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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. Please correct topics name from [GBC] The GBC at Brickvention Autralia to [GBC] The GBC at Brickvention Australia
  2. that would be very interesting usage of thin cylinder. Perhaps you give me some idea how to integrate it inside boom to make it look like real one
  3. it looks at the first sight like fuselage and wings are inspired by Hellcat
  4. I always try to make things as simple as possible, and hope to "document" latest progress asap - gearbox is finished, but need some tweaking to make front, rear pto and actuator for tilting bed work as smooth as possible. It would not be pneumatic model, for pneumatics I plan another model - that is a future surprise thank you for your compliment
  5. Thai is also a good idea when sorting, depending on parts count in particular color I use boxes in different sizes. Only my sorting is smaller, because my terrier must sniff every brick My wife has 3 pairs for winter, two pairs of sport shoes two pairs for summer and two pairs for rainy part of spring and autumn (lucky for me in Croatia clime is not so cold as in Canada)...anyway yesterday she bought me 42057 set but sorting is something what I do when I finish a project...
  6. based on small amount of parts used solution is very cool. My only complain (more to LEGO than you) is that not all can be in the same color perhaps in orange or purple or at least yellow - to demonstrate dynamic
  7. Wow very nice little excavator with maximal features included in this small size...even pneumatic hoses look very big compared to model
  8. each color in separate container and my wife says that LEGO takes more space that her shoes
  9. some futuristic bodywork will suit better to name Plasma IMHO ...something inspired with this or this
  10. About Unimog progress; gearbox is 75% finished, but I need to optimize some things and make whole gearbox complex more sturdy, simple and first of all to fit in available space. When we talk about simplicity I've made some changes - there is one driving ring with two state - one for front and end pto and one for tilting platform... Photos will be made asap
  11. You're welcome now all what I can do is wait to see model with this engine
  12. This will end as a chalenging but at the same time great project, so keep with good work. Btw engine is on one hand simple and on the other creative, so it is a great kompromise like LEGO should always be.
  13. I know the feeling - but what does not kill you makes you stronger (but not strong as Unimog ). I hope to develop most of gearbox this weekend and to update gallery asap. We have to be positive, and the less variety your parts allow us, the more creative we become. Regards
  14. ...well where I live (Croatia) there is no bricklink seller that has one, there is no set that contains this battery box on sale here and companies that are responsible for package delivery do not guarantee that I'll receive this part. Just one example - when I've ordered tennis shoes for my wife from Germany delivery company did not inform me that package has arrived and package was sent back to Germany...and there is much more - stolen tires - specially Power puller which are not cheap, etc. Unlike people in States, here in Croatia people (who are on all managing positions and media) newer wanted Croatia as independent state, they wanted to live in Yugoslavia so (unfortunately) they (mis) use every opportunity to make things complicated or impossible to everyone else - that is Communism legacy, only now they call them-self Antifascists, Social Democrats, Liberals...but enough about this tragedy. I'm sad that things (stil) work that way here but many thanks for advice and honest intension.
  15. I have never built airplanes as Technic models, but to make Hawker Tempest, Typhoon or even Napier-Heston Racer is what I would suggest
  16. Interesting model, color combo is something on what I have to get used (Usually no CLAAS front end loaders are around ), but functions are something really good based on parts from 42054 set.
  17. I also plan to make 3800 saddle trac in future, but first to finish my Unimog, then oe telehandler and then probably Saddle trac 3800 based on 710/70R38 tires to represent 1:18 Scale model...probalby something like this ... It would be great when we could have bigger tires with Unimog-like pattern to make model for model from Video you posted - but only for display and not for testing applications like on video Enjoy.
  18. Nice build Reading this topic brings me back in history and associations with this
  19. ...did you try to replace wheel hubs from front to back and vice versa; perhaps wheel hub is to loose? I assume that you set things up cotrectly accourding instruction booklet
  20. ...or you can use this part https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=64712&idColor=11#T=C&C=11 With Tumbler tire and use gear 16 tooth to transfer rotation via kardan axle to engine like todays BMW bikes...
  21. ...if there is something like this part to fit inside tire - that would be solution...
  22. You can use this link to see the progress despite my intentions to post "progress" images on this topic and see what parts you have and what you don't have...and enjoy building. I see on your blog that you have smaller battery box - something what I've missing to make shorter version of Unimog...
  23. Welcome back . Sadly there is not enough room to implement portal axle hubs something like this inside this wheel. Very nice development
  24. Tamas, as Unimog fan (currently working on one 1:18 Implement carrier) I can say it is real beauty; such nice proportions, nice details very authentic colors, optimal propulsion solution, despite I'm more Technic fan, this one is really really impressive, even more that Porsche (IMHO)...
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