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Jason C. Hand

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Jason C. Hand

  1. I've been using LDD since 2012; as such, it's a good place to start exploring digital building. I also used stud.io for a little bit, but it ran very slowly on my current laptop (and probably tore through available RAM, too). But from what I understand, stud.io has a much better assortment of bricks and decals than LDD.
  2. Is LDD2PovRay getting updated soon?
  3. About...freakin...time!!! I'll have to check this badboy out when I get in from work!
  4. I really, really hope not. Yep. The bad boy needs some new stuff stat!
  5. LDD has always been quite easy to get into and build stuff with. Stud.io, however, has some promise. To me personally, it operates just a little like the Mecabricks site. Only thing is that it is a slow beast, and "power-hungry," as SylvainLS pointed out. If there were a less demanding version of Stud.io out there right now, I'd happily use it in tandem with LDD.
  6. Ok, thanks. I asked because I have a number of LDD .lxf files that I wanna try & translate to this as well.
  7. I'm gonna try out this software this weekend. Just curious, though: Can any models built with LDCad be made POV-Ray compatible?
  8. Hey guys. I have not really been building too much lately, but I was able to construct this guy in LDD. This is an Asea Brown-Boveri N5 car. It is used on the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority's (SEPTA) Norristown High Speed Line. The ABB N5s were put into service in 1993 as replacements for the JG Brill "Bullets" and Strafford cars that previously operated along the line. Further reading about these can be found below: http://www.philadelphiatransitvehicles.info/interurban.php; http://www.phillytrolley.org/philwest.html LXF file-->https://bricksafe.com/pages/Pockyman30/trains Comments/suggestions welcome.
  9. I agree entirely. That might be the providential move for TLG to make, if it is indeed true that they have altogether given up on everything and anything to do with LDD. The signals are still kinda mixed in that regard
  10. I've been wondering about a new LDD update, and whether or not the software is still supported or no. Anyone have any ideas???
  11. Some time ago, I built my own versions of The Three Dragons from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They are Naydra, Farosh and Dinraal. Naydra by Flickshot30, on Flickr Farosh by Flickshot30, on Flickr Dinraal by Flickshot30, on Flickr Bit of a spoiler alert: Naydra is based on Nayru, goddess of wisdom; Farosh, on Farore the goddess of courage; and Dinraal, on Din the goddess of power. The dragons could be found in the Lanayru, Faron and Eldin regions of Hyrule, respectively. Anyways, each dragon has fully articulated bodies, heads, claws and tails, and can be posed in whatever pose one would like. Though special notice must be made about the legs; they may not articulate the right way the first time so some fiddling is in order. The LXF files are on my Bricksafe page for downloading. That's all for now. Se ya soon!
  12. I got this same thing last night while using LDD. Hope it's cleared up soon.
  13. Sorry for getting back to you so late, friend. Anyways, all of the custom plate prints were rendered in the LDD2POVRay program. I just placed decorations found in LDD on the plates, and then used the custom deco feature in LDD2POV (which was a selling point for me ). There is an in-depth tutorial on how to place custom decorations floating around on here: This will help if you're looking to put custom decals on your renders. Anyways, hope this helps, happy building!
  14. I'm on bit of a minifig/bigfig tangent, so please don't mind me. Anyways: Killer Croc Body from LEGO Batman Movie New hairpiece for Han Solo " Finn Jabba the Hutt's new body Catwoman mask based on the Arkham game series Batgirl's headpiece from LEGO Batman Movie Inquisitor mask from SW: Rebels That's about it at this point.
  15. My take on the fearsome HK Spider Tank from Terminator: Genisys. Built is as accurately as I could, but took a couple of liberties with it. Namely the head: The head is large, and I really did not feel likely making it that unwieldy for the model. So I shortened it a bit. Also, this thing has front and rear cannons on its arm; it was overkill for the way I designed the arms, so I left the rear cannons off, but gave it a pair of rear-facing rocket launchers on its biceps (one for each side). Also, it has a waist pivot. I will add some other photos of the model as I can.
  16. I think this guy may just have me beat: https://www.facebook.com/legodelphia/ This is great stuff!
  17. These are awesome! Thanks for sharing :)
  18. Ok, thanks guys. I will probably go somewhat bigger with this model. I am looking to do the Art Museum, Liberty One and Independence Hall at some point. Maybe even the Comcast(!) Center.
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