Everything posted by Etzel
Heroica RPG - Quest #82: Stop the Presses
"Hrm, I've never quite understood the purpose of machines. What's wrong with people doing the work? Hard labour is what built this city and all of Olegia. I don't trust these techy things, and that black image painting machine does reassemble a cannon too much for my liking, are you sure it won't explode, Professor U'Reeka?"
Heroica RPG - Quest #82: Stop the Presses
"Hold it right there! You are going to attack the Guild? I thought you were only going to do an interview and report about the unveiling. I can't be defending this young gnome if he is going to shoot at innocent people, that is not what I signed up for. And what is really this strange mechanical thing you want me to carry. It seems to do nothing but slow me down."
Heroica RPG - Quest #82: Stop the Presses
Maurice noticed that the fast talking Rockling and the over-dressed orc seemed to have some sort of disagreement going on between them, but he decided to not pry further into details that were none of his business. Instead he focused on the mission ahead, the protection of the news team. "Greetings, my name is Maurice Ratibor of the Paladin Order. I've understood that we will be responsible for your safety today, but there are some questions that might be good for us to get answers to before we set out. How many of you are coming with us and will you, if you are several, stay together of split up? Where is this unveiling taking place? The guilds headquarters?" Maurice hoped that his comrades in the party would prove worthy, but he hadn't forgot the imp's treachery last time they quested together. Hopefully it would stay loyal to its employer this time.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I don't think I've brought that topic up in my Paladin quests but believing that certain righteous and honourable people could earn the privilege of becoming angels after their death is something that would fit well.
- Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Final Day
- LEGO Castle 2013
Heroica RPG 2nd Anniversary Building Contest Winners!
Thanks for the congratulations everyone! I'm really happy to be able to get the second place in such hard competition. Big congrats to Fianat for a very worthy first place, that temple is really something and I'll be sure to keep the design and architecture in mind if I'll try building some other Ennon-before-its-fall style buildings. I added some more pictures of my shrine to my Flickr photostream if you want to take some closer looks: Thanks to Dragonator, Sandy and everyone else that made the contest, it was great fun!
Heroica RPG - Marketplace
Maurice went to the Marketplace to get rid of some extra weight in his inventory, and maybe some of the gold in his pouch as well. First he went to Anwyl and sold his Mace (WP:5) and Longsword (WP:5) for 25 gold each. 355 gold +50 gold = 405 gold. Then he upgraded his Shield (SP:5) to SP:9 for a total of 300 gold. 405 gold - (60+70+80+90 = 300 gold) = 105 gold. Next up he visited Fabian's Fantabulous Fashion and imbued his Scroll of Sleep into his White Cloak for 50 gold. 105 gold - 50 gold = 55 gold. He then asked Fabian if he would be willing to buy the Mystic Veil (+1 max health, +2 Ether, headwear, suitable for Ether users) for 60 gold. While waiting for Fabian to answer Maurice also sold his Helmet (+1 max. health) for the already established price of 10 gold. 55 gold + 10 gold = 65 gold Maurice Ratibor (Etzel) 52 years old male human Paladin Level 22 *Immune to Stun, Asleep and Light* Power: 35 ( 22 + 12 + 1) Defense: 13 ( 9 + 4) Health: 46/46 ( 9 + 21 + 11 + 5) Ether: 29/29 ( 5 + 21 + 1 + 2) Gold: 65 Equipment: Manta Tail Staff (WP:12+50% Stun chance), Paladin Shield (SP:9), Helm of Haroka (+2 health, +1 Power, Immunity to Stun effect, headwear) , White Cloak (Max. Health +3, Immunity to Asleep effect, backwear), Paladin's Armour (SP:4, Max. Ether +2, Immunity to Light, bodywear) Inventory: Glass Greatsword (WP:12, hollow blade; greatsword), Emerald Staff (WP:10 wood-elemental), Diamond, 3 Potions, Tonic, 3 Ether Cores, Phoenix Essence, 3 Nostrums, 2 Venom, Elixir, Floral Bomb, Water Bomb, 4 Fire Bombs, Torch, Bone, Plume, Rito Feather (consumable, grants the hastened- and blessed-effects upon use for one battle) Pending: Mystic Veil (+1 max health, +2 Ether, headwear, suitable for Ether users)
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
"Indeed, too long have I sat here. Time to do some work. I don't believe I've had the pleasure to meet this Tarn you speak of, but there are so many heroes running around at this place so I might just have forgot him."
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
"I'd like to think we saved a few people from being made to slaves under Haroka and Sorona at least. Those people are hopefully living a better life now, whether it's in a new Miranda or somewhere else."
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Maurice looked down and saw some weird short grown creature. "If you say so. I'm more used to saving countries and curing dragons myself, but I guess a simple guard job will do for now."
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Maurice had waited some time now for a suitable quest to appear on the board and the second one that was posted this week got his attention. He decided to sign up for Quest #82: Stop the Presses.
Heroica RPG 2nd Anniversary Building Contest - Voting
Dastan Empire Dragon Tomb by Kumpelkante Temple of Ennoc by Fianat
Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis: Discussion
Thanks, that means I did something right at least!
Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis: Discussion
Thanks for having me in this mafia quest game, Sandy! I had much more fun than I've ever had in a mafia game before. Go dark angels of Nephilim!
- Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
- Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
Heroica RPG 2nd Anniversary Building Contest - Rules and Discussion
I love the new entries that's been posted lately. Great work everyone! Do I spot a micro version of my entry in yours Emma? That's awesome!
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I'm working on a quest as well. Paladin Order focus with Hinckwells reputation for maybe 4 heroes that are okay with few battles and more interacting with NPCs. It will take a while before it's ready to launch though, ETA late September/early October.
Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
"Well, me would be happy to help but me thinks bomb man Theodore or pig man Swinehurst should hold of their attacks if my attack should do any good. They can always attack again later after me have made my attack if they are so damned sure me is part of Nephilim. Me would very much prefer not though."
- Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
"So me is not only hero to take the route of action. Why my action should be shunned and rewarded with death while dwarf's action is not is however something me would like explanation to, especially since dwarf's attack was done in secretat night and my was out in open day light for everyone to see. And don't come saying Eris was acting more scummy than Kob because that is just plain elephant dung." "Me gave Kob's Ruby to Piro last night, we have already explained this earlier in day."
Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
"Sure, it looks me will be joining my forefathers hunting grounds at the endless savanna soon anyway. It is my pleasure to give Octopus girl Kharybdis some clearer water to swim in. Me quite surprised how some heroes can get things so wrong. They got one idea in their minds and then nothing can stop them from going all the way with it, no matter what arguments are brought up.
- Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
Heroica RPG - Cruel Angel's Thesis ~ Day Two
"You need to refresh your mind of what me said yesterday. Kob was suspicious since he constantly pressed Luridan but as soon as action was taken he stepped down and did nothing. Plus he avoided questions and spent first half of day saying nothing but nonsense. He's rejection of the magnifying glass idea also seemed scummy to us since it was the best idea we had so far. Piro and Fleyra didn't need to attack Kob since me and third friend could take him out ourselves. Piro and Fleyra were very supportive in private talk about the plan and if you think their statements in public were different, well that's something for them and you to discuss. Me suggest octopus girl puts her face out of scummy pond water and take a clearer look at situation."
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