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Everything posted by tibivi

  1. Yes, i did some dragraces with them, How could i resist that :p
  2. Yes it can, but only on slippery floor because it is heavy. The caterham can do one or two burnouts on asphalt though. :p The vids are already token, but i need to edit them.
  3. Thanks! The caterham is indeed a bit faster than the mustang, because it has the bigger tires. But the mustang accelerates a bit better. It can drift on asphalt when the wheels are wet (acual drifting, not slipping) The power goes straight to the wheels, in the motor unit there is a tip tronic gearbox that you can operate with the remote.
  4. Here is my 8466 on green tyres The door mechanism is also working in this car, but it was a real pain in the megablocks to line everything up properly. As you know the original 8466 chassis is studded and so the dimensions are even, the 8675 is all studless so all uneven Hope you like it
  5. Indeed, a chassis with just beams would be too flexible, i have made a heavily reinforced chassis with two layers on front and rear and then used the body (just as sheepo) as part of the chassis. I put a 8466 body on the 8369 chassis once, i would love to see what you came up with, Do you have a picture of it? :)
  6. Thanks for he advise, I will think of that next time Thank you, I look forward to see your attempt as wel I found time today to shoot a short video of the caterham in action and hopefully i can make some time free this week to shoot one of the mustang and upload them.
  7. Actually there are only three types of wheels which fit on the so-called 'superaxles'. These are the wheels from the 8676 sunset cruiser and 8378 red beast, the ones from 8369 Dirt Crusher end then the ones from 8675 outdoor challenger. As i don't have the red beast the tires had to be orange, bevause the other two are bigger. @zux; all parts of those sets are compatible with regular technic, so the axles are part of a technic chassis.
  8. Thanks I have used the battery, motor and steering units from the 8675 Outdoor challenger and the Dirt chrusher, i will probably make a video but not very soon, as i am having exams this month :p
  9. Hey all, I have made Sheepo's mustang after seeing him at lego fan weekend in 2013. But although it is just superb in almost every way i wanted to make it faster. So i just kept the body and made a new chassis for the mustang. After i saw how well it performed with the powerfull motors, i decided to do the same with the caterham. This was much simpler because the body is the chassis here, so i just had to build the body and put the units in. On the mustang i putted wheels from the sunset cruiser and the super seven is sitting on the red tires you could buy with the dirt crusher. Both are doing around 25km/h which i think is not bad for these huge cars. Here is the photoset: https://www.flickr.c...57650262095995/ Thanks to Sheepo for making such nicely styled bodies which are Just the right scale for these motors Tibivi Ps: The caterham is not yet finished, it neds some details like a dash and seats. Also some hoses are still on there way.
  10. I got an iphone builder case from lego/belkin Hope you will be better soon Tibivi
  11. Nice challenger you immediately recognize it i also love muscle cars and i have made a challenger too, Here is a link to my topic, maybe you can be inspired :p http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88920 Good luck and it's nice to hear that you're MOC'ing
  12. Here re my votes: 3: 2 21: 1 22: 2 39: 9 42: 3 52: 3
  13. Congratulations to both of you, You can be very proud of 'own' custom sets, those box designs are really cool too
  14. Thanks for your feedback :) There are more pictures in my flickr gallery, also one with the doors closed.
  15. So yes, it can be done :p (the doors itself could be done with fewer parts, but i didn't found them, 2 red 2L beams with a 3L pin with bush) What do you think?
  16. Thanks for your nice comments :) @kennywest: yes it will, I had actually 3 mini models; this one, a bike helmet and a mini version of the air tech claw rig. @PROlego: yes, probably this would be possible but not in the 200parts limit, if you replace the red 12L axles, nice idea actually :p
  17. Thanks for the tip Jim Here is the ldd file http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/legorider/musclecar/minicontestcar.lxf for verifying the parts.
  18. 32. Muscle Car Name: Mini muscle car Parts count: 200 Functions: HoG steering rear suspension Fake inline 3 engine Promo image: Parts image: MOC topic: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=97555
  19. Last week i was in Stornoway at lewis and it was already for sale there :p
  20. That's an fantastic looking stingray :p Good work on copying these lines :thumbup:
  21. Thanks all :) Here are some better pics: Here you can see the blue seats @ Viracocha: I did not use the normal one's because firstly i thought this was more technic and i had never seen this before, and secondly, i didn't have them (they're on another model) :p
  22. Thanks both i will try to take better pics tomorrow, these were taken with my phone
  23. Hello everyone This is my entry for the mini contest running on this forum. It's a mini muscle car: The functions are: Working steering with HoG Working (3 cilinder in a row) fake engine Rear suspension with rubber band top view with engine in the back: And the separate parts list: The rest of my pictures can be found on my flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tibivi/
  24. Beautiful car, i love the back lights and the black white color scheme. I think it looks from the sides as a porsche carrera gt and from the back a crossing of a zonda and a 458 Also, i like the way you filled almost every gap with a panel :thumbup: Tibivi
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