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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. I was actually sharing my situation in irder to give a hint to a problem oerhaps, but you are apsolutely right it could be polarity switch. I have one ftom 8297 set abd it can only be used as extension cable...
  2. A little black humor, newer cars bend despite all; instead of sheet metal they use paper But there are same solutions ss you posted on trucks and (JCB Fastrac) tractors
  3. I didn't use polarity switch, just PF receivers (the same with V1 and V2) so I suppose that I need 9V battery box (6 rechargibles with 1.5V), so I switch to smaller scale models...
  4. Yes, because it doesnt fit slots due to space limitations. Problem is that I can not hold it steady enough with hands when it is rotating turned towards sun to show small gap. I have put some weights and temporary enforcements and indoor conditions are not causing differential rubbing on frame
  5. Another topic; did anyone of you had situation that red classic diffrrential is some tenths of milimeter smaller than dark bluish gray since it is not rubbibg on 5 x 7 frame in my model (I had the same situation with ordinary 24 tooth gear bought in 2020, and older ones from 42030 set are rubbing on the same construction) (It is located between two vertical PF L motors and rechargible battery box)
  6. About second Servo problem; I have noticed same problem with my Fastrac that was planned to have several steering modes. The same servo I use now in prototype of smaller scale Fastrac which has only front wheel steering and it works just fine; perhaps there is some issue with receiver? Or not enough current? Backhoe looks cool
  7. My dear friend, as soon as my pets (and parents; father is in hospital) allow me to finnish Fastrac, I'll go and see wbat I need for dozer...there are some projects that I work on, but still wondering from one to another version...my major problem is that I need 120mm Lego tractor tire to make simpler constructions (in 16.5 scale like Cat D11). With current tires I need liftatms 8 studs long to make simple and sturdy construction...and yes, there is a surprize with Audi tires on the way...
  8. He forgot about those down under and on those under down under
  9. It has new 5 studs flip flip beams in black at least two in front of engine) ...or is it known 5 x 3 L beam with alternate holes...
  10. Whenever I think that "this year" we will finally got new connector with ball joint with some 4 studs long suspension arm, my dreams got crashed...
  11. Clive, you should stop building this dozer; the more and more you are into it, the more you tempting me to make my dozer version (of C9 because it fits in scale to my other models).
  12. Yes it is a legendary model from best endurance era IMHO (with Jaguar XJR-12, Mercedes Benz C-11 or 291...)
  13. Something like this with new sluck tires.
  14. Somehow we are in era of formula pullback. All in all from marketing point of view probably good idea to attract younger kids to Lego Technic. It seems that it has decent part of black panels, but (as usual) no slick tires ...
  15. WOW that is something that I wanted to make, or at least scraper implement to 4wd tractor but it never fit the scale I make my models, so I had to make compromise and choose something and forget something else. Looks very realistic and I always prefer technic solution. 107mm tires look to be more acurate if only size matters. When I drive to work, there are preparing work for roads and some industry conplex and I always see Liebher dozer(s) and then instantly think of your Litronic 776. After several years it is great model.
  16. I need to get second opinion because in this days it is even wrong when you pee standing... You don't know who you have right to criticize and who don't. Kind regards
  17. That is why I don't pay attention on someone full of himself. Last few years (since powerfinctions got replaced) I didn't here anything positive from him about Lego. I accept that I like PF as motorisation more because motors are smaller (new ones are to big for my models) and I like to live my "smart" devices alone as much as possible; but having integrate receiver in battery box is something great IMHO and new reduction hubs are something that my models look like disabled without them; and Lego started all this (I allow me to say) toy revolution. To me it looks like other brick companies are reading our proposal for parts and making them before Lego and those companies could have people like him on payroll to spread such propaganda... To me he could only steer mo to remain Lego purist. Now imagine that yellow 28 tooth gears from Deere harvester run more smooth (almost as if they have straight tooth like 40 tooth gear) than gray ones from Liebherr 9800, than it would be really good set for parts. We criticize that set and look how nany alternatives were made; so many that they deserve to be integrate in one topic. @Jim if you find my post inapropriate feel free to delete it.
  18. Based on technical specifications (available online) it has rear tires 18.4-34 which are some 1650mm on diameter and front are usually 10-20MPT (diameter 955mm) or 16-20MPT (diameter 1116mm). Since uou use 107 at the rear in case of 10-20MPT front tire is about 62mm and your choice is correct since you can not make it better. Second version with 16-20 MPT tire could ve respresented with Raptop / buggy tire... Wheelbase on real trac is 2800mm, so you can make it 23 studs...
  19. As I can see you have a lots of gears within steering system which automatically causes lot if skack. I had several issues with steering during mocing and at the end the best way is to follow old Bosch slogan " Einfach genial...genial einfach" which (as you know) means that simplest way is always the best way. After long time I have decided even for my 4 wheel steering models only one steering mode and make it with axle joiners, new stronger CV joints and only gears at gear racks. I hope that this longer post could help you to nake decision. I don't know how your complete steering system looks like, but from first video posted, perhaps it would be better to put motor lower to enable steering shaft in place where white clutch gear is and blue 20tooth gear...
  20. Liebherr or CAT? (Since we have a Volvo pair; Excavator and FMX truck)
  21. If that happens, then FMX will be Mack scale
  22. Mercedes has prebably less stickers than Red Bull
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