Castle sets 2008/2009
the jester in the advent calender looks awesome i always dreamed of a lego jester after seeinglego 3D
Imperial Colossus-class Heavy Assault and Riot Droid (HARD)
nice use of pieces for the feet *y* everything else is also awesome
Hello to all!
modular houses are cool! welcome JB
hello im from lego town
hi there legotownman
hi im mikey
where abouts in Australia are you from sinner?
What was the last movie you watched?
supervolcano was awesome! My last movie was Alien v predator requiem
What's in a name ???
my name is mikey and i hate pickles though but people call me pickles for some reason
What are you listening to?
Harder then you think - Public Enemy
hi im mikey
I live in Melbourne and i like skating. I'm really eager to show you but i dont own a camera :-( but my avater is a filmer filming a line with a vx camera and fish eye lens I also liked castle, town and pirates
What are your projects ??
I'm working on a little blackspaceship using a strange window piece for the cockpit *sweet*
hi im mikey
I've been prowling the forums for a while and decided to sign up i've been playing with lego since i was 4 and i like the classic space sets.
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