of Elrond AND some set like UHA (but reversed with more Rohans, with Gondorians and other factions). The problem is not existence of CoE, problem is an absence of an army-builder, IMHO.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
That army looks clearly like Saruman´s uruk-hai army from LotR. They even have those long pikes. That makes no sense to me. Nowhere in LotR (movie) was said that Saruman was inspired by Sauron (breeding uruks, design of weaponry) fact, he WAS inspired, because Sauron bred his uruks long time before the War of the Ring (books). PJ wanted to differentiate uruks from orcs, so in the films is Saruman pictured as their creator, they have special armor and weapons etc. So what the heck are they doing in the BoFA?
2013 Castle Theme
Medieval Market Village is great set, get it if you can! It´s very beautiful set to display, and it has many useful parts for your MOCs.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
"Why the heck would you have metal plates protruding from your torso?" Because Peter Jackson said something like "cool" (looking at the Bolg design model).
MOC - Red Shogun Army
Should LEGO cut ties with Shell?
One thing is that Shell is not an environmental-friendly company. You may make your own research what this company did with local nature and people in some countries...terrible things. Another thing is that the Greenpeace should IMHO care much more about devastation of rainforests and water pollution than about global warming/cooling/climate change...because that is some kind of science-religion, bussiness and nanny state thing.
MEC Category C: Dwarf Soup Anyone?
I was thinking whether somebody will create this scene. I like it. :)
Clans of the Highlands
Great MOC! I like the color scheme and the idea of the war dinosaurs. I would put this on my shelf to display.
Amazing Dol Guldur MOC I Found On Flickr (Not Mine)
Nice MOC.
What's your latest acquisition?
79015 Witch-King Battle
October: Middle Earth Contest
I think that contest should be about LEGO skills and ideas, not Photoshop skills. What about creating custom stickers?
REVIEW: The Battle of the Five Armies
On dwarf army-building using Dain (with removable plume): People would buy Dain minifigs from BL sellers (who sell sets as separate bricks and minifigs), so it would be much cheaper than buying multiple complete sets. I think that nobody is that crazy, that he bought multiple BoFA for army building. OK, maybe, if I had some spare diamonds or millions in a bank, then maybe, yes )))
October: Middle Earth Contest
Ecclesiastes: Thank you :)
October: Middle Earth Contest
Great! I got one question - "Two entries per member, per category" means, that I may do 1 or 2 MOCs, or I must do 2?
REVIEW: The Battle of the Five Armies
I still don´t understand TLC decisions in LotR/Hobbit themes. If they made the plume on Dain´s helmet removable, the sales will be much higher, IMHO. And why they don´t use that new orcish armor piece from the second wave? Anyway, It´s nice set with excellent minifigures (except Legolas). And that new ballista looks good for my Isengard army. Thank you for the review!
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Me too...+ you can easily use them for any other minifigure, because they have no ears. I´m glad that they made new hairpieces!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
That statement is not absurd at all. You can easily put Orthanc + Minas Tirith (if it was a set) on a shelf to display your collection...
- REVIEW: 79015 Witch-king Battle
LDD - Wave Three LotR Set Ideas
It´s nice. But it has too much bricks. You should include some panels to reduce the price.
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
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