Story serial, by jifel
All the parts are good, except one flaw: Makuta Teleportation power doesn't work from the outside into inside Karda Nui, and vice-versa (the walls are shielded against the power). You could edit it to make a teleportation chamber inside the Coliseum though, since it is a fan fiction. -Iggy
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Ohhh interesting! I guess the life counter doesn't really do anything related to gear mechanism, which would have been cool (imagine each Glatorian's face/mask start to fall off the more "damage" they took). So Tuma has a double face mask huh? That seems interesting... -Iggy
Custom Glatorian Abilities and Powers
Custom Glatorian Abilities and Powers
Just curious about people's thoughts on the Glatorians, and what they are capable of. We know that Bara Magna and the tribes are extremely primitive, from using forged weapons to throwing hard fruit. But, what do you think each tribe can do? For example, Strakk of the Ice Tribe. He grows crystalline ice from his head (acting as hair), which he can pluck off and it regrows quickly. He can use it as ice darts to throw when he doesn't have a Thornax to spare! Or, Gresh of the Jungle tribe. He has a natural sense of nature, capable of communicating with local plantlife and flora, even to the point where he can control them with intense focus. Summon a shoot of vine from a tree, or sprout vegetation. Any ideas? :) -Iggy (these are just ideas, not actual facts!!!)
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Interesting... Vorox and Zesk could be outcasts from the Rock tribe, thus technically not in the Rock tribe. Those two look like hunter and pet dog to be honest :p All the Glatorians look pretty savage, particularly Skrall, Gresh, Strakk and Vorox, only Malum and Tarix retain any noblity from what we've seen. I wonder if Thornax grows in every region? -Iggy
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
Always did took CGI of actual set packaging to convince me :p Though the Av-Packs don't appeal to me that much (as new line packaging), I must say that the CGI department did a great job on diversifying the backgrounds for our elemental themed Glatorians. Particularly Raanu, Malum, Metus and Straak! The fire castle and the ice cave looks marvelous (self induced names for settings), hopefully even more so in the movie! -Iggy
Bionicle 2009 Images and Discussion
I hope the Thornax can be assembled, since it appears to be made of three pieces (two spiked yellow halfball, 1 black plate thingy). Tarix doesn't appear to have a Thornax launcher? -Iggy
Glatorian free-for-all epics!
... Once the spirit of Teridax is vanquished, the Matoran Universe can no long function. The lifeless body of "Mata Nui" fell onto the Glatorian continent, causing the second Great Cataclypse. The Kanohi Ignika was squished beyond repair, unable to cross 7000000 feet in time. -Iggy
Glatorian free-for-all epics!
Time froze after the departure of Chuck Norris, apparent residue energy that is rippling space-time continuum of the Glatorian universe... A gentle glow is seen in the sky, a small shape at first. Then, came a CRASH!!!! BOOOM EXPLODING OMG!!!!! that blackened the sun. A being emerged in a 10000000000 km deep hole, burying the bodies of many of the already dead Glatorian warriors, it is TERIDAX/MATA NUI, the MATORAN UNIVERSE!! It seems Mata Nui is not safe after all. -Iggy
Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
Well, Greg did say the designers were really emphizing the combining gimmick between Makuta Toa and Matoran... At 40 piecies, Krika could have used improvement, but the classic slick and spicy look for feminines are here. I think she has Barraki eyes inside her ponytail mask. I think the net wings of Gorast should have been on his back, because they look like they will get in the way of posing, though not significantly. Heck, would it kill LEGO to make them not so RECTANGULARLY straight? I don't think real insect wings look like mosquito smackers. Bitil has potential, but he would have worked better with his "wings" turn into extra arms, with his hook-like weapons while not copied from Gorast. And the Onua shield become his back armor, giving him a real Beetle-look (six arms and a hard shell). Photok body is a definite no-no. -Iggy
Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
Hmm... those green ammo appear to be VERY leech-like, the suction mouth part that is... I hope that they are actually fast multiplying plants transformed by the Mutagen, called "Bolo Weeds" because they wrap around and squeeze their targets... But that's just me trying to edit the BIONICLE story =p Why LEGO, why didnt you put a cool chest piece for Gorast?! -Iggy
Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
I am getting Gorast =) Just wished his Inika body was coloured black and the neck metru arm lime green, then only his claws and the... air pump will be silver! BRING BACK THE ORIGINALS! STOP ABUSING SILVER AND GRAY! What are those projectiles supposed to be, little ghost-like phantoms? -Iggy
Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
You have nooo idea how right you are... Gorast looks the most, dare I say, "Promising" out of those three Makuta, EXCEPT his chest. Gali is dead inside my friend, weep for her one last time... OMG, is that a BUG NET on her mask on the left side? Its Kopaka all over again!!! -Iggy :'-(
Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
Hey Bricksters, lookie what I found =) INCREDIBLY CRAPPILY TAKEN PHOTOS OF THE MISTIKA FROM TOY FAIR! ZOMG!!! AVERT YOUR EYES AND CLICK HERE NOW! Return of the Bohrok Eyes, shield yourselves! The Toa have torpedos with fans? The Makuta have weird green missiles... Woah... Gorast have gliders that look like, bug nets?! The Mistika Makuta have NECKS!!! -Iggy
Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
Roflmao. I would laugh if their projectile ammo was green seaweed, or mutagen mutated Kraata or mutage mutated Shadow Leechs with three to four stinger-like flaps. Green blobs of Jellyfish, Lego has finally lost it. Krika has that classic Korahk vibe to her :) SPIKEY GORAST FEET YAY Huge wings for Bitil O.o And you are right guys, the weapon IS Air-powered, if only this weapon was the Barraki's squid launcher =( -Iggy
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