Everything posted by Mr. Cube
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Deathleech: The set is (sadly) a "compilation" - it´s based on AUJ and DoS, not just on DoS. Sauron is hiding his identity, he appears as the "Necromancer", he has not full physical form like in the FotR prologue. He only shows his identity to Gandalf to reveal who he realy is. Putting Sauron with his armor in full physical form into the set would be nonsense. But something like 2nd Age Sauron polybag would be correct.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
There is my dream wave: Minas Tirith Battle (similar to Uruk-hai Army) - 2x Gondor soldiers + 2x Mordor orcs (new print) + 1x Gothmog + 1x warg - the gate of Minas Tirith - Grond (battering ram) The Bridge of Khazad-Dum (similar to Shelob Attacks, but with a lil bit more pieces) - 1x Gandalf + 2x Moria Orc (new helmet + amor) - brick-built Balrog - the bridge Mirror of Galadriel - 1x Frodo + 1x Galadriel (with alternative „demonic“ faceprint) - the mirror with blue light brick - some statue, small tree etc. Witch King Encounter - 1x Eowyn + 1x Theoden + 1x Witch King + 1x Merry - 1x molded fellbeast + 1x horse - small landscape REDUCED VERSION Witch King Encounter 2 - 1x Eowyn + 1x Witch King + 1x Merry - 1x molded fellbeast - small landscape EXPANDED VERSION Battle of the Pelennor Fields - 1x Eowyn + 1x Theoden + 1x Witch King + 1x Merry + 1 Rohan Soldier + 1 Gondor Soldier + 1 Mordor Orc (new print) - 1x molded fellbeast + 1x horse - small landscape + small catapult Ithilien Ambush - 2x Rangers of Ithilien + 1x Faramir + 2x Haradrim - 1x Oliphaunt (similar to LEGO Chima Mammoth) - some trees etc. UCS Minas Tirith - something like this, this or this Polybags - 2nd age Sauron polybag - Old Bilgo polybag
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Small set (or polybag) with Iron Hills dwarf + ram would be great (for fans but also for TLC), but this will never happen. :(
MOC: Forestmen´s Outpost
aesir911: I´m sorry, but I don´t have any instructions or LDD file of this MOC. markus1984: Thank you.
[MOC] Ogre Encampment
Great! Where can I buy this?
LEGO LotR - general discussion
"Fortunately PJ can't change the LotR movies anymore ;)" George Lucas does not agree with this.
MOC: The Revolt Of Spartacus
Awesome MOC, great details, beautiful temple.
MOC: Forestmen´s Outpost
Thank you for all the replies! I´m glad that you like it!
- Middle-Earth Madness - Witch King Shown vs Gondor Battle Pack [Week 19
MOC: Forestmen´s Outpost
Thank you. Well, there is some interior, but not as much as I originally planned for this MOC.
MOC: Forestmen´s Outpost
Hi! I would like to present my new MOC - Forestmen´s Outpost. It was inspired by the Forestmen theme, especially the sets 6054 Forestmen´s Hideout and 6066 Camouflaged Outpost. I had also an idea of combining the warg from The Hobbit theme and the Wolfpack faction. I hope you´ll like it.
- Middle-Earth Madness - Mûmakil Stampede vs Warg Battle Pack [Week 16]
Gruhzak Gur - Orc fortification
Amazing MOC! Many interesting details.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
That Bolg´s headpiece is nice and it could be very useful for custom orc armies, but I would prefer molded Bolg similar to Azog.
Nominate Dream LotR Sets for the Midearth Madness Tournament
Hammerhand: Snaga was name for the lesser breed of orc. There were also two orcs named "Snaga" in the movies, but one of them was in Cirith Ungol and the second was killed by Uglúk. Warg riders were led by Sharku. But the idea with the Warg Attack Battle Pack is nice.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
- Middle-Earth Madness - Ruins of Osgiliath vs Mûmakil Stampede [Week 1
- Helm's Deep MOC
Majisto's Workshop (MOC)
Awesome MOC! I love all the details and that cauldron is very good and original idea!
Lake Town House
Very nice MOC! I would just replace that pike which has the soldier in the tower with the crossbow or bow.Pike is useless weapon for that place, imo.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
This looks extremely thin to me:
- Medieval Market Village add on MOC
- Middle-Earth Madness - Minas Morgul vs Gray Havens [Week 9]
- Middle-Earth Madness - Mordor Battle Pack vs Minas Morgul [Week 8]
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I know that Sauron bred Uruk-hai first, but in the films, this fact is not mentioned, because they wanted to differeniate Saruman´s army from Sauron´s army. I just posted it because it´s interesting to see marching army of Uruk-hai (in Uruk-hai armor from the final film - so Isengard Uruks) with the Sauron´s banner :)
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