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About metalandi

  • Birthday 01/23/1986

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    Steyr, Austria


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  1. There is no interior.
  2. Looks like you're wrong, cause the product page actually has been updated with box pictures and more detail pictures now.
  3. On the box it says 2294 pieces, which includes the sharks. Official description also says 2294 pieces. Simple proof the sharks ARE in it. Why would they be on the box, if they aren't in the set? This wouldn't make any sense at all...
  4. Just because there are no pics of an interior on the box, it doesn't have to mean there is none. Same as it didn't mean there are no sharks, just because there were no pics with them until now...
  5. All i can say is: i told 'ya...
  6. There still hasn't been a "real" press release for it yet, like they usually do it with a designer video and lots of detail pictures. Something is strange with this set announcement. First we just get low-res pictures of it with a little description and no real press release, and then it's up on S@H with just the same pictures in high-res, but still no box pictures and whatsoever. Leaves hope they are still holding back some details for a real press release...
  7. Honestly, i don't get people's hate on this set. Especally some complaining about there being no hull makes me laugh. That's the way it is supposed to be! Have you even seen any trailer for the movie yet? If so, nobody would expect a"full" ship. For example look at the scenes where it appears in this trailer, it is meant to be a sceletal WRECK of a ship, so the set is spot-on. If they'd change it to an actual ship, it would have nothing to to with the movie anymore, which would make no sense at all...
  8. what site is that with the 400 photos?
  9. Btw. Did anyone notice that the Fortrex set has more parts than any castle since before the fantasy era at least?
  10. Where are the official pictures from?
  11. Thanks for the link, but that's not all sets, 76041 is missing aswell.
  12. I got all of the arctic sets now and put them on display so i thought i'd provide a picture of them all together. They actually take up quite a lot of space:
  13. Oh my god, how on earth could this possibly be fixed?! Now i won't buy the set, cause here's no way you can just turn the flags around
  14. Can anyone that already has the set please provide some pictures of the lower deck?
  15. Does this belong to the icebreaker set? http://www.flickr.com/photos/eiker86/12500191734/in/set-72157640883343644
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