Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
Hy Phil, lovely work!!! Grüßle, Daniel
Ship-of-the-Line Under Construction
Wonderfully done. Simply love it :-) All the best, DAniel
Ship-of-the-Line Under Construction
Nice work :-) And here we get a little bit the historical background of the ship: It is a french prize as can be seen on the horse shoe stern ;-) ALl the best, Daniel
Ship-of-the-Line Under Construction
DPW, I love it :-) Just one thing, the shrouds are not correct as far as I can see. The lower shrouds go up through a hole (lubbers hole) in the fighting to and are fixed around the mast top. This means the one stone on the top of the top that is already there has to be made higher by some levels. The shrouds from the topmast then will come to the deadeyes of the top. Those deadeyes are held down by the futtock shrouds which are attached at the lower shrouds. Too complicated? The picture will show: (Ignore the red circles, that was for something different) All the best, Daniel
Ship-of-the-Line Under Construction
Hello Wesley, nice to hear that things are about to move :-) I could have thought about the english version ... Here is the thread in MSW: and here a even more detailled one in the Victory Modellers Forum at Pete Coleman: (registration needed) @Ringelheim: Do not take pictures of about 1900 for Victorys appearance, as the ship was much modified and sit far higher in the water as she used too. They even were able to cut small ports for the orlop-deck ... All the best, Daniel
dafi started following Ship-of-the-Line Under Construction
Coming from a "historic building" forum I would like to confirm Foremast Jacks statement. Wonderfully researched! Just for amusement a link for some sea cadets working the capstans on HMS Implacable, jumping the guns :-) Alöl the best, Daniel
Ship-of-the-Line Under Construction
Hello Wesley, found your build by chance as I found a link from my picture - the small little man in between the two capstans. I like the attempt, that even it is "just" Lego, you take the time to try to understand the original. Wonderful work, much appreciated!!! I posted a link of your build on my german forum where the reaction for this - and also for many other of the builds here - was fantastic :-) All the best, continue, I will follow with interest. Daniel
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