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Everything posted by Etzel

  1. Maurice repeats his attack. (Haroka from the front row)
  2. "Hey, take it easy! I'm on it." Maurice changes his action to attacking Haroka from the front row.
  3. Maurice attacks Wither from the front row, hoping that a stun from his Manta Staff would prevent the free and automatic cursed hit from the inquisitor.
  4. "I'm surprised you even want to fight, General. With your tower down and with nothing left but a few servants you must know that you are already beaten. Lay down your weapons and let justice be brought upon you." Maurice doesn't really believe his words will be listened to, so he prepares himself for the battle to come. Hopefully his angel will continue to stick around.
  5. "Hopefully that creature will go back to the depths of the ocean, never to be summoned again. A horrible beast it was, but sometimes we need to use the evil things in the world to do good. Let wolf slay wolf and the lamb will be spared." Maurice drinks his last Nostrum and prepares to venture into the ruins of the tower.
  6. "Go on Guts, it seems to follow your command. Tell it to crush the tower."
  7. Maurice lets a sigh out when Sorona finally is beaten down by his staff. The battle had been a long one but thankfully his angel had done a great job protecting him and his allies. "I'll heal Hlin and then drink a Grand Tonic. Do not focus too much on the that black dust our enemy became, she is finished and we have our main objective still to fulfill."
  8. "I'll be happy to heal you or Mizuki, Sorrow. But as long as you are doing fine in health I'm going to keep attacking the last standing enemy, from the front row." But he was fighting from the back row so it got equalized.
  9. "Sounds like a plan as good as any. I'll heal any wounded party member if they get damaged, otherwise I attack Sorona from the back row."
  10. "I rather attack Sorona, from the back row. I feel lucky enough to actually do some real damage to her, or summon my angel, and Nerwen can hold back the priestess on her own."
  11. Maurice has Meditate instead of Miss, so +1 ether please. "I'll attempt to heal adept Gilda from the back row."
  12. Maurice attacks Sorona from the front row.
  13. Maurice heals the adept Gilda from the back row.
  14. Maurice attempts to heal the new adept Fargessa from the back row,
  15. Maurice attempts to heal the Priestess from the back row.
  16. "As you wish, I'll change my action to attack Sorona then. From the front row."
  17. "You won't be able to damage her with that ice-elemental weapon you got, better chose another target."
  18. Maurice heals Nerwen from the back row.
  19. "I guess it doesn't really care about who it protects. I've not quite understood its actions and decision yet. Just let it be and focus on the battle." Maurice attempts to heal Adept Eyrev from the back row.
  20. "Thanks for the nostrum, I'll use it at once. Hopefully that will help my guardian angel to appear more often."
  21. "Three rogue heroes and none of you can pick a lock? I don't think carrying around the chest is a good idea, we need everyone to be on top of their strength and speed if we are to face the Sisterhood, Haroka and his Inquisitors. Let's open it now with force."
  22. Too bad none of the weapons are suitable for Nerwen. Clerics can only use blunt weapons.
  23. "So, we have 3 spears, 2 halberds, 2 swords, an axe and a trident, right? Plus two helmets. I would recommend Nagure and Mizuki to take to helmets, they will offer at least some protection. I can take a sword, it might be useful later on. Hlin, you can borrow my other helmet."
  24. Maurice equips the Helm of Haroka (instead of the old helmet), feeling stronger at once. "Does anyone want my old helmet? It's not the best, but better than nothing."
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