Everything posted by Mr. Cube
[Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
Blazej_Holen: That´s right. If we had about 10.000 votes (but 20.000 or 50.000 would be better), then we could get some attention from TLC. We still didn´t reach even the first thousand. I wonder why - the most of LEGO LotR fans still don´t know about the petition or there are not as many fans as we thought?
What's your latest acquisition?
9470 Shelob Attacks
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Robert_88: Yeah, that would have been nice. And there could be one "connecting" set like this -
LEGO LotR - general discussion
That Barad-dûr is amazing, but thing like that will be never produced, because technically, it´s just bigger Orthanc.
Elves 2015
"Elves in bakery producing Lembas Bread"
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
LEGO LotR - general discussion
There is the responce to my e-mail: "Thanks for getting in touch with us. We are always happy to hear about our huge LEGO® fans. I am really glad to hear you are a big LEGO Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™ fan and that you were excited especially about the 1st wave of the series. We really do appreciate your time you took to share your feedback with us. I will make sure that your voice will be heard and will pass your email on our designer team. We know we’re lucky to have millions of fans around the world and we’re grateful for your comments. I think it’s great to see you’re eagerly waiting and trying to find out about what we’ve planned for the future. I'm sorry that I can’t tell you anything about the 3rd wave of the Lord of the Rings sets at the moment. Something like that might be coming soon, but our new toys are always kept secret until they’re announced in the catalogue or on That’s because it takes a long time to design and make new toys, and we sometimes need every minute until they hit the shelves to make them perfect. Besides... we look forward to surprising you! Being a big LEGO fan myself, I can understand your eager and I really do apologize that I don't have any closer dates for you at the moment. Thanks again you took the time to let us know about your expectations and wishes. Comments like yours will help us get better and better at what we do, and I am sure our designer team will be happy to hear about your thoughts."
Post Your Castle Army Here!
I have 105 Uruks (including 16 berserkers), about 10 Mordor/Hunter orcs, 10 Gundabad Orcs, 4 Goblins, 3 Moria Orcs...and 1 Azog and 1 Yazneg , 15 wargs, 9 Nazguls (finally!). I just bought the Helms Deep set, so I can finally make some battle scene...hmm (I should buy some Rohan soldiers...I have only 1 )
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
What's your latest acquisition?
Just bought Helms Deep...finally! The set is opened, but the price was good.
6th Anniversary REVIEW: 9476 Orc Forge
I love this set too. I bought two. I have only one question - that "Hard to find" label was only on boxes in US? Because it wasn´t on my boxes (Europe). BTW Lurtz CAN have his hair piece on when he´s wearing the armor. It doesn´t 100% fits together, but it´s possible to have an armored Lurtz. Thank you for your review.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I just sent them an e-mail...
- [MOC] Proxy's Advanced Mos Eisley Cantina
What's your latest acquisition?
79005 The Wizard Battle...just for the EYE
LEGO LotR - general discussion
"Crebain from Dunland: Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Gandalf, a huge brick built rock for them to hide under, and several birds using the pet shop mold in black $25" dream set
What's your latest acquisition?
OK, thx :)
What's your latest acquisition?
Are you an employe, or it was discount for all? Thx.
What's your latest acquisition?
Blazej_Holen: Tell me, WHERE in the Czech Republic is Orthanc in 50% discount?!? Congrats on your find!
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO Hobbit 2014
0...I will just BL the minifigs. Sorry TLC.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I was optimistic, but now I´m starting to be more and more sceptic about the 3rd wave. But I still have the last hope - UCS Minas could cover all the important factions and characters (and one flying beast )that we are missing (the only exception is Balrog, or Treebeard for some AFOLs, but they are supposed to be brick-built, so we can start a contest who will make a better Balrog). Gondor soldiers, Faramir (+ Denethor), Witch King, Eowyn, Fellbeast...Merry and Pippin in their rohan and gondor outfits...that´s what we are waiting for. UCS Minas Tirith is not an army builder, of course. But as the last chance to get those figs and amazing city, this could be great finale of the Middle-Earth LEGO theme.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
The eagle in the minifig box looks eagle was shown in the box art of Orthanc and Black I hope those sets are unfinished. There could be some another molded creature (according to PJ, there will be some big war monsters on the bad side).
LEGO LotR - general discussion
But can they do that? I mean, it would be great to have brickforge/brickwarriors Witch King mask and other stuff (i.e. uruk-hai general helmet, elf helmets...), but can they do that without the licence?
LEGO Hobbit 2014
(+) new orcs (they look like gundabad face print on dark tan + mordor orc torso + new hairpiece) (+) Galadriel (!) (+) new Elrond (could be used as generic torso + legs for 2nd Age elf army) (+) new Thorin with crown (+) no Gandalf :D (-) no Beorn, no Bolg (-) no generic elf and dwarf soldier in armor (´s BATTLE of the five armies!) (-) orcs are without armor and helmet (-) another balista (-) the sets look a bit unfinished to me
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