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Everything posted by Kwatchi

  1. We already did previously. From Charlatan Bay description: Ok. Nothing on poisonous plants in there, so that would raise the bar.
  2. Look. Whatever fetishes you get up to in your bedroom is your right, but there is no need to share with us. ?
  3. list continued: - He replaced the toilet roll but hung it the wrong way. - He kicked a puppy once by accident and didn’t say sorry in a baby voice tone. - He makes a weird noise when he chews his breakfast cereal. ... So we beat ‘im up.
  4. Grabs some popcorn and starts to settle in for the show.
  5. Obviously a very boring, low activity MRCA then.
  6. Ah. Someone mentioned this to me yesterday (as I was frantically building this one) but it did not get through my thick skull that it was a hideout. I mistook it for a colony. Regardless, BB is in the wrong spot.
  7. Registering Archer's Bight on July 28. 620. As there no active Sea Rat hideouts, I propose that this will count as one.
  8. The Yellow Skull Fleet was notorious for always being on the move. But even so, replenishing stores and replacing crew requires putting into port, even when no friendly harbour was to be found. In those cases, the fleet command relied on a system of bolt holes found across the archipelagoes. One such hideout was found along Archer's Bight, on the western shore of the Island of <censored>. A series of sea caves was used as a cache and rest stop. The elusive spot proved quite useful, except when food stuffs were spilled. That tended to attract ants. ===/===/=== This represents a secret hideout I will be licensing on behalf of the Sea Rats (black flag version).
  9. July 620: Island of the Amazons It has been years since the death of Emil Meloche. That one shame of mine. I, sworn to protect him, had failed. My honour was stained the red of blood that fateful day. But now there were rumours on the wind. Pawns were being shifted and there was movement in the shadows. A note had arrived offering a chance of redemption - the Lord of Whispers was calling me back. I no longer find peace here amongst my sisters. I must prepare to return to the seas. My ship is nearly rebuilt - soon it will be time to rejoin the long war. xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx So to my very pleasant surprise, my brother @Gulagurag has come out of retirement and decided to build with me again this month. He of course has forgotten his EB password, etc. (though he never really liked the whole publishing process anyway). Sorry @Ayrlego; I am guessing this is about to complicate your life. This build serves as both his re-introduction to BoBS and a sistership MOC for the Dreamchaser class 7.
  10. Don’t think the wrought iron balcony rail made out of the wand sprue works, but every thing else is gorgeous.
  11. July 27, 620: Chateau D'Ouennes, Acropolis, Island of Pharos Mr. Robin Lloyd, formerly of Charlatan Bay I presume? This is a rescue. Please do not resist. The Lord of Whispers is most interested in meeting with you. He is quite earnest in fact, and sent his newly rebuilt flag ship to speed you back to him. Now if you would collect your meager belongings and follow me, we can avoid any more... unpleasantness. ===/===/=== This is will serve (very obliquely) as the sister-ship MOC for the Hand Fate II - class 8. @Ross Fisher I took Robin back. Thanks for watching him for me.
  12. July 26, 620: Admiralty House, Calisto, Kings Island Admiral! Sigh. What is so important Lieutenant... erm... Fernandez (was it?). You are interrupting my enjoyment of an afternoon's glass of port before my whist game at the officer's mess. I did say I was not to be disturbed, did I not sir? Yes Admiral DiCosta, but we have just received a report regarding pirate activity. The captain of a fishing trawler claims to have seen the sloop Marvel off the coast. Poppy cock! The Marvel was sunk back in December 618, and no one has seen it since. In fact no one has even seen the Yellow Skull fleet in some time. I'm sure they have come to a bad end and saved us the trouble of dealing with them, regardless of what that troublemaker Cadiz has been blathering about. But Admiral, the captain was quite adamant that her lines looked sim... Fine! On what bearing did the fishwife say it was sailing? Eastward sir. There, you see? Even it is true, it is sailing into that Lotus - Carno - Corrington fracas and beyond our reach. So relax Lieutenant; I'm quite sure Mardier has nothing to worry about. ===/===/=== This will serve as the sister-shipping MOC for the Marvel class 5 sloop.
  13. Some great foliage work. Only thing I’d say is that from a visual standpoint it might have benefitted from some olive green thrown in there to break things up a bit.
  14. Lovely. Glad to see that the company is still going strong.
  15. I watched this latest game from the sidelines, having played the abortive Pirates II. I hadn't planned to comment until read the Deadboard and this statement: Not sure, but you may be recalling what I said back in during the previous game I played to Bob's Pirates duology. First off, take this as constructive criticism not a personal attack. I'll couch things as nicely as I can. Bob had me slated to play Michael Lavoie (town watcher) in this game, even though I had not signed up. He assumed I would flow from Pirates II to III. When I was contacted to take on the role I lied; I told him I was too busy with work commitments. (Sorry Bob - I didn't want to hurt your feelings or start you on a negative foot) The truth however was that Pirates II showed me that the same issues still exist in the EB mafia community as when I had last played a year previous and they generate a negative play experience for players "outside the veteran circle". Keep in mind I won in Pirates II (in fact I have never lost a mafia game yet on EB), so this is not sour grapes fueled. Best way I can put it is this: Why when we are all supposed to hide our identities did certain vet players make no effort at all in concealing themselves? Twice. This is not like Tariq and his account mix-up accidents, but deliberately ignoring the whole premise of anonymous games. Heck, one player proceeded to alpha dog both games and survived to the finish both times - did everyone knowing from day 1 who they were factor in do them lasting where most others would have been lynched? I'd say yes, but that is my opinion. Unfortunately my opinion is the crux of the negative play experience. For new players, it looks like a clique. Some of you believe this is simply new players being out of their depths and that they should go through "Mafia school" before they can play with you (Which is a pretty insulting thing to say if you sit back and think about it. This game is not rocket science. You could write the rules on the back of a napkin. Funnily enough, the last mafia school run here voted out the only 'new' player on day 1 iirc). I can guarantee that you will not retain everyone anyway, so you can't worry about those who leave in a huff. I am also not suggesting you penalize people for not being sneaky enough, but if you approach this with the dismissive attitude I saw on the Deadboard rather than with a bit of introspection on how to make your community more welcome and fair to all, you will always be struggling to make up 16. I'll probably see you in-game in a year or so when I hope things are improved.
  16. I noticed that straight away. It was a fun thing to add.
  17. @Capt Wolf What is the skill set/language needed to run the spreadsheet?
  18. Apparently our fears had been misplaced. The infiltration of pirate scum had been no threat to the fort at all and easily fended off, like a bear swatting a butterfly. With a smile of satisfied relief, I quietly turned and left - once again returning to the shadows from whence I came. Fate only knew if or when I’d resurface again. (PS Thanks for the game Bob. I look forward to seeing action board for the sake of my curiosity.) (PPS Vote: Ethan Dunn)
  19. My apologies to Blackbird but I’m going to pile in here. We’re still a building game right? I would say this should be the driver for decisions. My view is sistershipping is a ‘cheap’ rule to begin with, hence I haven’t used it since the era 2 start. And I am not a fan of multi-builds either; it led to those ridiculous row boat fleets for example. One MOC should equal one ‘game move’, otherwise we’re just hosting a board game here. Ofc the court already knows my position from my private letter I sent a few months back, and obviously disagrees with my opinion.
  20. I love how the Mardier storyline keeps popping back up. Nice work!
  21. The pictures and story give a nice tense claustrophobic feel to me. I really like it.
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