why would that stink if they were all or most (dinos stink) awsome?
So would you like to see the whole world driving one brand of cars, or kids play with one brand of Toys? That would be awful, don't you think?
Variety in general makes the market competitive thus making the products more innovative and less expensive (well most of the time)... The same applies on this kind of medium.
OK sorry MAN >:(
Hey... Take it easy, will you.
I was just clarifying my own opinion, that's all. Of course you could always disagree, it's your prerogative you know. ;)
OK I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D *satis* *satis* :) *satis* *satis* :-D :f) *satis* |:| |-D are U happy now?!?!?! *satis*