Everything posted by smiley905
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
uhmm.. does anyone know why there calling it echo "base" its a wall and a turret. not reaaaly a base
Clear Pic of the New Agents Armor heres a better pic, not perfect imo it doesnt looks to great, id prefer i detailed torso over this anyday
Disney Minifig Collection 8
haha thats great, the only one i dont realy like is jessie, she doesnt realy look like a girl, theres a snake in my booot
Top 3 Best\Worst Themes
best: 1. starwars 2. castle 3. the new space police look awsome worst: 1. those old micky mouse sets. 2. sponge bob 3. exo force
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
incase anyone didnt know what that thing the clone is standing on in the snail droid set thats shown in some toyfair pics, its a catapult to throw the "jet troops" into the air. seems a bit unnessisary. (im gettin that set for sure though) i realy like the at ot and drop ship but i dont have enough money i guess a do have a atte and laat/c so...
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
thanks for the bunker pics, it looks great. the at st looks like it swings its legs like the old bionicles the at ot and dropship look great, but 250 dollars... the front on the atot looked messed up, till i relized the cockpit is flipped up.
Indy 2009 Discussion Thread
wow that looks great, i love the new hat. i hope its a cheap set
Tectovian military truck and "Sparker" light combat Bot
wow bud thats awsome. i like everything about it
MOC: Asajj Ventress' Fighter
cool i never realy thought about how asajj gets around, she usualy is already there, or just apears. its a pretty cool moc and i think it suits her well, i like how you put the lightsabers behind the seat. i think it looks good no major complaints
Forest Ambush
wow good work, thats not bad. it makes no sense but for some reason it feels like it does . i like how the mountons on the sides create a valley sorta look
MOC: Custom Jedi Starfighter
this looks pretty good especialy for your first time. i like the engines in the back. which tlc version so you mean, obi-ones red fighter?
Order 66
nice work hollis, i like it! but to be honest your laser is a bit hokey i was thinking leave the laser coming out of the clones gun and scrap the droid and reflected laser. just a though. i like your wall and vines
Chuck Norris' Blue Truck
nice, tbh i have never seen a chuck norris film, but the face looks about right (ive seen some pics). i like yer truck. it looks pretty to scale. goodjob chuck norris doesnt love raymond
Haunted Mill
pretty cool but imo i think it would be better without the mf's
A praise to Lego Replacements service
couldnt people call and like say one of my rare minifigures wasnt in the box and they would be shipped one? like does lego ask and questions?
Future Star Wars Sets
i want some starwars impulse sets! they have them for almost all other themes, why not sw? eg: stap and droid, clone comander and weopons, some kind of turret..
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
yesh the senate comandos look real cool, but i do wish they had new peices
Review : 8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack!
good reveiw it covers everything while being short (in a good way ) i am about to order this with the spider droid, and i need some more clones cuz the kid next door came over and desided to steel most of mine inclueiding comander cody
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
am i missing somthing, for 100 pounds (like 170 canaiden dolars or more) we're getting a small bunker an at st and a speeder? doesnt it seem like theres going to be other stuff with it?
Mega Blocks Gets Halo License
yup.. megablocks sure knows how to ruin things. can you imagine if they had gotten starwars
Spongebob and other Nickelodeon minifigs fading
poeple were saying they didnt understand what i wrote, and a read it to myself and your right, it doesnt. i must have been realy tired what i meant was both patrick and sponge bob have specialy made bricks for there heads. i thought maybe the paint lego is using doesnt stick to these peices that well.
Spongebob and other Nickelodeon minifigs fading
well spongebob patrick sct all have difrent heads instead of the orignal mf head, so maybe the paint doesnt stick to those as good.
MOC - IG-88 (Assassin Droid)
very nice assassin droid, i especialy like the way he can hold the gun with two hands without it pointing totaly sideways i like the pack too. the only thing i think could be better is the body.. but i mean the rest is so great already heres somthing totaly random: if you blow into the top of those tall suport beams it makes a highpitch whistling noise (link to piece) dont ask how i found this out
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
what set are you guys lookin forward to the most? i cant wait for the tank droid its quite a bit smaller than the first picks showed i think, but in a way its good cuz itll be cheaper. theres no special mf to jack up the price either that clone has some sorta small jetpack too
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
is it just me or does it look like ashokas head is sticking out the top of the y-wing?
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