Everything posted by Blip
[MOC] Deep Space Mission
To me it has a 70s vibe rather than 60s (partly due to the orange+white scheme), with the hypersleep pods reminiscent of those from Alien's Nostromo, only up-ended... Either way though, it's absolutely fantastic -- and I love the way you put that minor bit of detail into the sliding door edges!
1990s Lego Space was best - how to revive Lego Space
Plenty of Classic Castle sets had fold-open designs, and to me that made them all the more interesting, fun to play with, and just downright cool. That said, I don't personally see a need for larger sets to be *fully* enclosed - just have small areas in them built that way, as "interior pressurised habitat spaces" (thus giving more variety to minifigs, with their regular uniforms that still fit within the overall themes... M-Tron logo baseball caps, anyone? )
1990s Lego Space was best - how to revive Lego Space
"Mis-management of the Star Wars brand"... now there's an understatement, if ever I saw one! I love me some Star Wars Lego, but lord knows the repeated re-designs of the same vehicles over and over is beyond tiresome... But I digress. Not sure I'd necessarily call Lego space "hard" scifi, though it certainly used to use visible elements of mid-20th century technology in an effort to say to kids "look, it's a spaceship!" :D As far as the SP laser bars are concerned, well for all anyone knows they're supposed to actually be some kind of energised bars... I do agree that the mix you listed was pretty much the pinnacle of Lego's space themes in terms of the balance of color mixes; though if we were to see it reintroduced somehow (I am under no illusions as to the likelihood of it happening), I'd advocate the following: 1) Fold in the more basic Classic Space color themes (perhaps skipping the alternating green and yellow and blue canopies and giving them a more basic trans grey) for use as a generic "civilian colony" theme since Futuron seems to be handling the exploratory stuff with its neo-NASA color scheme. 2) On this point I'd reintroduce the Classic black+grey sets but revamped as a stealth-equipped spy / intelligence organisation working to safeguard Futuron from the shadows, while Space Police is doing the "grunt work" lol 3) Allow for the addition of slight color variations within the themes, such as dark blue parts for Space Police, dark and rust red on M-Tron, grey and metallics for engine components on Futuron, variations on yellow or tan to signify rust and wear on some of the Blacktron parts, etc etc 4) Give the factions sealed interiors for their larger sets, so that we also get non-vacuum space suits / uniforms and a bunch of characters -- think of the fun that could be had realising a futuristic bunch of space pirates with Blacktron! :D 5) Others have complained here that "I don't want to see the same over and over" which I do understand, but also feel stems from a false premise, that everything would remain exactly the same year on year. In fact, the idea should be that we get plenty enough variation within -and between- new sets released in the themes every year or so, so that people want to expand their factions, and aren't bored by them. I'd love new huge tracked / wheeled vehicles, space bases, flagships etc to be added on alternating years, with each of the factions getting a shot at one, and smaller sets getting added at varying rates -- there's a huge potential for variation to be had, especially if gluttonous license fees for the likes of Disney aren't being paid for... Anyway, that's my tuppence worth; YMMV. :)
Great job - wouldn't mind seeing it in Futuron or even the "natural" colors too... And I love the way you used those trans-neon wall pieces in her (if you'll forgive the engineering parlance) "ample" nacelles!
Classic Space Color meanings
Yep, this is what I primarily meant by "regular clothed"; ie, not a pressurised spacesuit, but a regular uniform of some kind. :) When doing any neo-classic or Futuron MOCs for example I used to have uniform colors that would essentially just be a darker version of the spacesuit colors, while for M-Tron and Unitron I had darker red & blue coveralls respectively, with drab (sand blue & green, tan, grey, etc) undershirts to mimic the classic space departmental colors. For Space Police meanwhile I put them largely into (as I recall; it was a while back) a variety of dark blue and black uniforms, while Blacktron received essentially the pinnacle of "neo-grunge pirates in space" fashion :D I know the one you mean! :)
Classic Space Color meanings
Apologies everyone for dragging this up from the depths of page 2, but it seemed this was the most appropriate thread for me to ask this rather than create a new one: When designing space MOCs, do any of you put your minifigs in "regular" clothing (ie, uniforms or off-duty garb vs pressurised spacesuits) for when they're inside "sealed" spaces with atmospheres? I ask because I used to do so in Lego Digital Designer, back when I first figured out how to create upload my own textures (admittedly if it were real Lego I might not bother! )
Unitron lore
For some reason I always figured Unitron was just the interstellar megacorp equivalent of a telecoms company
Creepy as all heck... I love it! The way you've arranged the interior tech feeding into that poor tortured soul is particularly awesome; the forced symbiotic nature of his relationship with the vessel is made abundantly clear. :)
Virtual Automata Tracker
Refreshing makes no difference; the FB links themselves are only valid for a limited period. If you want other users to see and comment on your works then the onus is on you to make the images accessible.
Virtual Automata Tracker
Still not working dude, and the FB link above hangs too. I recommend if you're going to use anything from Meta to post images you use Instagram instead -- not everyone has or wants a FB account, while Instagram posts should be easily visible externally. :)
Virtual Automata Tracker
Images aren't showing up :/
[CSE] Arctic Ascender
Definitely has a heavy dropship vibe, love it!
- [MOC] Ice Station Icarus
[MOC] Ice Station Icarus
Absolutely SUPERB, and AFAIC it's a massive improvement on both the color scheme and the somewhat uninspired concept of the original IcePlanet2002 itself. Your 'sequel era' does for the theme what Neo Classic Space does for the original space Lego, reinvigorating it and adding so much more depth and richness of detail. I love the above-mentioned idea of hapless Blacktrons (or maybe skeletons from earlier war-era "icetronauts"?) frozen in the ice; in fact there's a megaton of possibilities for additional scenes that these sets inspire -- they really spark the imagination, just as Lego intended. Here's hoping you're not done with the theme yet, because I'd love to see more!! 👍
[MOC] Star Trek Ep. 1 The Man Trap
Bloody CBS; they're such utter moneygrubbing leaches. This is an absolutely awesome piece, I hope to see lots more of them!
Classic Space Color meanings
Exactly this. I decided some years back to use a derivative of good old Star Trek TOS/Movie colors: White: Command / Flag officers Yellow: Helm / pilots / navigators Red: Engineering / Operations Blue: Science Green: Medical Black: Security I then went and adjusted these so that if minifigs weren't "in their spacesuits" their regular uniforms were more like White/Beige/Tan/Grey-Blue/Teal/Dark Grey... I even customised LDD's native decals so I could give them little gold Lego Space logos on their left breast LOL
- [MOC] General Lee Outta of Space
[LDD] [MOC] Imperial DX-9 Troop Transport ...shuttle....thing.
I did upload some as a Classic Space variant on flickr, unfortunately all views from the front...
[LDD] [MOC] Imperial DX-9 Troop Transport ...shuttle....thing.
Thank you! :) I'm sorry to say I never generated any instructions, and right now all my old mocs are somewhere on a backup since Bluerender decided to stop working once the community here began updating the LDD library files... If I reinstall LDD at any point though I'll dig it out and let you know! (nice Insta btw, those are some awesome models you've got!!)
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Epic! @Stephan and everyone involved in these updates, you are all AWESOME!
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
I have a theory I'm just testing myself here, will come back when I know for certain! But yes indeed, updates to BR would be welcomed :D EDIT: I'd thought maybe there was a clash between the old .lif file and what was currently in my DB folders (this may still be the case!), but I've recompiled the db subfolders and files into a new replacement .lif, and all BlueRender now does as a result of that is spit out completely blank images... *sigh* Can't delete said file altogether either, as BR was never designed to acknowledge a DB folder instead of the .lif
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Hi Stephan, thanks for the reply. I had feared this might be a side-effect of those improvements... While the extra decorable surfaces are of course very welcome (especially the cheese slope!!), do you have any idea why it could cause those pieces' surfaces to not show up in BR? ETA: Welp, after running a quick test it seems BlueRender apparently refuses to recognise any new bricks whatsoever anyway - looks like it really is a lost cause. :/
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Has anyone been altering the geometry or other aspects of basic parts such as the 1x2 plate, 1x3 plate, or 1x1 cheese slope? I've noticed that BlueRender is now having trouble with these parts, in that unless the "correct" side is facing the camera then it will render that particular face as invisible. For some parts/faces this actually makes them entirely unuseable; so as you can imagine this is quite frustrating!
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
The Google Sheets file sounds ideal, actually - do you know where I can find it? Sadly the DecorationMapping file is of no use as I don't install it or any new decos, on account of using my own mapping files for custom .pngs!
Crusaders Keep - version 2.0
Absolutely gorgeous, can't wait to see what interiors you come up with!
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