Everything posted by ablake90
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
- REVIEW: 71002 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 11
Star Wars Rebels
I hope that if we see characters come up again from the movies the voice actors don't get the accents wrong, being British myself I couldn't stand Obi wan's messed up accent from TCW.
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
The Simpsons 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I'm willing to bet that we are gonna see a lot of Chewbacca-esque minifigures especially with all the chubby bellied characters
Star Wars sets anyone?
How can you feel cheated unless you actually attended the event specifically to receive this figure thinking its exclusive. You've done we'll to get a couple of them I would say, If you we're happy to pay highly for them you can't moan about how easy it is to get them now. I would have loved to be able to spend that kind of money on all these limited figs. I'm just glad they are becoming more available.
SONE free build,Ground cannons
I had the exact same kind of command centre in mind but for a landing pad
Future Star Wars Sets
It's possible with the new phase 2 clone mould we could see a Mustafar set just to introduce shock troopers I imagine a remake of palatines shuttle, but a big improvement.
Future Star Wars Sets
There is no point and that's what battle packs are for but some people post as if we would have a big set with multiples of the same figure. I think we've seen the last of clone wars sets, the box set is coming out so its being given its celebratory send off and therefore I can't see CW sets coming out. Lego are gonna go clone crazy anyway with ep III sets this wave
Future Star Wars Sets
I doubt TLG are ever on this site for entire set ideas, I'd like to think they would occasionally take inspiration from the community but in terms of sets I think they decide themselves what will sell and not what AFOL's are wanting from the theme. Ree Yees and Max Reebo for example may not have ever been seen if it was for the amount of older fans buying lego. It's when I see someone post a set idea with 501st troopers x5 that it becomes ridiculously hopeful and I just stop reading
Future Star Wars Sets
I think some people think they are pitching ideas to TLG and most with crazy amounts of figures especially for the price tag people are adding. Educated guesses are the most interesting posts, I would be pretty sure that clone wars sets are finished, we only saw one this wave and I would be shocked to see us get more than one next wave. I skip through when I see a huge post with list after list, this topic seems to be quite crowded with clone fans and army builders. I'm glad that we've at least seen an update of AOTC clones but I really hope the days of the rainbow clones are soon to be gone.
Future Star Wars Sets
When Kashyyyk comes to mind I just imagine the command hut where Yoda does his thing, that would be cool in lego, but seeing as Tarful and Gree are in the At-Tp I can't see it appearing
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yes Oky!! That is the one I knew I saw it, I hadn't thought of Aayla but now you say they would go quite well, I wonder where else they would work...
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I think I saw them on Bricklink or maybe Flickr I thought it was legends of chima but I've looked again and it's none of those
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I swear I didn't dream it but I've seen some new figs coming out soon (can't remember which theme) but I looked at them and saw that they would be perfect to replace Watto's hands as the colour is almost spot on, can anyone help with which figures I may have seen?
Future Star Wars Minifigs
I think after seeing the cuusoo sandcrawler gain the required votes TLG will have one of their own in the works and what's a sandcrawler without Jawas. It's a classic look but I'd like to see a Jawa without the cape and maybe some leg printing (can they print the smaller legs??).
Lego needs to not focus on the minifigures!
I wouldn't still be buying the sets if the focus wasn't so much on which figures come with the set, the only vehicle I really love that I have is the new Tie fighter. Everybody is different, some people love only UCS ships and statues, personally I would rather buy a more accurate plastic kit than spend that much money on one Lego set. For me Star Wars is chock full of amazingly designed costumes and creatures most of which translate into awesome figs, the vehicles are all awesome too but the resemblance isn't always perfect for me to keep sets built. EDIT: not a dig at TLG as there's only so much detail that can be accomplished with our beloved bricks
Future Star Wars Sets
I'm surprised we've never seen a UCS Boba or Jango those would sell like crazy
Future Star Wars Minifigs
I can't see a main character like Anakin being in a planet set as the only named characters so far are Sebulba and Lobot and they aren't huge characters in comparison. If we see Mustafar I can imagine a reuse of Poggle or if TLG do want to be cheap Nute Gunray again. If its true what people say about the planets struggling to sell I think unique figs would help massively
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
I've always thought a good one to do would be Vader's dislike for people with facial hair, e.g Ben Kenobi, Admiral Ozzel, Count Dooku and the countless beardy rebels, perhaps he would be choking them all?
Future Star Wars Minifigs
I could maybe only see Wat Tambor in a vehicle set, any separatist ship I guess. He wasnt an action character so he'd be a bonus fig. He popped up on Mustafar and I can't see that being revisited unless we get it as a planet set. Would make a cool fig though would have to have a slope like Nute Gunray I'd take a guess and say Ki adi mundi will be in the next wave as there is ready a headpiece for him, eventually I imagine all the Jedi will get updates as long as there is an existing part significant to them.
Future Star Wars Sets
Yeah the Droid Escape sandtroopers but one with a black pauldron as that's a colour we're missing. Once a set is retired, like the Sandcrawler is there any reason for TLG not to redesign a figure, Owen Lars and the Jawas for example?
Future Star Wars Sets
From a kids perspective and a selling perspective there's plenty action to justify a cantina set, focus points can be the Ponda Baba arm chop and the Greedo confrontation throw in Hammerhead for the AFOLs, other than those I can't see many aliens being in the set without it being ewok village sized
Future Star Wars Sets
Assuming 8092 is no longer on shelves I'd like to see a remake, there are new parts for luke and Ben Kenobi is due some attention. But I'd like to see the set solely so that they can try and introduce a few new characters that don't fit anywhere else. Garindan has no business showing in any other set so it would be awesome to see him and perhaps we could see a new style sandtrooper with a black pauldron, a Jawa would definitely hike the demand for the set! EDIT: I've just realised Womp rats would fit perfectly!!! Don't they appear in the video game?
Future Star Wars Sets
Does anyone feel a new Vader is due I would be disappointed if they changed the printing, the current one is spot on, all I think he needs is a Grima Wormtongue style face but on grey with maybe an expression to capture the unmasking from episode VI
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