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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I just realized that we haven't seen any sets from the white council or any other parts of the movie that PJ is putting in in addition to the main story line of the book (such as Radagast, and Dol Goldur). I bet they asked TLG to save those sets until after the movie came out to keep those elements of the movie a suprise. I for one am glad these sets didnt really spoil anything. On a side note: Wow deskp that warg is AMAZING! Imagine an army of 15 or 20 orcs riding in on those wargs
  2. I don't really blame Lego for how the tumblers (both renditions) have turned out because it is a very complicated vehicle with all it's angles and moving plates, however; 1. Why is there so much blue on the BAT? He is called the "DARK Knight" isn't he? Not the Medium Trans-Blue Knight! 2. Why is banes mask snickered all over the tumbler? 3. And finally, is that the TDKR logo on the front of the BAT? What, is he promoting his own movie? Whatever, I can leave off the stickers and fill in the blue with black, besides, I love the bugle set; all the minifigure are superb.
  3. Escape in the Barrels will be $39.99 USD To me it looked more like a $30 set to me but I will definitely still get it for those elven swords http://www.eonline.com/news/352916/hobbit-movie-spoilers-revealed-hellip-in-lego-form-mdash-get-a-sneak-peek?utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=imdb_topstories
  4. It makes me so excited to play the video game to see that that guy was so knowledgeable about LOTR. As long as he was on the designing team I feel the game will be in safe hands. Also Gandalf putting his hat on Pippin cracked me up
  5. I was just looking at the LEGO main site and noticed that ALL of the LOTR sets are on the top 25 best seller list. If that isn't an indicator of how well these sets will do I don't know what is. Even the $130 Helms deep is selling amazing.
  6. I actually think that the gollum mold looks much better than the CGI version we saw in the poster. More like LEGO. I dont know why but I really like the side view it looks like a nice mold. I like that the legs are kind of squared of instead of round, it makes it look more like a LEGO piece and less action figurey (i know its not a real word).
  7. It would make tons of AFOLs upset but Lego could release a brick built balrog like 8962 Crystal King without the bridge. That set would be very iconic and could go for $30 (considering Crystal KIng went for $20) with a Gandallf and Moria Orc mini figures. No bridge would suck but that set would be a major way to get non LEGO Tolkien fans to buy LEGO. And what kid or adult wouldn't want a LEGO Balrog for such a reasonable price.
  8. Wow this theme seems more amazing every time I think or look at it. Even the Gandalf and Gollum figures which I originally didn't love have really grown on me. The only thing about this line that irks me is the Aragorn mini figure. For some reason he doesn't seem kingly enough for me. I know that at this point in the story i looks like a ranger but he always had that kingly air that cannot be put into a minifig. Mabey a brown cape will help. A somewhat related question; Do you think that TLG will make an Anduril mold when the time comes? I really hope they do
  9. My opinions on the sets now that we have detailed pictures: Gandalf Arrives: Great iconic set and will be good for buying multiples of to get lots of the new horses (i think these horses are far better than the others and will want to sub out the old ones on my fav. castle sets) Shelob Attacks: At first this was the only set I wasnt going to get but it is a great value (230 pieces for $20) and I would end up buying gollum and sam on Bricklink anyway. (Additionally i may just have to buy it to wash out the bad memories I have from Aragog ) Uruk-Hai Army: In my opinion the best set by far. Lots of Uruks and two amazing looking rohan helmets. The Orc Forge: I will get this set as a way to get more Orcs and Uruks but it seems a little to "playset-ish" for me. My son wil probably love the light up brick and all the moving features Weathertop: I cant believe how expensive this is! This would be my favorite set if it were $10 or $20 less expensive (IMHO it should be around $35). I will probably get it though Mines of Moria: This set looks like an amazing set for peices and minifigs but i will probably redesign the actual structure. And of course the cave troll Helms Deep: Wow this set looks huge and Theoden and Haldir have to be my favorite minifigs. Only thing bad is the Berzerker, he needs a real helmet
  10. New Pics Wow what a collection of weapons in Mines of Moria (on the floor)
  11. I just realized how many new molds we will be getting in the first wave: 1. Uruk-Hai Shield 2. Uruk Hai Helmet 3. Uruk Hai Sword 4. Gandalf's beard 5. New Horse 6. Hobbit Hair 7. Sting 8. Gollum 9. Rohan Helmet 10. Orc/Goblin hair 11. Cave Troll 12. Ginli's Beard 13. Gimli's Helmet 14. LEgolas's Hair (it looks longer than the CMF elf hair) 15. The Ring 16(?). The Hobbit Sword looks like it could be a new mold judging by some of the mines of moria pictures (pippin is holding it) And i don't know if it counts as a "mold" but the ringwraiths cloak looks new. This means there are around 16 new molds from this line not to mention the amazing amount of new printing and bricks in new colors (i.e. the "bricks brick") Looks like LEGO really cares about this theme
  12. WOW!!! look at the printing on Theoden's helmet. :cry_happy:
  13. Wow! these sets look amazing. Shelob looks really big which is good in my opinion but it might just look that way because of his stand. Helms deep and Mines of Moria both look much bigger than the prelim pics looked and I am shocked at the amount of orcs/uruk-hai we are getting in the first wave (2 moria orcs, 3 mordor, and 10 uruk hai). I think LEGO deserves a congratulations for pulling of a very nice first wave and for including so many major characters and lots of orcs. I have one question: What is inside weathertop? I cant figure it out from the pics
  14. Thank you so much I am even more excited.
  15. Wow these sets look amazing, its to bad we wont be able to see details until toy fair NY but even from a distance these look great. I am especially excited to see details of the Orc Forge set especially if the fig list of 5 Uruks (or orcs) is true. How did you zoom in enough to see the Uruk swords?
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