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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. Based on sariel's gear calculator it is bit better to have one buggy motor than 2 XL notors, but Lego one have their issues, they don't want to respond at all from time to time (directly to battety box they work perfectly) over Lego receivers.
  2. Question is how much? Twice? Can one buggy motor replace 2 XL motors?
  3. It looks strong (despite small climbing distance), but question us how strong is drive with cada motors, compared to double powerfuncions XL motors (since you have experience with tjem in uour Scania and M.A.N.)?
  4. Agree with all; IMHO we had lots of cars latelly and industrial machinery was neglected; not just no new tires (G-wagon have to low profile for front rnd loader, or telehandler...), bit also buckets etc... At least Volvo is so far tbe only mid/big set that I'm looking forward in 2025...
  5. I just wonder what will be in rear part which is huge... (I would rather have JCB 435 actually..)
  6. Probably with Audi tires it could be done in that scale; 8265 had 1061 parts in time with only 5 x 7 frames and 5 x 11 panels...
  7. Rear bulky part could cintaun battery box. Volvo loader
  8. Wow, this one is gorgeous.
  9. Like mini combine harvester by New Holland... ...based on colors...
  10. I understand that...I wanted to make independant drive to left and right half-axle, but so far could only manage something like that
  11. Well that is another problem, but I have some ideas...for tomorrow; at least I have smooth drive with enough amount of torque (2 x XL motors...)
  12. How much slack you have with steering? Is it better to use reingorced new CV joints than classic universal joints (less slack)? Thanks for instructions; it is always nice to se something that could give some idea...
  13. Jorge,if I understand correctly, left side is driven by 12 to 12 black double bevel gears and right by 20 tan bevel gears? Kind regards
  14. Actually tires are perfect for every offroader and industrial vehicles (like your) front end loaders, telehandlers, mobile crane trucks...of course Unimogs... But Micha's inspiration is real beast (it overtook even legendary Pugeot 205 16... https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TurboTwin
  15. I have only Lego buggy motor and first I thought that IR receicer(s) are malfunctioning, but with single/coupled M, Large, XL motors they work without problems...and then I decided to test Servos that I thought don't work...but then 3 tested Servos are fine, so now is time to wait for tires...btw Lego buggy motor works only directly connected to battery box, perhaps polarity swich would help, but some time in future... BTW Daf looks well proportioned, perhaps tappered panel would be nice behind cab?
  16. I was just wondering how is your experience with vareus brands, nothing more...
  17. Some people mentioned that Cada motor is not that strong as Lego, not to mention BuWizz, but as you once told me, for some normal usage 100-130Ncm is more than enough on torque, so I suppose you know what you expect speed wise from yor Daf Dakkar truck.
  18. For offroader probanly very good, but for solid surface... I suppose that you don't use original Lego buggy motors because they have always second-two delay when using pure Lego powerfunctions elements
  19. Merry Christmas to everyone.
  20. Merry Christmass Clive to you and whole your family.
  21. Slow outlut at front and slow output at rear...with hub reduction...
  22. I see hub reductios, so I suppose slow output, then red differential then hub reductions or one motor powers each rear wheel?
  23. Would it use buggy motors?
  24. G-Wagon is extremelly expensive (moch more than Landy), but now every pesant think he/she has royal blood and must have G-Wagon (or similar expensive toy)...Landy has kind of not-so-exclusive image still and for years G-Wagon was very very reliable, so price of G-Wagen was faster climbing; but I bet Victor's Land Rover will out last them all.
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