Everything posted by eurotrash
MOC: Pirate Quayside
[pid][/pid]229A <Takes deep breath> OK this is my first MOC to be posted in the Pirate Forum. I know it's a cruel, cruel place - full of scurvy dogs and salty tales. My only hope is that the ongoing Redcoat vs. Bluecoat skirmishes means that this creation can pass under the radar and avoid the scorn and ridicule that it deserves Anyway it's been a year since emerging from the dark ages and in that time I managed to plunder a few POTC bargains, but I found the sets a little disappointing so after several Bricklink orders and much building and rebuilding I present a Pirate-ridden Quayside. There's a lot going on so I broke it into a bunch of snippets It doesn't matter how many fish you catch I you can't get them in the bucket! Look out below when you empty the nightsoil bucket Not sure what Capt Jack's done to upset this man! Maybe the Girl in the window is somehow involved. Thanks for reading!
MOD/MOC of 7744 Police Station - A work in progress
Hey, that's a great looking start you've got there, I think you're right in considering another brick level under the doorway area with steps up - that would give the imposing entrance that you architect-types crave ( ) and enable you to line up the top of the windows to the door frame. Do you yet have an idea as to whether you're going to do a second floor and what the roof? Thanks for sharing it with us and do see a lot of Bricklink orders in your future!
MOC: Coveted Clutch (modular shop)
What a fantastic looking Modular. Those windows just look perfect and the attention to detail is awesome. I agree with Cei's comments about understated high end shops and I think you've captured that feel brilliantly. Thanks for sharing it with us.
10232 Palace Cinema
Whatever it looks like or finally morphs into. All I know that if it's half as much to build as the Town Hall with just a quarter of the ingenuity and design esthetics then it's still going to be a great building. We should all be thankful that TLG is providing such a fantastic range of sets!
MOC Taco Truck
Welcome back lightningtiger! It seems you went quiet for a while... Yeah that front end was troubling me. I went through so many iterations but I kept on coming back to a front end that looked like existing sets. I wanted something different, but this isn't right and those cheese slopes are definitely wrong. Back to the drawing board, but in the meantime New Year Fish Tacos for everyone!
What are you listening to?
No apologies from me for this one! Happy New Year Everyone!
Small Pirate Sloop
Good color scheme, some very well made sails and some lovely proportions to the vessel. It looks great and thanks for sharing it with us.
MOC: Motorcar M-1
That's a great looking engine and you're right about that new Dark Green color - it really does look right! Thanks for sharing it with us!
- MOC Taco Truck
MOC Taco Truck
I love street food and I didn't really like the scale of the 4431 Ambulance so I couldn't resist MODding it into something more useful. I used parts from a variety of other sources including some Red Hinges from a 4543 Railroad Tractor Flatbed set from the 90's. They've been so well used that they tend to close under their own weight and so I had to reset them between pictures.Anyway here's my version of a Taco Truck. I hope you like it and comments, suggestions and criticisms are very welcome! I'm not sure if that guy is putting fish in the trash can or pulling them out - either way I'm not sure I'd eat here. Bike couriers on the other hand aren't quite as fussy eaters. There were large mirrors on the stanchions at the front of the Truck before I went outside to take pictures, I'll be hunting for them later Closed up and ready to hit the road Your friendly neighborhood Taco Truck Owner. Update: Following comments in the thread I revised the front end and built 'the-sketchiest-looking-taco-ever' to go on the roof and so the salmonella on four wheels now looks like... So long and thanks for all the fish (tacos)
[WIP LDD] Comics Corner MOD MOC
That made me laugh! But seriously I can't wait to see the completed MOC! And I'm really looking forward to the Roof Zen Garden. Thanks for the update.
USA Today Video/Article on LEGO investing
However much you either detest the idea of speculators, fully support them, are ambivalent either way, or whatever if a story has made it to USA Today then it's probably already peaked. Personally the idea of Lego as an Investment vehicle seems sketchy to me. At anytime TLG could reissue any old sets and undermine the 'value' of your Brick portfolio, the trading market is thin and illiquid - just how many collectors want a Mint Condition UCS 'thingy' and what happens when the demand exceeds the supply? You want evidence? What about the Minecraft Set. As soon as it ceased availability through the Lego website prices on Craigslist went north of $100, then they reappeared on the Lego website and the Craigslist prices plummeted.
Is there any use of a 2x2 bricks?
The beauty of Lego is that all the pieces fit together and there is definitely a place for the humble 2 x 2 brick! I use them hidden for supporting upper levels in Buildings, use them exposed for things like buttresses, as fill in for Rock and Mountain Slopes, and generally anywhere that the depth doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong I probably won't buy any more of them, but I will continue to use them....
10232 Palace Cinema
I'm definitely warming up to this set. I think it's going to be a great addition to the Modular Line up - irrespective of whether it's called Creator or not. I'm intrigued as to what surprises they're going to include inside. I'm hoping for a Entrance Lobby with Popcorn machine, several rows of banked seating, a balcony, an executive box and a Screen area that can hold my iPhone! I also like the fact that its a corner set and that two of these MODed together would make an epic structure.
- MOC: Modular Home
- 10232 Palace Cinema
- Winter Village: Winterville Station
MOC: The Kraken attacks!
That is fantastic! I really liked the movement and the flexing of the vessel. Looks great and you should be very proud of it! Thanks for sharing it with us.
LDD MOC: Ballast Loading Station
It looks great, but I've two minor comments. First, there doesn't appear to be sufficient clearance under the bridge for an Engine with pantographs and second, in real life I don't think you'ld have a structure with windows so close to the area where the crane is. Maybe you might consider having a separate structure to act as the office and just have the area under the crane to be a simple utility area. But I really like the way you've shown the evolution of your ideas and thank you for sharing it with us.
- MOC: TM III Shunting Tractor
Is It Worth Buying an Emerald Night Now?
Here's a link to the two reviews of the Emerald Night in this forum As for what's coming next, there is 79111 Constitution Train Chase set and you can find a link to images within this thread It's not available until April or so and probably isn't Christmassy enough without some enhancing.
MOC/WIP: Es. Co 2-6-2 Behemoth Pneumatic Locomotive
You have created a monster! A big hulking air-powered monster. Do you think it's possible to contain it within a 10-wide creation? or can it be orientated horizontally through 90 degrees so that it fits within an 8-wide? Congratulations though it sure looks impressive....
MOC/WIP: Es. Co 2-6-2 Behemoth Pneumatic Locomotive
I confess that when I saw the Topic was marked PoC that Proof of Concept wasn't the first thing that sprang to mind... Excellant! Yep, you've definitely got a traction problem Does increasing the train weight make a difference?, or, does that make it too heavy to move?
- End of the World - Colonel Sanders and the last Chicken Mega Bucket
- Building Drive: The End of the World! - Winner Announced!
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