Everything posted by eurotrash
TRAIN TECH Help, General Questions & Talk to the Staff
I have two 4548 Transformer and Speed Regulators that I use for two different track loops, but these were UK Transformers (using 240V AC as input) and I need to locate a US-power supply equivalent (110 AC). I've rummaged through my house and found two 9V transformers (one from the phone, and one from a rechargeable drill) but both give different performances when attached to the Speed Regulators and the SigOther wants the phone back :( Is anyone aware of a current Lego Product that I could use (like the 9833 Transformer?) or do the members of this group have there own off-brand preferences? And (dumb question here) has anyone successfully tried higher voltages? Thanks peeps! Chris
MOC: 2-6-0 Standard Class 4MT
Flawless execution. Thank you for sharing these with us and, once again, the bar has been raised.
MOC: Stockholm Metro - Medborgarplatsen
What a great MOC you've got. There's some fantastic attention to detail. Brick on!
Review - 6396 - International Jetport.
You've got great enthusiasm for the product and it made for an interesting and entertaining review! Thanks for posting. I'm just wondering if anyone else has Golden-age era sets that they could review?
Which Technician?
You can't select a new hire based purely on looks. You'll have to consider their work experience, aptitude, work ethic, etc. I suggest you perform extensive background tests to ensure that you get the right candidate for the job.
MOC - 1950's Australian Suburban Street
A Barbershop sounds interesting, but is there any chance of a Pie Shop further down the road?
Modular Apple Store
Only two people queuing? Presumably there's no iPhone 5/iPad 3 about to be launched. Seriously though, I like it.
MOC: 7 Wide CN Super Continental Passenger Car
Nice looking coach and I certainly like the clean lines. What engine are you thinking of to pull it?
MOC - 1950's Australian Suburban Street
Definitely liking the architectural details at the top of the 'Woolies' building. It looks just right!
10224 Town Hall
This looks fantastic! Though I'm a bit concerned about the lack of safety features around the Lift (Elevator). I can see many poor minifigs plunging to their deaths. :) I'm going to have to start saving my pennies for this one....
Review: 4432 Garbage Truck
Thanks for a comprehensive and entertaining review.
Layout: Harbor Cargo Terminal
That is fantastic! There's so much going on wherever you look. There's, what seems to be, a whole lot of track in the background of the pictures just waiting to be used. What do you think you'll be adding next? I can't wait to find out.
2012 Train 'Exclusive' - Rumours/Rumblings?
The thing we've all got to remember though is that TLG is a commercial operation and that for any new Product launch it's the size of the addressable market thats important. A Train Engine shed would only be on interest to a subset of the Train community and they'd be little possibility of sales into other Lego communities. But, I agree with you. A new shed would be most welcome. I just don't see it happening.
LDD MOC: Old Fashioned Train Station
I'd always thought that the original 4554 Metro Station looked a bit out of place as a large mass of yellow. Sure it was a large structure, but nowadays it definitely looks like a set from another era. I like the redesign you've made and I think the colour choice definitely fits in with the Mod buildings. I guess I'm now off to Bricklink
MOC: BDe 4/4 Triebwagen
Does the yellow streak at the top of the train appearing on one half of one side mean that it's for passenger use? If it is then I'm guessing I'm slowly discovering the nuances. Either way, I'm really appreciating the attention to detail.
MOC UK Style suburban semi detached house c1940s
Wow! I've just stumbled across your work. This is fantastic and it looks just like my grandmothers house in Newbury, England. The detail-work is superb and the inclusion of a caravan made me smile.
New 2012 Train: 9467 Ghost Train
I'm thinking that a Zombie Thomas engine could be an interesting sub-genre :) Ghostly or not I'm just pleased that Lego is releasing a new Train.....
Layout: Harbor Cargo Terminal
You referring to this one Works Depot? This came out in my dark ages and I'd never seen it before, but seeing that and the OPs Harbour scene I'm now on a mission...
Layout: Harbor Cargo Terminal
I'm going to have to 'dock' you a few points for such a bad pun
Could this be a new "golden age" of LEGO train?
But the introduction of the Modular Building sets and the variety/quantities of bricks they contain HAS enabled MOC-er's the build their own train related structures. That's something we couldn't do in the Golden Ages.
Could this be a new "golden age" of LEGO train?
I was recently thinking along somewhat similar lines - though it was in the context of maybe that Lego Trains are one of the upgrade paths for junior Lego fans to follow once they are ready to move on from some of the themed product ranges. For sure, the golden days of Lego 9V may be history now, but I think there's enough vitality and launches to make the Lego Trains a really good product line for Lego. I'm optimistic about the future!
Hi all, Let me introduce myself. I'm an ex-pat Brit living in deepest rural Missouri and I'm finally emerging from the dark ages. The gateway set for me for this re-emergence was - of all things - 7051 'Space Tripod Invader'. It looked so much fun that I had to treat myself to it. That brick-on-brick action stimulated some long-forgotten senses and then I started to rebuild the Lego 9V trains that had packed away in storage since the mid 90's. Of these the 4558 Metroliner remains my favourite - although the 4551 Crocodile Train is currently getting more use on my layout. I'm slowly adding to my collection via Bricklink and the post-Christmas markdowns at the big box stores has been useful in rebuilding my reservoir of bricks, but I know I have a long way to go to reach the standards that have been set in this forum. I'm impressed by the MOCs, the dioramas, and - like most of us - I've already experienced the 'Lego is not a model train set - it's a toy' mentality in the real world. I got that from the owners in a deserted local model train shop (that attitude was probably why it was deserted). I say "Stuff them" :) Anyway thanks already for the help I received from the forum - it's been an inspiration and while I'll never be in a position to have a gigantic layout with hundreds of pieces/track etc. I know that at least for now there will be a part of Missouri that will be running Gauge L.
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