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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by 1gor

  1. That one looks better than both Unimog U400 and G wagon, tires have perfect pattern for Unimog...today I was looking at 42178 set and my wife said that Unimog would look better in that color than in ordinary orange.
  2. That is what I needed @LvdH. Can you put it over 5 x 7 frame wuth daytona dufferential to see if it fits inside opening on wider side and move differential inside arm as much as it goes (not to rubb on it). Thanks
  3. Another thing that could be usefull is 36 tooth gear that fits this differential:
  4. And I thought you wanted to try with new hub...
  5. Perhaps you turned that way...
  6. I know; that is why my Fastrac 4220 has coupled XL motors with 28 to 20 upgear, thdn gray differential and reduction hubs...and 156Ncm on axle...with 107mn Xerion tires... I saw several times truck trials and very often I look video by Pavel with comparison with Zetros
  7. As I can see, you have made upgear 24 to 12 and downgear 8 to 56 giving final torque at the shaft 7 / 2 × (14.5 x 2). In brackets are mentioned two XL motors and their torque. Kind regards ...alltogether some 101 Ncm torque...
  8. It looks nice and simple trial truck; question - is it possible to put XL motors closer so you can use less gears? (Using 40 tooth gears instead of 24 would not help...)
  9. It is like this for months...and not only for JCB Excavator...
  10. https://www.freakware.de/en/p/jcb-220x-lc-2924-pcs-c61504w-a176561.htm?wgruppe=20257
  11. No problem Steph; still think how to use uppercarrige from you excavator on my (desired) project - wheeled excavaror... Kind regards
  12. Or ecco regulations; remember that EU is the most demanding in this area... ...just ask farmers in Holland...
  13. It looks very nice lil' truck. If I may suggest; the same solution at the front I have tried in my 1:18 Unimog, but when motorized with coupled L motors (powerfunctions) gears click and on higher load I'm affraid it could skip some gears, but with daytona diffefentials with two 14 tooth gears it is perfect.
  14. Loud clicks are last thing that I need... Thank you , now at least I don't need to buy this part.
  15. Dear forum members (and of course admins if you think that this post does not belong here please move it to appropriate topic); have anyone of you experience with this part in function to replace central differential on vehicles with unequal wheel size because i have not enough space for classic differential. thanks in advance
  16. Yes, he is working on Focke Wulf FW190. I hardly wait to see how it end's up. It is indeed very nice modification of 42040 set.
  17. Thanks buddy; now I see that I need two of them to test idea that is crossing my mind... Kind regards BTW, great review as ever
  18. Set looks very good; the only thing that would like is that TLC could use this oportunity to introduce 28 tooth spur gear with pneumatic pumps...
  19. @kbalage can you please take a photo with new big suspension arm over grid like this to see dimensions and pin arangement. Thank you
  20. IMHO it is best solution; why didn't TLC think about that?
  21. That is why I rather don't replay than have empty quote (as much as I can). Sorry if I bothered you to much.
  22. Manual version is possible, but modern customers prefer duch model to be motorized and (if you don't want to base it on 107mm tires) you need (smart) hub with at least 5 ports for basic functions. Other possibility is to have a grarbox, but telehamdlers have thin frame, so space is extremely narrow I see; the only way was to clear editor before posting. I'm not a administrator, so I can't do ot for you; perhaps @Jim or @Milan could, but IMHO your empty quote does't derail topic
  23. What part of message you want to be removed?
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