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Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by Kwatchi

  1. Nice lighting in the picture.
  2. Mostly stock market tips.
  3. I like where this is going. BoBS needs more evil whimsical voodoo.
  4. Some neat story ideas, but I’m partial to the simple solution to end the conflict: 1. Volcanoes. Volcanoes for everyone! 2. Everyone on the island gets bbq’ed a bit and leaves cranky. 3. Somewhere in hell, Meloche laughs hysterically. Bonus: Prio/Romantica also get volcanoes until they decide on a single name. Uppity purple gits… Ok. I’ll go back to lurking again. 🙃
  5. Yep. From my discussions with @SkaForHire, Era 1 Sea Rats were just to be a catch-all for different play styles: pirates, small nations, independent traders, indigenous tribes, etc.. That ran afoul of Era 2 MRCA "targeting" mechanics though, so the Black Flagged system was created to patch over the problem. HOT TAKE: I have argued in the past that the Sea Rats as a faction are really no longer necessary (shocking, I know). But being Black Flagged in the main three factions covers that pirate play style and I don't believe anyone is gaming as an NPC nation (I was leaning to do Mardier but no free time) or anything beyond the normal. Ok, @Professor Thaum is not exactly normal. In fact, the present Sea Rat "no ship upkeep" special rule swung things a bit too far for me; where I used to desperately scrounge up coin for operating costs by building land properties/story builds, I can now just sail 'em and forget. It stopped being a building game and more a simulator. With the remaining player base so spread out, maybe the time has come to consolidate a bit. I can't say it won't sadden me to see the faction retired, but it would be for the betterment of the game's health.
  6. My first reaction was for me to lament my bad luck, then I saw how Nod and especially poor Capt. Wolf made out. Holy poop! The fates were cruel this month. @Capt Wolf Thank you for all your hard work that has made the KPA the highlight of our strange little hobby. You've left some big shoes to fill. With you retiring your pen (erm... keyboard), saying that this is the end of an era is doubly appropriate. Addendum: Did our attempt to return the class 3 Le Petit Bleu to Oleon work? My brother tried to sailing into Pilton in order to return it, but I see he ended up making money rather than losing ownership of the ship. It's a nice bonus mind you.
  7. I applaud this initiative. Era 2 did a great job fleshing out the the initial vision SkaforHire had for a game system. The world building has been extraordinary and the action turn improvements welcome. But that world map(s) is a wee bit bloated and unwieldy, the sheer amount of legacy "generator" properties broke any economy long ago, and the active pop. distribution has become a skewed. Hopefully Era 3 comes with a reset of some kind. May I suggest a massive tsunami caused by an exploding Bruhaha brewery? Looking forward to seeing more information.
  8. Well, I come back from holiday and find this little gem. Nicely written story conclusion and a great MOC scene too. Top notch work. Refresh my memory though: which faction eats horses? I’d like to file that insult for potential future use.
  9. Oof! Twenty-nine ships sunk. Some "old" names too. That is a rough outing. Sad to see the Fluttering Petal sunk. It was my favourite ship build.
  10. Heh! This was a surprise to read this morning. Looks good.
  11. Kwatchi replied to Bodi's post in a topic in Brethren of the Brick Seas
    I rather like this build. Nice work.
  12. ROFL That coin was an inspired bit. Our deal is complete. I hope you don't mind me re-using this:
  13. It's a gorgeous build. The snow seems a bit odd for a pseudo-carribean locale (BoBS climate change?), but I can appreciate it nonetheless.
  14. Those are some nasty looking troops.
  15. This is great. The tree costumes had me laughing.
  16. That's a lovely, well sculpted building. Good job!
  17. (C'mon snipers! Where are you?) Oh, and a great build as well. The terraced staircase is gorgeous.
  18. The arbor concept made for a lovely exposition scene. Great idea!
  19. Sorry. I was trying to be half funny and it fell flat. I'll edit it to be a bit lighter in tone.
  20. Some clever bits in this MOC. Nice job!
  21. This. Some of these are still active. A nice harbour defence gunboat MOC is great. A "masse" of modded rowboats sailing between colonies on the other hand...
  22. I do miss the Letter of Marque shenanigans of Era 1 a bit. That was a wild time. Poor Legostone... I still feel a bit guilty for turning on him.* There is a bit of a hiccup rule wise atm that impedes us helping because... we have split personalities. To explain: All my income generating and land-based stuff is "legal Sea Rat" and thus pseudo-protected from being targeted by anything but NPCs. All my warship fleet is "Pirate" and everyone is gunning for me in the MRCA (or running I suppose). Yes, I could raise some troops and use mercantile boats as transport to enter the combat zone but my escorting warships would be black-flagged and so i) sailing with a BFlag turns you into one (not great for a merchant) and ii) I'd show up in the same zone and just be jumped by every non-Oleon warfleet before I did anything. The trade-off to dabbling in piracy means you split your fleet and militia, and they can't support each other. A weird side effect of that is that some of us become very fleet oriented. So I put this to you @Jeff of Clubs: let's assume you get both the COR and ESL to agree to stop targeting BFlag SR and half the Sea Rats join up. How would you address the other half who keep to their buccaneering ways? A bit of a fox in the hen house scenario there. I can only speak for myself, but I am happy sitting this one out. I had my bit of fun during the Terra Versa war doing misdeeds for someone who will remain nameless, but the 3 factions united so quickly in this Loti war that is was essentially over before it started. I can still enjoy the builds from the sidelines regardless. ==/==/== Now, if faction leaders wish to bribe a certain Pirate Commodore not attack their juicy, wallowing, trade convoys, I'd be open to hearing what they have to pay say. *No I don't
  23. sigh. I had hoped we had moved beyond the 'dinghies of doom'.
  24. @Garmadon An attack on a two fort guarded Mooreton Bay (that took some cojones), followed up by a fine prize and ridding the seas of a couple of those annoying Corrie war dinghies?
  25. I have to admit I wasn't so sure at the first build (way too nice looking for us bums), but the guillo-multi-tine was great and court scene is absolute perfection.
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