What's your latest acquisition?
The Barrel Escape and a Mirkwood Elf Guard polybag. And some random fleshie heads on BL XD I don't know why but I don't really like the elf heads as much. Decided to customize for my own elf to insert into the story ;D
What's your latest acquisition?
My second Kingdoms Joust set. I'd been eying for a while now and figured I might as well go get it today - what with free holiday set and Black Friday scratch cards and all - and to my pleasant surprise saw it was 20% off. Got it (and an extra creator set just to fill the 100 dollars mark xD) at an additional 10% off too, thanks to the scratch cards. All in all a good day : )
What do you guys do with Crown knights?
In my little backstory the Crownies are a kingdom located in the Northeast corner of the continent, constantly at war to keep the evil forces of undead and monsters contained and from reaching other parts of the continent. They can't really afford to interfere with the matters of other kingdoms. In the meantime, this leaves the Dragon Knights in the Northwest and the Lion Knights in the South to (mostly peacefully) live about their lives, with the occasional minor scuffles between themselves. ....That is, the Lion Kingdom living in happy prosperity while being periodically harassed by the poorer, more rugged Dragon Knights, who have long since decided the pristine bley walls of their neighbors' make excellent testing sites for their newest catapults/weaponry/devices/contraptions. Some of said contraptions may later be sold to the Crownies, who use the new artillery to continue their war against the Undead. It's speculated that the Dragon Knights have really grown fond of the Crownies, ever since the Crownies gifted the the Green Wizard with a little baby dragon they managed to procure somewhere....
What is the appeal of Playmobil?
My guess is that it's sort of like a collectible dollhouse toy? For girls anyway. For boys there are castles and westerns and police themes. I remember getting a couple of "impulse sets" of those when I was small, though I quickly tired of them and moved back to building rainbow-colored forts and houses out of Lego. I'm thinking they're sort of like Lego, without the building aspects of course, and in terms of playability.
What are you listening to?
A multitude of zen-ish music, actually. I'm not a particularly get-in-touch-with-your-inner-beastself kind of person, but they're good for relaxing every now and then. ....and after fighting through a throng of big middle-aged men to buy flowers for my Ma and Gran at Shop Rite today, I most definitely need some rest and relaxation.
Mm... well I am not from Singapore, but as I do have friends in Korea who suffer from the same problem, I think I might have a partial answer. The 7187 Escape from Dragon's Prison, for instance, was only $19.99 at the Lego Store here in the US, but a friend in Korea told me that it was 26,600(ish) Korean Won there, which is the equivalent of abooooouuut.... 25~26 USD, and that's without tax at the cashier's register (as far as I know they don't and never did add taxes in that manner in SK). Now that's not an insane difference to be sure, but I do think they're charging more because they're imported items. That and probably other reasons that I am not as privy to xD Nevertheless, it's good to see you in EB!
Just Another new guy
Welcome to EB Yixin! It's good to see another fellow newbie 8D I enjoy displaying my sets as-is too, though my theme of choice is normally limited to the Castle lines. I'd like to create MOCs too, but for one the general epicness of this community makes me too ashamed of my skills even if I break my sets down I don't think I'll have enough of a group of certain color bricks to get what I desire. I need a little more time to amass my collection once more (I honestly have absolutely NO idea where my childhood Legos all went... they were probably thrown away by me Ma while I was away in university...) Alas, fear not. We geeks shall one day rule this planet. };} I'm Asian too, but as I live in the US - that is, East Coast USA - I have to buy a plane ticket to go to either one of the two Legolands here ;A ; That or suffer one heckuva long road trip.
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
I've been looking at multiple threads of Historica, but one thing remains a bit cloudy to me - was the King assassinated? Or did it stop merely at an unsuccessful attempt on his majesty's life? And in both cases, what has happened to the capital itself - now that the Kingdom's forces are pulling apart into four separate factions? I was searching, but didn't manage to find any clear answers... I apologize if this was already asked.
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
Ah you're right; now that I look again those aren't barding, just fairly long saddle blankets and something of a helmet/face guard. Thanks for pointing it out :) It's true, bardings do tend to look bulky. But on the other hand, the newer, more detailed ones seem to help enhance the overall effect of the mounted knight/king/warrior. A little more grandeur, should I say?
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
Battle for Helm's Deep, definitely. Aside from the fact that that's my favorite battle in all of the movies, the Castle lover in me wants to see a set that is more parts and soldier-centric than story-centric. ...That, and I am really really really REALLY looking forward to how they're going to make the Rohirrim. They're horse people - mounted figures with bardings are a must, no? NO?? ...and then maybe if they're beautiful enough, someone will buy loads of these Rohirrim, and maybe we'll see MOC renditions of that BEAUTIFUL scene with Gandalf and the Eored storming downhill to an even more detailed Helm's Deep and... ...Perhaps I am looking at this way too long term. -slinks back into the shadows-
Hello everyone.
Welcome back to the world of LEGO John; now that it has you in its pretty pronged grasp, it is not liable to let you go I can completely relate with you regarding the changes in LEGO since pre-Dark Age (I think the first thing I noticed when I returned was that the faces has white PUPILS in the eyes. Yes... even the most common smiley ones....). That and soon finding out what you've missed out on during the Dark Age. I wept when I saw what was in the then-just-recently-ended Fantasy Castle line. Wept. Okay so not really.... I was still immensely disappointed though. Not sure if you already found out about it yet, but on the off chance you haven't, you might be able to still nab stuff you missed but want on BrickLink. Sometimes it proves to be just a little cheaper than raiding the store.... but only sometimes
Hello All!
Indeed I was looking at that community today - at least until I was called to make a round trip to Boston Market for dinner ;D At first I was trying to understand the rules of the guild, but then I got sidetracked with oohing and aahing over all the MOCs made for Historica. And I haven't even managed to sift through half... I took a glance at that too! Admittedly it looks a bit more complex... not sure exactly what the rules are with the points and stats. RPing I'm familiar with though, since it's what I'm usually doing when online.... So this, too, I must dig deeper into >:3 Thanks for the warm welcome guys xD
LOTR Project: The Fellowship of the Ring
I was trying to pick out a favorite of the three sets so far... except I can't. I would definitely buy all of them though. Count me charmed. I think the Nazgul takes the cake though for the minifigs. Now I look forward to a rendition of the fellbeasts....
Hello All!
So I think this is where we put our little introductions? If so, here goes... I'm in my mid-20s, and while collecting small Lego minifigs every now and then for fun, I officially came out of my Dark Ages a month after graduating from college. Sadly that was also when Fantasy Castle had JUST ended, and Kingdoms was beginning... I've been eying this forum for a couple years now, but registered only today. I am a Castle fanatic, and as such have been slowly expanding my collection with Kingdoms sets, while attempting to amass a few Lego armies. It's a slowgoing (and many times horrifically expensive) process that's nomming away at my wallet. ...I regret nothing. >:D
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