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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. A friendly suggeation )since there are lots of EB members who had an experience with this set) is to post some images here using hosts like flickr, bricksafe... (you upload images and post links to those images max size 1024p), so EuroBricks members could help you.
  2. Looking forward to your choice (and development of course).
  3. Can I ask which one (some "licensed" or generic)? Sounds like Ropa potato harvester ...or Grimme...
  4. @Mr Jos as someone who makes lots if calculations dor my machinery (agriculture, etc...), I can see that one of your choice is to use 750/65R26 tire. Real tire with this dimension is agriculture / forestry tire with 1650mm overall diameter. Reading dimensions in your post gives me one idea for tires if you want to make 100% Lego MOC. If you put 94.8x44 baloon tire inside Claas Xerion (107 x 44 R tire tractor) and put both them on 56mm rim, you will get some 110mm tire which will be cloae to 1:15 scale and 94.8 tire inside will give you more stiffness. I hope this post will be at least little use for your project. Good luck and I wish you plenty of available time.
  5. If I'm allowed to add more data; first technic minifigures were introduced in 1980. https://blog.minifigures.com/bigger-lego-figures-taller-than-four-bricks/#:~:text=Technic figures arrived on the,into the Technic sets perfectly. Minifigure height is 9 bricks (9x9.6mm is 86.4mm let's say...) Average man in europe at that time (in 1980) was 179cm https://www.theglobalist.com/striding-tall-us-vs-ussr/#:~:text=The average height for a,%%2C in one hundred years. Original text: 1.The average height for a male in the United States who was born in 1980 is 179 cm (70.5 inches). In contrast, a man born in the United States one hundred years earlier, in 1880, was 169.5 cm (66.7 inches). 2. That is a difference of 9.5 cm (3.7 inches), or 5.6%, in one hundred years. Finally 1790 /86.4 ~~ 20.7, so @1974 was correct Ole, well done I suppose (due to look of technic minifigure) that first idea was not to present ladies
  6. Some of those? 42178 Space Wheel Loader LT78 (little chance) 42180 Mars Crew Exploration Rover 42181 VTOL Heavy Cargo Spaceship LT81 (could have shocks on landing gear or on cargo compartment opening/closing system Or 42182 1970 Moon Rover
  7. It is always amaizing how you made great Lego models of ugly plastic modern cars.
  8. Yes it looks like 42136 scale, just hope that Lego learned something from "overwhealming" roof solution from 42136. Thanks for the (hyper)link
  9. I still find your Kenworth gorgeus, but I can also say the same thing for this Scania
  10. IMHO (at least) in positive way.
  11. Well, that means only one thing - you are one of a kind builder buddy.
  12. This year I only bought Audi tires (and red rims) to update one older MOC (but with light bluish gray rims).
  13. I see, I thought that I overslept something... Despite it I like more straight gears like old 40 tooth gear
  14. I have also such feeling, but let us be (pleasently) surprized this time.
  15. It seems that every 15 days new themes are anounced?!
  16. What are those bigger black gears; tan geaes are 20tooth, light bluish gray are 28 tooth; upper (in picture top left) are 36 tooth, but what are those below (in lower left corner)?
  17. Now I'm shocked; you managed to squezze all that on model with 56mm tires; and I got constant headachse trying to integrate 2 XL motors, 2 Servos and one L motor , recgargible battery box + 2 receivers on 1:15 scale model based on 107mm tires. I'm to old for this...
  18. Maybee this could give you some idea?
  19. Lucky for me that I have not enough time for Lego, so I can't play with gearboxes, so one headachse less for me. What I have noticed (in the meantime) that combination of 28 tooth double bevel gear and 20 straight tooth rotate very smooth as they were all straigh tooth
  20. Yes, they should reduce teeth size, I had bunch of older 24 tooth and that cause me a real headachse because they are rubbing on frames even where slots are (and introduce 28 tooth with straight teeth and not bevel)
  21. I like realistic suspension; if it could only be done in 1:15 scale
  22. MBTrac tandem is my favorite. There are couple of front end loaders that look very good Thanks for postig video
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