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About Scyzoryk

  • Birthday 04/06/1991

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    that's a very difficult question lol

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    Cliffside Park, NJ
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    World of Warcraft, Warcraft, LEGO.


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  1. Yeah the red lining is neat :D the blockly little skull doesn't bother me much.
  2. Oooh didn't know they had one of those. :O Thanks for letting me know! :$ But just in chase anyone wanted to see the green version I'll leave this up. There are no pictures of it aside from the box pics.
  3. So I was thoroughly going through the forums yesterday to see ANYTHING on the new 3817 The Flying Dutchman, and all I found was pictures of the box in the 2012 set topics. I was at Target yesterday and I happened to come across only one box left of it while getting Twisted Metal and Skyrim for PC (Have it beaten on Xbox but I wanna mod with Steam Workshop), and I bought it aswell. The thing that caught my attention was the Dutchman's hat, for it was a tri-corner hat unlike anything I've seen before. I wondered: hmm this would look great with any other pirate minifigs. Sadly, if you want a review of the whole set itself, the bad news is I dumped everything but the Dutchman into my colorcoded bins after assembling, but the ship was a great piece, although the sail was cartoony. Now I'm SURE many of you pirate fans would love to know what the new hat would look like on a regular pirate so I took pictures for you, but mind you I don't have the fancy white background setup like most reviewers and members have, and I was using my Galaxy Nexus' camera: (Yeah I know the minifigs printed beard doesn't match the black beard accessory, it's killing me too. But it's the only eye-oatched head I had in my grasp, since I was too lazy to get up.) (From the side.) (From the back.) There you have it. The Flying Dutchman's hat makes a great addition to your pirate army, perhaps as a captain or a very fashionable buccaneer. I suggest you get the set, not only for the hat, but for the green ghost legs and the ship itself. The ship is great as a small boat if the sail is replaced with something less cartoonish. The island itself isn't so great; it's pretty boring. Hope you guys enjoyed. :D
  4. No clue if this has been discussed yet, but I believe Lloyd is going to be the green ninja. I couldnt find the set pictures anywhere on EB for summer 2012 so I searched it up and got a YouTube link. Half way in the video I noticed as the slide transition into the green ninjago battle pack it said Lloyd DX.
  5. The forest Police sets... :wub:
  6. Aha, thanks. :) Yeah I'd love a Deadpool minifig. :D How will they collab these as sets though? Perhaps like a world's collide thing?
  7. So wait, sorry, but are these official? Because the Ironman helm and the Captain America stickered body threw me off.. Also, as someone said, the fact that TLC managed to get Marvel and DC together is amazing. I REALLY want a Deadpool minifig now. Aswell, Ironman's helm is so not preportional to his body. It's huge.
  8. Hasn't been on in forever.

  9. I forsee a lot of Call of Duty: Black Ops MOCs in the near future because of that hazmat suit.
  10. Didn't Megabloks own license to PotC? I remember them making PotC sets..
  11. Can't we all just get along? (And go back on topic aswell in the mean time.)
  12. I've never really been a fan of Bionicle. >.> I might just pick up a set or two for the weapons + armor, even though Technic is not something I like. (Definitly the black and silver dudes.)
  13. That's exactly what I was thinking. I've been wanting LEGO cavemen for years! And the club is my favorite LEGO weapon/accessory. I've been staring at the club for a good 3 minutes, and I'm pretty sure thats a minifig size! Reason: look at the handle on the ogre (I don't call them trolls because they look nothing like trolls.) one, and the this one. I DEFINATLY want: All of them besides the magician, diver, and zombie. Afro.
  14. Welcome to Eurobricks, Arthas! Even though your not the real Prince of Darkness. I play WoW, some people on this forum play, too. I'm a 48 Blood Elf Mage on Hakkar. I also have a 80 Blood Elf DK.
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