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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. Victor, My idea how to make U4023/U5023 front axle can be seen here http://bricksafe.com/pages/igor.ipsa/trucks/mercedes-benz/unimog-u5023 Perhaps I could help you with this...
  2. I was thinking more about some elegant and simple solution, but until I find some time (due to all day work), I can not describe it and it does not mean that "my" solution is useful for your project...
  3. Perhaps you should try using this for anti-roll bar. It is stiffer. I had similar problem with front suspension on my UGE model, so this part helped me a lot.
  4. I understand. Another way is to make custom portal hubs like I've made to use 8 and 16 gear for hub reduction, so they partially fit in 68.8 X 24 wheel
  5. Nice idea (specially with drunk driver ). Black is used as base color with anti-corrosive protection and you are waiting for your turn into pint shop . If it helps, overall width is 2480mm for real U4023, so your model should be wide 22 studs approximately (honestly very hard with LEGO portal axle hubs because they are 5.5 studs wide...). Just one question - is it possible to use tumbler tire on both sides with portal axle hub since tire is asymmetrical? My idea was to connect differential with ball joint with combo of this parts instead of "dog bone"...I'll publish images asap. Link for Unimog U4023 and U5023 specifications...
  6. Victor which scale should be your model? I have some plans for model U5023 and perhaps I'll be able to take some photos to help you...my scale is 1:15. 5023 is basically the same model as U4023. I'm using smaller yellow shocks...6L half beams are not bad idea, but I was thinking to make it easier for you and suggested panel could stiffen your construction.
  7. Yes you need longer shocks from 8110 set. If it could help you, take a look at this video... (Face is familiar...)
  8. Victor, first of all congratulation to decide to make this great model (my 318-323 is under reconstruction). The reason that I've quoted this message is that you can see anything important in this blueprint. Just go with axles from 8110 set and perhaps this tires or tumbler tires (I'm waiting for better times to by 4 tumbler tires for my version of 5023...). real Unimog U400 does not have torque tubes...grill could be made of https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=11947&idColor=1#T=C&C=1 or https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=11946&idColor=1#T=C&C=1 and below bumper you could use this https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=11954&idColor=11#T=C&C=11 My suggestion is that you copy 3fferman's/Michaels chassis solution...and if I my (miss)use this position, everything important for this type of Unimog you can find in this tread Looking forward to see you work and hope that you'll be able to use shield from Arocs for Mercedes star. Take this as suggestions and not as criticism.
  9. as far as I know (don't take this 100% certain) LEGO has limited number of parts for every year (not ear) to be used in particular theme, so this could be answer to your question. For this year they decided to make several colors that are rare...and when you see only pullback bike is yellow and for example no truck tire/wheel combo in Technic line this year...Take a look on color diversity for this year Technic sets (this is on topic)...
  10. ...specially smaller that could fit inside wheel racing small (but this is on the edge with speculations etc and not with 2017 sets so I'll stop here)... Baloon tires would be fine too
  11. hm with tumbler wheels and black rims, not bad idea at all, but I think we will need portal axle hubs to fit tire inside fender...
  12. I hope that you're right again so I can make this now is like this https://www.google.hr/search?client=opera&hs=POr&biw=874&bih=590&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=2015+Unimog+u+423&oq=2015+Unimog+u+423&gs_l=img.3...308249.310468.0.311386. I've removed gallery due to some additional changes on model...
  13. ...hope that you are right (like with winch on technic sets) with medium azure. For me it looks more like blue on 42066 jet...
  14. Could be because new driving rings are dark bluish gray and clutch gears are red, so when you need combo of those two it could be to colorful (even for LEGO)... lets see if there will be some new parts or just recoloring who knows what is hidden below those panels nice spot to all of you who saw this
  15. I agrre my friend, but at least one tractor could be possible (to make my collection bigger - JCB Fastrac) and this is also good
  16. Excelent point (set with 6 xerion tires...)
  17. ...and have wrong tread pattern. They use something like tumbler tires and not tractor tires (despite fact that I like tractor mocing).
  18. We had small discussion about 42067 set on January 18th on page 65. Please try this
  19. OK, I was commenting it is imagination (not speculation). Just that. It seems like those few days until wednesday (start of Nuremberg toy fair) are boring to people since no additional info about other sets that 42070 are known, not to mention 42067 set (which is stil in realm of imagination).
  20. Just one small confusion - we have 40th aniversary for LEGO Technic and LEGO set http://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=8461-1#T=S&O={} was actually Technic model. Why did I mention this; well, Williams F1 Team celebrates this year also 40th aniversary http://www.williamsf1.com/racing/news/williams40thanniversarycelebrationscommenceatautosportinternational Interesting, hm?
  21. Well, for island of Great Britain, Loch Ness monster is more suitable
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