Everything posted by Kwatchi
Lurker's Bay
What? None of us do that. Late to the reply (yes, I also thought this was a new colony post @Ross Fisher), but I have a few old fart's bits of advice. 1) Build a small house. Seems a bit silly but if you are thinking of jumping into the pirate era you might as well see if you like building in the style. A residence is pretty much faction agnostic, so no loss of time. Gives you an excuse to do some internet snooping of caribbean architecture. Roofing is going to be your most likely hurdle going forward, so it is good figure out how you will address it early. 2) Accept the fact your first attempt at a ship may be <expletive>. Hulls require some very specific bricks which you may not have in your collection. Sails and rigging require at least 50% of the effort to do right and it does not come easily. Case in point: My first ship build stretched my collection to its limit at the time (classic space and castle bricks were not helpful) and came out "blech". It apparently had handkerchiefs for sails, no tumbledown to speak of, and made the cardinal sin of using black for the hull (which is awful for showing detail in pictures). But you can read down that thread and you'll see the support I got in the comments - this community is very supportive and will try to help you improve. A lot of us actually just have small collections in a plastic tub, so don't feel you need to invest into a dedicated Lego room in order to play in this world. 3) The tMRCA was/is the heart of BoBS in my opinion. Having your creation actually accomplish something in a 8 year old persistent game world is a strangely rewarding feeling. It does have some draw backs though (e.g. like your new ship sinking on its first cruise. Happened to my brother twice). The game system rewards "big" builds and churning out as much as possible. This tends to skew your thinking towards needing to go quick and big to "compete", and that is when you bricks run out and you start making sacrifices of quality. I fell into that mistake at one point and regretted it later. So this will make me a hypocrite to state this, but build smaller and worry about the game stats afterwards. Or even better, grab a piece of paper and write out a story outline and treat your MOCs like movie sets for each scene rather than game pieces. A big, historically accurate mcguffin is great ofc, but a great tale is far more memorable. My 2 ill gotten coin
[GOC] ETTC Warehouse, Stormhaven
I've always loved the idea of Stormhaven being a community located in a marsh (a pity @Mike S moved on from BoBS, as he had a great vision for it). It's the only COR settlement I ever built in for that reason. @LM71Blackbird's MOC does the locale justice though. What a fun little build. Congrats!
[OL - FB - Prospecting] Comb the Desert!
I look forward to the related mine MOC. “Commence operation... “Vacu-Suck”!”
[COR-FB] Primary School, Queenston
A great start! At this point, I guess we can say that COR as a faction has a distinct architectural style.
[OL - FB] LBSF Quartermaster Farm
LOL That is dedication. I bought the new castle last week, so I'm waiting for what I will from now on refer to as my 'Pity-Blacktron' to arrive. (PS: So many sheep... my deep seated envy hates you)
[OL - Nola Mar - FB] Claude's Shipbreakers
A great concept for a MOC and very nice execution. Great job! Q: What is the TMNT shell representing? I can't figure it out.
- [SR - FB] The El Barro Fortress
- [OL-FB] Conquer the hearts, win the war
[COR - FB] ETTCS Earl of Abergavany
[OL - FB] LBSF Stopover Inn North Sillitholina
Lovely build
[SR-FB] 103 guns Galleon, Soberano De Los Mares
Whoa Nelly! That is a lovely ship that is going to ruin someone's day/MRCA. Hopefully not mine.
[OL - FB] LBSF Windmill Ft. Arltrees
This is war profiteering, I say! A lovely MOC too.
José's Inn - Ye Olde BoBS Drinking Hole
I have no idea why, but I found this hysterical this morning. Congrats on the Fort scene. The recognition is well deserved.
[SR- FB] FTA Office, Bastion
That's a beauty micro scale building Nod. Well crafted! Glad to see the FTA is still going strong as well.
- The Buccaneer's Dread
[GoC] Arlinsport Factory
A very lovely scene (which the background sets off nicely) and a great photo. I keep coming back to the brick work - i appreciate the effort you put in and it pays off..
[GoC] Spudkirk Library
That is a lovely scene/build. Nice work.
[MOC] White Eagle Knights
Anyone know if this torso has a code assigned to it?
"The secret of the lake" Episode 7 ~ Torture on Tortuga
I'm late to the party, but congratulations on a great build!
Sea Rats: Sign-up and Discussion, ERA II
- [ESL-FB] Prospecting the rocks around Damaborg
- [SR-FB] Charlatan Bay Publishing
Sea Rats: Sign-up and Discussion, ERA II
- The Return of the ... (Chapter 2)
I have a bad feeling about this.- [SR - MRCA result] Beached
Great story and presentation Professor - The Return of the ... (Chapter 2)
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