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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. Main chassis structure with partially done rear axle (need to make front part containing PF Servo) ...and tires for proportions. You can see that there is enough steering space even for fat 94.8 x 44 baloon tires Of course Fastrac will have yellow rims. Drive system (with coupled XL motors) will have 40 to 24 tooth upgear, then 14 to 22 tooth Daytona differentials and reduction hubs at end; 40/24 × 14/22 / 5.4 = 0.1964085297 Which give 61.2 mm per Pf motors revolution
  2. Johannes, here is image of internals (2 gears 14 tooth with differential from Daytona) Somehow bricksafe is cropping my image... BTW I have just compared my axle height (with shock absorbers) and bonnet and there is no need to make any change to axle, so later today I could try to optimise middle chassis part with coupled XL motors to fit front (and later rear) axle.
  3. Thank you, next year will be defenetly much better than this one; but first let us celebrate Birth od son of God and try to behave and treat everyone with respect as he was preaching (that is the most important) Merry Christmass to everyone
  4. It is indeed, solutions with connectors were to weak and they tend to warn out. Internal is not such big deal, daytona differential has at one side axle 2 and at other side axle 4. It is "braced" by 2 yellow gears 14 tooth. I can partly rebuild it tomorrow with light bluish gray frame 5 x 7 if you want Tire 94.3 x 38 tractor should appear in CLAAS Dominator 370 Answer about tire is in this post
  5. After some (longer) time, I have something new; thanks to genius @Zerobricks I decided to take another chance for narrow steering axle using (Daytona) differential and planetary hubs, so here is a result Since original tractor has 4 link suspension at front, this axle could be the solution for 1:18 scale Fastrac 8330. Steering angle is acceptable even with wide balloon 94.8 x 44 wheels (no tire rubbing), but with upcoming 94.3 x 38 (CADA) tractor tire it would be perfect (less than 20 studs overall width over tires). Perhaps I would have to lower shock absorbers or hide the more inside bonnet... Real tractor as template... @Jim I don't know if it is appropriate to post link to this post in Axle collection tread. If you find this is acceptable idea, I'll post there.
  6. 8 fuctions (excluding drive and steering) would be just enough for back hoe. And CLAAS tires are perfect for that sizewize
  7. It is rumored that Pullback Mercedes is coming in March 2024 https://www.brickfanatics.com/lego-technic-42165-mercedes-rumoured-for-2024
  8. This would be better; and it is yellow ...dominantly yellow...
  9. Because I don't know how to install Studio on my mobile phone.
  10. I have tried, but when streagthening suspension arms part of hub where you connect gear rack is in the way so sfeering angle is very very small. @Arie tires 94.3 x 34 tractor are coming in 2024, but there is one catch - not Lego ones Can you post image with dish in other color than black to see how it looks like? Thanks
  11. I know (differential with 24 tooth), but I plan to use 28 tooth...that's my head schratcher buddy
  12. @vascolp that could be usefull, but I have to test how strong it is. I had some experimenting with longer suspension arm https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=57515#T=C Defender rims are under way, but I need yellow rims, so I'll have to see how it looks to use black Defender rims with yellow 6 x 6 dish (on 94.3 tire that will be available in 2024) That is something we need for about last few years...
  13. I don't want to spoil the fun and to go oftopic to much; but most known yellow supercars are Lamborghini cars (and we have one in 2020), but I would more then welcome narow yellow curved panel like the black ones on this years McLaren...
  14. And implement is not driven by Selfpropelled harvester, but with small wheels on it...
  15. Thanks for help, but I'm looking how to use reduction hubs
  16. ...and recreations will lower prices of original
  17. That would need new panels. Modern ftont engine cars are simply not elegant as this one.
  18. And pay them for your job... brilliant idea, how did't I think of that...
  19. Honestly your shrinked models look better than original; here we can say small is beautifull
  20. @Jundis perhaps this attachment uses less pieces?
  21. Since it has to be modern super / hypercar I would like this one The only car today (in that class) that I like. ...it has V12 and 6 speed manual transmission...
  22. But in 2018 we had both Mack (Anthem) and Volvo (Zeux)
  23. As someone who makes agriculrure MOC, I have canceld (in my mind) this set since I saw first pictures I think this make it clear how I feel about it
  24. Yes, I plan to make it 11 studs between steering points...I have an idea; similar I have posted in my tread while ago, but now I have to wait when my wife calms down (we had virus infection and we become wrong medicine so she went from bad to worse). Kind regards
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