Everything posted by Mr.Brick
Harry Potter 2011 Discussion
Yes, I think that. I guess LEGO is expecting us to add our own things there. By the way, it is not the first time empty rooms appear: This is the 3rd Hogwarts Castle (and the worst in my opinion). (From Matn's review) I just don't get why people never think it's enough. We already get this amazing set, and yet there are still minifigs missing, and to little add-ons and accesoires.
Lego Dome
You could use this piece ( upside down, but only for the interior. You should build something different for the exterior.
Harry Potter 2011 Discussion
I'm afraid you're not right. The boxes are preliminary, but the sets themselves not, I think, seen as there are new minifigs and stickers.
That hair-piece...
I think the newest Snape is definitely the best of all. The face, to me, looks just like in the movies. Frustrated, but also a bit worried. The hair is a lot better than the flat girly hair. It adds a dimension to the fig. Rons hair is only accurate for movie 4 (GoF). In most of the other movies the has shorter hair. But it's ok I guess.
Announcing the Winners of the Harry Potter Winter Break Contest
Congratulations to the winners! Well deserved! I'm a bit suprised though that Dix and Maydayartist weren't one of the winners, but maybe next time. Great contest anyway, and I hope it sparked the Harry Potter-flame for many more members here!
Harry Potter 2012 Set Ideas Thread
Indeed great ideas! Thumbs up! :thumbup:
Custom Mario Minifig!
Ooh, that looks pretty good! The minifig proportions work well on Mario as a game fig. Guess heads are bigger in both figures. I think he looks a bit grumpy and old, but the rest is very good! :D Planning to make some others?
WINTER BREAK: The Three Broomsticks Inn
Thank you Matn for your reply! I think it's the best one in this topic so far! Oh wait, it's the only one... :-p Well, that aside, I added some interior to the model, but since the voting of the contest isn't officially over yet, I'll only give a link to the MOCpage. ALL NEW PICTURES! url: It looks somewhat better, I think. I could use some new minifigs though :). And prof. Scamander returns! :P When the contest closes officially I'll post the pics in the first post, if someone sees it though.
Harry Potter 2012 Set Ideas Thread
Privet Drive 4 is a must! Either in Ford Anglia Escpape, Knight Bus runaway (but if the KB comes alone, unlikely) or (most likely) Seven Potters scene! A problem is that they would add at least 7 minifigs plus order members. Can you imagine: 7 harry minifigs in one set... Ministry of Magic are indeed also a great idea! Appearred more than enough in the last movies. Then I would also like to see something in the Forbidden Forest, other than what happens in DH. We've got scenes with the unicorn, Aragog, dementors, enough to choose from. New Fang would be great, but unlikely. Maybe more parts from Hogwarts. A Whomping Willow as said above would be cool too. Either with the Ford or with the route to the Shrieking Shack. Harry Potter LEGO forever :P
Harry Potter 2011 Discussion
Well, obviously Lucius Malfoy i included because they needed a Death Eater in this set. And if you're making a minfig already, why not make it Lucius with another head? The extra hair piece is not a problem, so I think this is a lot better than 'just' a Death Eater. What bugs me a bit is why the set is called 'Hogwarts' on the box. I mean, it's the Battle for/of Hogwarts, right? That's different. And Harry in his uniform doesn't make sense either. Neville figure is good too have, and Lupin too, although both do not really look like their movie counterparts (except for Neville's torso). Sprout as a figure is a cool inclusion, and Goyle is ok too. Must admit that for the amount of minifigs, they made a strange selection, but most of them are good! The set itself looks awesome I think! It's like Hogwarts Castle, but then affordable! The design is even better than expected, so I really like it. I'm curious about the price, though.
How much time do you spend on Lego?
Hi everyone! I like to watch great MOCs and follow LEGO news, but I do not tend to build myself that much. Sometimes I have a phase, in which I build something, but no often. The main reason behind this is that my LEGO collection is pretty old by now, (from end 90s, begin 2000s,) and most bricks are not usable for the builds I (try to) make today, namely cockpit windows, wedges, car wheels, etc.. Buying bricks is not something I do very often, only if I REALLY need bricks. So I was wondering, how much do you spend on LEGO, averagely? Like, per month, or per year. Do you spend it mostly on bricklink (specific bricks), do you also buy sets (something which I haven't done for many years) or only garage sale-like deals? (or nothing at all?) In my case, as I said before, I nearly never buy anything new, because of the money. LEGO is pretty expensive hobby, unfortunately, if you want to play it well. If I buy something, always specific bricks for bricklink. Per such a project I try not to exceed €20-€30 budget. That's often it for at least half a year. I'm curious to hear your stories!
Harry Potter Winter Break Contest Voting Thread
Although I participate in the contest myself, I decided to vote too. So my votes go to... 1pt to Clark - Number 93 Diagon Alley 1pt to Dix - Dervish & Banges 1pt to Maegnus - Zonko's Joke Shop 1pt to Maydayartist - Hog's Head Inn 1pt to Mcfarlandman - The Lovegood Home Lots of respect to the following. It's a shame I can't give them any points: CorneliusMurdock - Slug & Jigger's Apothecary pif500 - Weasley Wizard Wheezes Curious to find out who wins!!
WINTER BREAK: Flourish & Blotts
It is very accurate to the movie! Good job!
Harry Potter 2011 Discussion
I think Bellatrix is likely. Lucius we've had a few times now (two) so that's enough for him. Don't think he'll get a big role in the battle in the film btw. Same counts for Fenrir. Another Death Eater(s) can be possible. Tonks will die, so I guess LEGO won't put her in there, but Luna is possible. Even more if the rumours are true that she will have some role in finding Ravenclaws horcrux. Molly, maybe, but rather not. She doesn't really have an action role except for attacking Bella at the end. I guess children don't like playing a character in her fifties, but rather another child/teen. Percy, maybe, depends on the role he gets in the movie. Sprout and Neville seem likely. I think Snape too, since he's a liked and recognized character and he's important in that scene/at the end of the story. I expect Voldie and Harry too, since they will battle the epic finale together.
WINTER BREAK: The Three Broomsticks Inn
I've asked Hinckley for permission, and I got his OK. So the first post is updated with nicer pictures and some better description. I'll make a brickshelf page for it later to add more pictures.
Harry Potter Winter Break Contest
Yeah, I loved this contest too! The building and watching other's creation alike! I like the idea of antoher HP contest in the future. A Hogwarts room theme seems cool!
WINTER BREAK: The Three Broomsticks Inn
The Three Broomsticks Hogsmeade's most famous Wizarding pub Description Located at the main street of Hogsmeade you'll find the Three Broomsticks, the famous Wizarding pub and inn. It is often warm, crowded, and a bit smoky, but clean and welcoming. Drinks such as Butterbeer and Firewhiskey are served in glasses and in pewter tankards. The Three Broomsticks is owned and operated by Madam Rosmerta. Photo's On a cold winter's day, professor Scamander took a stroll through Hogsmeade. Frozen as he was, since he wore no gloves, he stopped by at the Three Broomsticks Inn. A picture of the entrance and the Three Broomsticks sign. The interior of the Three Broomsticks. Note the little attick with some storage. The warm and cozy fireplace warms the whole space. Above hangs the first copy of the famous Cleansweep One. An overall shot from the back of the pub. Due to my lateness I left the interior undecorated. But you can imagine some nice tables and chairs, madame Rosmerta and loads of butterbeer, can't you? ;-) INTERIOR PICTURES with accesoires! At the MOCpage hereunder you'll find updated pictures with Please take a look at the other pages I've created for this entry, with more pictures and... accesoires and minifigs. I can't now due to the rules. Thanks for watching and I hope I'll see you again at my next Harry Potter creation! Jan / Mr.Brick
Grunwald 1410 -2010 (WIP)
Good news! Since I'm half-Polish too, I love this subject for a brickfilm! I'm curious...!
Harry Potter 2011 Discussion
Remember that practically all of the new sets released have roles in more than one movie. The Burrow: Chamber of Secrets (Harry's first vacation at the Burrow) Half-Blood Prince (Burrow attack) Deathly Hallows (the Wedding) ...and some minor roles in other movies. Hogwarts: obvious I think :). Hogwarts Express: all movies actually, but especially Philosopher's Stone (Harry's first ride) Chamber of Secrets (Car chase) Prisoner of Azkaban (Dementor attack) Half-Blood Prince (Malfoy confrontation) Hagrid's Hut: Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets (Hagrid gets sent away, Harry and Ron encounter Aragog which is included in the set) Prisoner of Azkaban (Care for Magical Creatures lessons, execution of Buckbeak) Half-Blood Prince (Aragog's death, Slughorn getting drunk, attack on the hut) Quidditch Match: practically every movie in which Quidditch is played, which are... Philosopher's Stone (The new seeker, Oliver Wood) Chamber of Secrets (Draco as the new seeker, Mad Bludger by Dobby) Prisoner of Azkaban (Dementor encounter) Half-Blood Prince (new team) Diagon Alley: Philosopher's Stone (Harry's first encounter with the wizarding world) Chamber of Secrets (Harry lets lost in Nocturne Alley) Half-Blood Prince (Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes (or what's it called?) and Draco detour to Borgin and Burkes) Only Dobby's release doesn't really fit in this, but I think it's done for a new Dobby minifig. Forbidden Forest: probably depicts scene from Deathly Hallows, but also appears in Philosophers Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Order of the Phoenix and some minor appearances in other movies. Battle of Hogwarts: Obviously only Deathly Hallows. Knight Bus: Obviously only Prisoner of Azkaban. So not all sets appear in more than one movie, but quite a lot do. Some locations or scenes that appear in more movies and that could be made in sets are... Grimmauld Place 12: Order of the Phoenix Deathly Hallows + minifig Sirius & Kreacher Whomping Willow: Chamber of Secrets (Ford Anglia landing) Prisoner of Azkaban (tunnel to Shrieking Shack and Lupins tranformation) And some minor appearances in other movies. I'd also love to see some Hogsmeade buildings. The best would be a Diagon Alley-like set (although it would be too expensive for me), but some possibilites are... Three Broomsticks (great potential I think, but would be pretty big...) Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry spying on the teachers) Half-Blood Prince (Katie Bell attack) and other minor appearances. Hog's Head Order of the Phoenix (DA gathering) Deathly Hallows (Aberforth rescue) Zonko's, Honeydukes, etc... And of course there are a lot of places inside of Hogwarts which can be made into a set. For example the Defence against the Dark Arts classroom and the Chamber of Secrets (since it also makes an appearance in DH2 with Ron and Hermione). Anyway, I hope they really expand this line until they've made all good sets possible, but of course not pushing it too far.
Harry Potter Winter Break Contest
Deadline on 1st of feb. means that I can still upload today, right? But seriously, if it's ok I'd like to upload my entry somewhere in the afternoon. Thanks, Jan/Mr.Brick
Why are these entries getting better and better all the time?! Now I don't stand a chance at all anymore (well it's about the game right, not the prize). This entry is really beautiful! It's amazing actually! The interior completely finishes it off for me! Huge respects for this fabulous MOC!
WINTER BREAK: Apothecary
A very good entry! It is finished off very well. I love it that you used the basement as the shop. The apothecary-person (how do you call such a person? :P) in action is portrayed very well too!
Getting girls to play with/buy LEGO
I was thinking of this too. Whenever I saw girls playing with LEGO (that is my little sister and her friends when they were like... ca. 7) they build their own house and played 'mommy and daddy'. You know, with children, one dog and a cat. And they played for hours this way. LEGO could indeed make such a theme, with some modular part of a house. But not too much. I actually think your above ideas are a bit too much. However, it adds to the building part to assemble your own house in different possible ways. Maybe your ideas aren't too much actually... This would definitely have a high chance of succes! And it could expand with a 'vacation' subtheme. (Car with caravan, or camper, tent. Bungalow, beach etc. Wintersports, chalet, skis). The sets should not be too expensive. So no $80 sets such a belville anymore, but more in the $20 price range. (Well different prices for different sets of course, but lower prices attract children and parents (!) more.) I might want to expand this idea in a new topic...
WINTER BREAK: The Lovegood Home
Great entry too! Good work on the tilting. It looks like the movie version, very good! And I also like it that you used the books description. Such a shame we couldn't see Luna's room in the movie! :( Try to work on photography though, it will increase your chances and makes your MOC looks even better. It think you should turn on flash or a big lamp. Good work anyway.
WINTER BREAK: The Magical Tent
Clever mechanism! And the rest of the MOC is cool too. I like the fireplace and the melted snow around it! :D Great job!
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